Gran Turismo v. Forza

Car game vs another car game.


Gran Turismo: on consoles people actually own
Forza: custom waifu livery

I like both, but since I can download waifu decals for my cars on Forza I tend to play that one more.

Forza is more fun

I've never played Forza, but I lost all interest in GT after playing GT4.

No games vs 100GB install size

Forza does tire pressure modelling. Gran Turismo 5 didn't. I don't know if 6 did it since I never played it. Gran Turismo has a lot more cars, but also does the shitty, black silhouette interiors for standard cars, which kind of sucks when you play in cockpit view. Forza is miles ahead on visual customizations.

I like both series.

they have to shill every cars that even remotely sporty

Was just about to post - last good GT was GT4. Really miss GT, and wish there was a good GT game for this gen.

Forza was good with 2, great at 4, shit at 5, and ok with 6.

Forza is for plebs who don't really like cars, the physics are immensely inferior to GT's

no drift no deal

Wrong. As user above said, GT doesn't even model tire pressure.

And both are inferior to Asseto Corsa as far as physics go.

None of them have a driveable Twingo, thus are shit.

GT:Sport is out in October. From what I played in the beta it's a hell of a lot better than 5 and 6.
Sound design is miles ahead of GT has ever been before.
The one thing I hated the most about 6 was the removal of endurance races. I know I'm one of the 1% of players who actually does them let alone enjoys them. Hopefully Sport will do Le Mans, Spa 24hr, or Burgering 24hr.

This is exactly how I feel. I used to love GT when it was pushing things forward, but after 4 the whole series has felt kind of irrelevant. Forza isn't perfect either, but at its best (4 or 6) it is miles above anything that GT has been during the last decade.

GT hasn't had a game since 2013 so it's not fair to compare right now. Not that it ever as.
Forza absolutely smashes GT. We'll see when Sport and Motorsport 7 come out.

>not that it ever was

Scuse me, but Gran Turismo 4 and the first Forza are very comparable, and while I enjoy both, I'd say GT4 actually won that battle.

Forza 2/3 really upped the ante though and GT5 was ass.

Never played the first Forza 2bh

merci twingo!

Forza horizon 3 is the best open world racing game out there. gran turismo team hasn't put out a decent game in years wait and see I guess.

GT2 > GT3 > Forza 6 > GT4 > Forza 4 > Forza 3 > GT1 > GT6 > Forza 2 > Forza 5 > Forza 1 > GT5

The last good Gran Turismo game was 4. Forza is the better game right now. I also think GT Sport is going to be garbage.

If we're including the horizon games then Forza by far.

Forza has a couple Clios though, always a laugh actually placing well in one of those, it's an embarrassment to everyone behind you.

GT2 > GT3 > Horizon 3 > Forza 6 > Horizon 1 > GT4 > Forza 4 > Forza 3 > GT1 > GT6 > Forza 2 >Horizon 2 > Forza 5 > Forza 1 > GT5

gt used to be the flagship tittle, but shit didnt change since gt2, im not really sure what pony is thinking right now
i played the 360 forzas and they are superb games
theres no really much to say about them

You do know that the Clio V6 exists and is a fucking beast on the streets?

>best career mode in any racing game ever
>great selection of tracks and cars
>went to shit after 4
>is on PlayStation
>had the guy from Top Gear do voice overs
>went a bit shit with 5 but was good again with 6
>great engine sounds
>pretty unimaginative career mode
>is on Xbox

A GT made with the Forza engine would be the ultimate simcade.

>>best career mode in any racing game ever
sorry sweety but thats grid
people complain about noways kusoges and mobile games but we were ltierally grinding like phonetrash players when we played gt

Real life is a different story than videogames, that car is a C class minimum in Forza and taking advantage of all the upgrades puts it up into B class which is where you start seeing shit like the Honda NSX, some modern Ferraris, and Corvettes.

GT was amazing when it was like a car collecting RPG with ranking up you licenses and earning your way from the bottom tier station wagon races up to the super cars. Once they started going away from that the series started going downhill. Sport looks like it'll be the nadir.

>can love bloom on a racetrack.jpg

Is the traditional career mode back in GT:Sport? Game can fuck itself if it isn't.