>where do I download?

get firmware from:

>where do I get games?
idk but here is DS and Catherine



>how do I config?
Add this to the file config.yml
DS: pastebin.com/KbPQkKer
Catherine: pastebin.com/iwA3cnTC

>b-but muh 2000$ PC
my specs(>1k$):

Operating System
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i5 6600 @ 3.30GHz
Skylake 14nm Technology
16.0GB Dual-Channel Unknown @ 1063MHz (14-14-14-35)
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (ASUStek Computer Inc)

Other urls found in this thread:




Persona 5 and MGS4 would be the only interesting games for me.
Demon Souls isn't really interesting after playing DaS 1-3 imo.
On which games are you guys waiting for?

MGS4 and Ni No Kuni.
My PS3 Slim still works fine, but I wanna play these games at 4k, and who knows, maybe with a stable FPS on MGS4, because the on console sometimes the framerate drops really low.

>where do I get games?

I just google them

It's amazing to see, but my i5 3570k is not mighty enough for this.

I hope that some optimizations can make it playable, but I'm not expecting miracles for quite a while.

One question, the games I bought on PSN and are on my PS3's HDD, can I copy them to my PC HDD and emulate them?
I don't even know in which format they are stored on the PS3.

Short answer: no
Log answer: yeah probably but you had to have had hacked firmware to get it. Just download from psndl or something to get them.


Is pic related completely playable yet?

Got a i7-6700k

Alright thanks

Please do not bully the aho loli.

Can I play SRW on this?

Warhawk with online capability when? Or even the original MGO?

dont bother..guys, this is still REALLY early on, why not just play something else while you wait for this to mature a bit? Are you really that desperate and out of games? Why compromise on some amazing experiences?
E.g. I tried Catherine, but the audio goes out of sync in cutscenes, crackling audio, etc. Just get the free trial of PS Now and play it there (like I did), or... wait.
I really can't wait to see how far along this comes by the end of the year, though.
(For reference, I have a [email protected], 1080ti)



it's playable from start to finish, but it's slow

This is rpcs3s breath of the wild, they'll give us something but not the perfect experience for a while.
Just give it a month or 2.
If you are that desperate you can play version.

>You purchased a $300 CPU to lie to yourself

Yes, that is what I have along with a 1070. I just beat Madarame's palace. Lowest fps I get is 11 - 15, and that's only in certain area's, otherwise around 20 - 30.

Post them in the emulation general dumbass, why toddlers and pcfags try to shitpost here?

Anyone know how Deadly Premonition runs?

Thanks, all I'd play on this is Demon Souls anyways

>emulation general
You might as well be posting on reddit

How is talking about videogames shitposting? Or would you prefer another thinly veiled waifu fap thread?

You could go into any thread talking about a video game and tell them to go to the respective general

any link to dragon's crown?
i wonder how you'd get the updates

Haha sonybros, enjoy your:
- Increased PS Plus subscription fee/no free online multiplayer
- Shitty controller battery life
- Locked framerates
- No mods
- Being forced to buy full priced remastered PS3 games instead of having backwards compatibility

>Y-yeah b-but we have games!

The worthwhile ones are or will be on PC in superior form:
e.g. Danganronpa V3

Or through emulation:
e.g. Persona 5

theres a fucking PC port dude

One of the worst PC ports ever made, yeah.

Show me a general about the wiiu emulator,ps1,ps2 emulator and the 3ds one like this one trio of retards

works fine on my machine
It's really a shame.

It got patched and is fine.

Could you retarded children take your childish shit elsewhere? We're trying to have a thread on emulation here.


>On which games are you guys waiting for?
Waiting for Drakengard 3 and Nier to play before I play Nier Automata

Can my i3 6100 3.7ghz run catherine?

>patch fixes stability
>mods fixes resolution and colour
>implying lack of brightness option, resolution options or colour make the game unplayable
Typical pc shitter race.

>cutscenes don't even play
>game crashes after being open long enough and you have to restart your PC

>fan wiki
So you haven't played it and are just parroting memes then. I see you aren't able to actually speak from experience like posts saying it runs no problem.

Anybody test dragons crown yet? Any test will do but anyone try it with an 8350?

>it works for select few, surely it means it works for all
PC has the most autistic userbase.

>does the game work?
>yeah I played it and works
>I haven't played it but this meme says it doesn't
Hmm wonder who to believe.

Yes youll be able to get 30fps sterady for all the battles and 18-30 for the overworld.

When will I be able to play Castlevania: Harmony of Despair with others?

How would DeS run with an i7 4820K + GTX 1070 ? Also would it be possible to transfer my save from the PS3 to the PC ? If I can run it I don't want to start over.

Only children like you can't find the humour in poking fun at sonyfanatics. Go take your killjoy attitude else and learn to laugh. We're trying to have fun while discussing emulation here.


>idk but
shit guide, I won't even help improve it because you didn't even try

Run - Yes I have the exact same CPU
Full speed - Nah, but it's at a playable-ish speed.
Give it a try

>Needing to ask where to get games of any kind
>Private trackers
>Public trackers
>ISO/ROM sites for scrubs and megaupload-like sites

Downloading ISO's and emulating them is borderline easier than executables that need cracks.

i just downloaded them on torrent sites just google senpai

uhh how do i boot demon's souls in the emulator?
sorry for asking a basic question, but its not apparent.

>BCG dead
>Ultimate Gamer Club dead
>BitGamer dead
>PlayBits is Demonoid 2.0
Is GazelleGames really the last bastion of a good private tracker?

Be honest doc, how fucked im am?

Nigga, don't even try it.

>Finally get job and become not poorfag
>Realize I had an old 128gb SSD lying around
>Install in old PS3
>Get digital downloads of all the games that I want and play them faster than I could've on disk
>inb4 hurr durr you don't own it, doesn't matter now dumbfucks because by the time I use my five downloads on them RPCS3 is going to be fully functioning
>Few games not available for download are fairly cheap
Shame PS3 doesn't have many good games, also a little pissed because apparently the 360 version of most games are better. Never had it, so I wouldn't know. I hadn't bought Catherine yet, is the performance 96~ percent stable and is it fully playable?

too bad disgaea 3 can't manage more than 8 fps

I've been in BCG, Underground gaming (RIP), Bitgamer. The only one I am still in is Gazelle.
>Implying Bitgamer ever came back as anything but a honeypot

I shouldn't even bother with my rx480 and i5-2500 should i?

Can I emulate LittleBigPlanet 2?

Can a regular bluray drive read PS3 disks and can you use this emulator to play them?

I've been wondering about this as well. Would save me the trouble of hunting down and/or ripping my physical games.

why are the quality of vidya emulation threads on Sup Forums shit?

'cause most people here are kids and don't see the potential/value of emulation. Lot of 'em are trolls or legit console fanboys who assume that everyone who emulates is a pirate and are strangely territorial about their consumer items.

nvm fixed it

>borderline easier
Definitely easier in my opinion.
>set directory in dolphin
>put iso or wbfs in folder
>dolphin shows it listed like steam library

Red dead redemption, easily. It's already made more progress than the 360 emulator

>tfw vulkan crashes my game, and makes my screen turn off and then on again when I try to use it
already downloaded the last drivers of everything including vulkan but it still doesn't work

i knew spending 2k on a computer would eventually pay off
congrats pc gamers

Because they're filled with

>people who don't see emulation as anything beyond a way to wriggle out of paying for anything and acting like they're sticking it to the man by not paying for games close to a decade old; the archival aspect of it is completely lost on them
>subhumans from third-world shitholes like Brazil and Eastern Europe, which ties into the above point
>X console fanboys who for whatever reason, get all pissy about the idea of people playing last-gen exclusives without paying for them
>general shitposters trying to get a rise out of both groups

Shame Quentin died, I'll miss the guy

is it better to downgrade my ps3 then softmod it or just use an emulator?|

The Bill of Rights grants of Freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion you stupid dipshit.

The current generation of shitposters really don't cut it, do they?

We can talk about emulation, or we can piss on each others preference and viewpoints on emulations

It really should be valued more.

Dolphin, and PPSSPP are top notch.


Tell me when drakengard 3 runs better than ps3.

Is it more taxing on the GPU or CPU? I have an r9 390 (good) and an fx 8320 (not so good)

Show webm of fighting flamelurker at a constant 30fps. You can't? Not interested.

cancerous emulation fags are shit
console fanboys are shit

i hope there is a middleground in this.


all on the cpu

CPU intensive

WW on Dolphin with a texture pack made by one random guy >>>>>>>>>>WWHD

It's disgusting what they did to that game

man okay well I'll be getting a better one soon, likely an i5 6700k

>wait 9 years to play a game
>it doesn't even run well

good job mustard race

They made it a bloom-fest with the only redeeming factor being the shadows. Its a travesty.

As someone who got it bundled with the console it's not as bad as it looks. Only in certain lighting situations it gets weird. Like the characters look like clay models

>Odin's Sphere runs beautifully, with the small problem that it gets stuck on the loading trophy information screen sometimes, for no clear reason

I have an old cpu and it doesn't work because it doesn't have some retarded architecture that incompetent devs put as requirement.

The art style was compromised. Sure you may not have thought it looked terrible. But it was worse than the original. Just post processing slapped onto an already good art style and better dynamic shadows.

Meanwhile on emulators.

You're running a Phenom II or worse, shit wouldn't run on that even without the instruction set limitation.

That's not the artist's original vision.

Those are some long arms