What are some games you played as a kid that you were obviously not mature enough to be playing?
What are some games you played as a kid that you were obviously not mature enough to be playing?
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Most games with anything resembling a story, really.
Modern Warfare 3
half life 2
modded oblivion
Get the fuck off the board.
Doom. I was 5 or 6 at the time visiting my uncle, the year prior he had let me play Raptor and I was excited to come over and play again. He asked if I was allowed to play shooters and I was like sure, you shoot things in Raptor, of course I'm allowed to play shooters. He loads up Doom and I have nightmares of bloody face guy looking left and right for a while.
GTAV I was 17
San Andreas
Duke Nukem 3D
As I had never seen Shawshank Redemption I just gave up at Death Row
The Guy Game
Leisure Suit Larry
GTA Vice City/San Andreas
WWF/WWE Intro of Stacy Kibler, Torrie Wilson, and lewds of Christie Himmie and Sable.
There's couple more I forgot
but did you need to be over 25 to play it?
Mortal Kombat 1-3.
Got this as a Christmas gift when I was like 6. I'm not sure what happened to it. It was just gone one day and I was kind of glad because it gave me nightmares. I had played other violent games, but never one in which you just outright torture helpless people.
Second Life.
What are some games where you can sell your website to an asian con artist and have him put shitty ads on it?
Hexen, when I was 2, playing with my Father. Gave me nightmares.
MoH on the ps2 supposedly
Used to play at a mate's house because my mom was really opposed to it but eventually she kinda cooled down over the whole thing, granted around that time I also bought an old telly for in my bedroom so I guess there's that
Though she didn't even let us watch pokemon until god knows when because she thought it was too aggressive so go figure
What's the 2nd players role? Torture victim?
No, you just torture together. It takes a lot of shots to completely peel off a woman's skin, you know.
All the GTA games
Police Quest: SWAT 2
X-Com: UFO Defense is a lot more than eight year old can handle.
Sounds like a fun time.
Blackthorne. Though in hindsight, it was harmless as fuck, but the violence really worried my folks.
Wwe 2010 I remember when I was little I was making sex doll,I played it in front of my parent
>Be 8 year old
>brother get a wrestling game
>Both are excited
>brother play the game
>ps3 is in the living room
>brother leave to see his friend
>create a character
>at 1st i only created male character
>Discover that you can create a female character
>see those boobies
>make a random bimbo
>parent confuses ask me what I am doing
>Say i need to make a random female character
>play with her a little bit
>stop playing so I can watch my favorite Teletoon cartoon
>1 hour later
>Brother come with his shitty friend
>they play wwe 2010
>see my custom character
>all of his friends look at him
>they all think its him
>Friend joke about it and call my brother a weirdo
>brother starts having anxiety
>brother starts to talk to no one
>brother get bullied cause of it
>Brother quits school cause of it
>Brother is currently living with my 43 year old mom mom
>brother doesn't work at the McDonald cause of Muh anxiety
>MFW when I ruined someone's life just for a random virtual bimbo
There are a number of examples. Dead or Alive was a prime one, Kasumi is and always will be objective best girl and is potentially one small reason growing up why I'm more attracted to Asian women. Mortal Kombat was another. I tried to play Resident Evil Code Veronica X, but for some reason I couldn't figure out how to play the game because every time I started it up and hit new game it got stuck in an infinite black void and the analog stick produced random footsteps, my copy was lent to me by a parent's friend. Same deal with Extermination, just it worked and I was too stupid to figure out how to get past the intro.
Resident Evil 4
>be elementary school kid
>be at someone's highschool or college grad party, I don't remember
>wander down, there's a couple of guys playing 007 Nightfire on PS2
>"hey can I play"
>"yeah sure dude"
>"...hey user"
>"is your mom okay with this?"
>"hey user, your mom says she wants you to come upstairs, she wants to talk to you"
Man when I realized there were cheat codes to unlock all the scenes, especially since I sucked too much to progress myself
Still brings back fond memories
Original RE when I was 14.
It scared the shit out of me.
I played playboy the mansion when i was 15 or something. (forgot when)
I bought it from a store owner who I was pretty cool with. Like he's that cool uncle that sneaks porn mags for you from time to time.
Sure it's a faptastic material at the time and the lack of internet was a bitch. But it actually introduced me to a lot of things. American celebs, etiquette, and hell i even learned how to managed a business properly through that game.
Good times.
Make me scooby
No one has done worse then terrorist car blowing up in London™
I played this not knowing anything about it when I was 7
The intro fucked me up big time
System Shock 2.
My body was not ready for robot midwives.
mortal kombat when I was about 8.
pic related still makes me uncomfortable to this day
who is this slut and where's the tree?
meet n fuck
Dad bought himself GTA3, played it once, got fed up and just gave 10!year old me the controller.
I've since become a menace to society like those American politicians and TV media people talked about where I'm beatin up hookers and shooting RPGS out of my stolen camero as I'm doing stunt jumps over the freeway.
none, my parents never cared about video games. Some of my fondest memories as a kid was watching my Dad play Douk 3D, or both of us playing through Silent Hill and Resident Evil 3.
It was a little ironic though because I remember him being really against me wanting Running with Scissors from Weird Al because of its content.
Call of Duty 3 was my first M game it fucking sucked
>born after 9/11
>its been almost 16 years since 9/11
Gears of War
6 years old
>game released in late 2009
>> 8 year old
>mfw playing all those games anyways as an underagedfag
I played too, except I was like 10. Good soundtrack.
None, I wasn't a filthy degenerate.
Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Hexen: Beyond Heretic. Didn't understand the stories, or the dialogue but the graphics and blood were cool to me back then.
I didn't have a Playstation, so my first was RE2 at 9. But agreed, same feeling. I think I ended up turning on Invincibility because I was too young to handle it. Even then, the game constantly scared the shit out of me.
Turok 1 and Wolfenstein 3D.
Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Though, playing it now makes me realize you actually have to be immature to play it.
This game actually scared me when I was younger. I think it was the third game though. That music when someone does a Fatality spooked the shit out of me. Especially the ones that went to black and then I was either gone or bones and blood. I had a vivid imagination and I was a scared.
Postal 2 and Manhunt
Absolutely nothing because I'm an oldfag.
Duke Nukem 3D. Completed it with my dad and sister when i was like 5. Good times
Nothing? Not something like Custer's revenge or sneaking into a burlesque show that showed ankle?
>strip club
>throw the money at dancers
>dad walks in
what do
>dad walks in
what do you mean? my dad was the one doing it.
Leisure Suit Larry. My girlfriend's dad was like the only guy in the neighborhood who owned a computer, and when he was at work we'd sneak into his office for a chance at seeing some pixelized titties. Good times.
But my dad was playing the game with me
fallout 3
strangely, my father decided to buy it for my brother after he did well on a test out of nowhere
How old are you
Porn games when I was 10 years old.
Having a sense of humor helps too
This game, I knew I was suppose to be 25 but I did it anyway.
I'll never make that mistake again. The visions keep getting worse, the forest keeps getting ever so closer to my house. I think i'm going crazy but for some reason, I think he knows I wasn't 25.
This can't be happening right its just a video game, right guys?
Probably newgrounss hentai trivia games? Or when i was in middle school, and we used proxies to play orgasm girl on the school computers.
I was about 9 when I first played Manhunt 2.Since I only played it when I was alone, the house was badly lit and silent, which made the first stage creep me out a lot, but the second stage made me run to my brother's room and hide under the blankets.
Mortal Kombat. Funny thing is that the arcade I played it at didn't give a fuck how old you were.
mortal kombat
In the topic of school computers, i remember all the boys were playing runescape (wow was banned), and newgrounds games like those edgy stick figure shooters.
Bitchy goody two shoes girl sees all these gory games, and all the guys just having a good time, and ends up getting everything banned, except some shitty barbie, dressup games. Computer lab during lunch was ruined for the rest of the year.
Orgasm girl when I was in the 4th grade
>school computer class
We used to play some game where you were a tank and had to kill another tank by calculating your shots.
Pic related,I can't even remember the details of how I came across with a copy, but there were also plenty of other hentai classics on that cd-rom.
I shared a copy of the game with a friend, and we would talk about our favorite girls and routes.
GTA san Andreas. Oh yea
Predator: Concrete Jungle
And here you are on Sup Forums, faggot
i was a teenager and skipped through most dialog and cut scenes on subsequent play throughs.
If you were a particularly tech savvy kid, this stuff wasn't exactly uncommon on the newsgroups. Shame they're practically dead now.
>That headline
Does the "AO" rating not exist anymore? I thought it was just restricted to real-life gambling and porn games, but now I think there are porn games that are just rated M now.
Pretty sure Hatred was rated AO
>played bully as a kid
>fav game
>mom saw the game play and took it away from me, said she'll give back when I'm older
>I also played gta San Andreas at the time
>she saw me playing that too but I was in an ambulance so I lied to her and said the point of the game was to go around helping people in ambulances, fire trucks, police vehicles etc.
>she bought the lie let me keep it
>mfw couldn't play bully as a kid but I could play gta
When I first played Soul Calibur 2 I enjoyed the fight mechanics. Then I started to notice that I really liked it when Sophitia's skirt would fly up when she fell. Then it basically turned into a hunt to look at all the girl's panties as much as possible.
Double that for Final Fantasy X-2 when I would keep changing dressphere's on the hollow promise that maybe if I looked REALLY hard I could see Rikku or Yuna naked.
I read that too. I also know that it's near impossible to get a hard copy of an AO rated game, especially in the US. You either have to buy them online or in one of those underground sex shops.
I'd be impressed if an 8 year old could manage to get to the combat part of the game even once.
>i'm losing control of the situation
>all these stupid memes about literal advertisements and you have 3 ad blockers installed
Lots and lots of drugs
Most retailers won't stock AO rated games so most devs will tone the game down to M (eg, Manhunt, GTA:SA)
My dad had a strip poker game on the C64 I played when he was asleep once. The graphics were so bad back then it was hard to jerk off too. That didn't stop me from trying.
Fallout 1/2. Asked alot of questions when I got to New Reno
It'll pass once you turn 25
I learned to read when my dad gave me the manual that came with diablo and 1 week to myself. Came with the weird side effect of words like corpse explosion and succubus being common at a young age.
I remember the massive shitstorm that was caused over a fanmade(?) mod which involved a minigame where you fuck your girlfriend and it's shown on screen. I'm pretty sure there's way worse mods in GTA V now and it's maintained its M rating. I think times are changing to the point where AO is just a 2% more sexual version of M, and is for the most part useless.