Did you ever go to arcades? Did you hold high scores? Any stories?
Did you ever go to arcades? Did you hold high scores? Any stories?
Only arcadey place we had was a skating rink that smelled like bleach and black kids. Of course, all the sticks were fucked out of alignment and buttons stuck. Don't remember much other than they had the original Street Fighter cabinet and the owners son would let us play Mortal Kombat II for free sometimes.
I used to go to arcades after high school every wednesday and friday. Sometimes on weekends too.
There was a group of people playing fighting arcade games but I was more into autistic rhythm games like Dance Dance Revolution and Pump It Up. The DDR/PIU community was quite comfy, everyone acted like good brothers and sisters. I miss them, they were very supportive with each other.
I used to have high scores on Metal Slug X and Metal Slug 3.
Oldfag here. Played Street Fighter 2 a lot when it first came out. Haven't seen an arcade in years now.
I've been within 10 points of the world record for House of the Dead 2. I don't know where he gets the points. I should just submit a score and be content with second best.
I got play the beta version of Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3 when I worked at a Namco arcade. Was pretty funny seeing half translated text loop across the screen. Also while working there some fat black niggress BROKE OFF the chair on Ridge Racer V. Like it wasn't going back on, new seat, new mechanism, whole thing would need to be replaced. Of course corporate said no.
Our last arcade closed around the time i was born
Played a lot of Tekken 7 in the Arcades. But it's all online so it's not even really an arcade experience desu.
Not many arcades around anymore. I do have a laundromat nearby with House of the Dead inside, and I pop in just to play that from time to time. I used to be a G at Pole Position and Cruis'n USA
I work at an arcade/ sports bar chain. It's one of the bigger ones Americans usually recognize.
It's honestly kind of a hell hole. The average customer is a drunk uneducated idiot less interested in good games and more in flashy phone-esque instant gratification.
Though, I can't deny playing fruit ninja on a wumbo touch screen isn't fun as fuck. I claw at it and pretend to be Wolverine. Someone should make a similar game with blood and guts.
I go to my local round 1 and play WMMT5. Just maxed my car out the other day.
>tfw name is Alan Stephen Sanders
>tfw I can never put my initials on high scores because people will think I'm being immature
No arcades around where I live anymore as far as I know. I only vaguely remember them from when I was a little boy. Mostly just the one we had at a local mall. I remember one time I was at some kid's birthday there and I spent all my fucking coins on beating Alien vs Predator. I really liked that game for some reason. I liked the alien boss designs.
Had a skating rink close by that had some outrun, xmen, MvC/2, and simpsons cabinets.
Pretty much all arcades are dead in my area now except maybe D&B if that counts, but nowadays it's just filled with scaled up phone game machines.
Other than those, there are some restaurants several hours away that only have machines from the 80s.
my arcade didn't have a whole lot of stuff cause australia lmao
at least it had time crisis, wangan and initial D.
I still do. There are 4 arcades within half a kilometer here.
All dead.
Though I did find a KoF machine in a chuck e cheeses once.
>$50 in credit
>Blow it all on Big Bass Wheel
Normies were a mistake.
Besides the Dave and Busters and the Boomers there are a few Barcades around me. In one you can play all the games for free but its kind of divey and next to a strip joint. The other one is cool but can get cramped on Friday and Saturday nights.
How do you get a Banapass at Round 1?
I asked the people at the counter
Nit exactly an arcade story but when ever we found a pinball machine I'd ask my dad to play and he would smash the high score out if the water. Sometimes crowds would gather.
True, it's because I played Maximum Tune 5 and all the guys who beat me had special car parts and shit and were 1000 m away from me.
Used to go all the time in the 90s when I was a little kid.
Yah its not worth challenging people unless your car is maxed out before then. Thats why I use the refuse vs option.
I work as a manager at an arcade, shit sucks
Only arcades i sank into were third world smelly back alley bootleg arcade joints. Basically 2-4 machines running emulators you'd be lucky to find a place that at least has a Basketball rig.
If you can't 1CC a game you ain't shit.
i was a regular at the arcade in my hometown, super legit arcade. at the peak of konami/sony shitting itself during the PT scandal, konami sued my hometowns arcade. they found out bc the leaderboards were online and when people started getting noticed konami realized that this little local arcade in texas had not paid for the rights for THE LATEST VERSION of the game, so at the end of the lawsuit the arcade had to downgrade to the games previous version. made me seriously hate konami, and now im in uni and miss my arcade dearly.
i once held a record on the wangan using the oldschool skyline max tuned, it was glorious seeing my car on the 'insert coin' screen
>at the peak of konami/sony shitting itself during the PT scandal
More info on this?
they shut down all the arcades in my hometown. said it encouraged truancy too much.
these days all I can find are dave n busters.
btw, anyone know why they dont carry fighting games?
I still go to Dave and Busters every now and then. Even the fucking rail shooters are dying out, as I saw this Walking Dead machine and was disgusted by how there weren't even boss fights.
A high school buddy and I worked at a laser tag place built out of a warehouse over a decade ago.
We used to run the high score for Star Wars Trilogy almost to perfect score. It was an arcade that once you mastered on one credit it was still worth playing to attempt a perfect score.
I've been banned for farming tickets from a few. They all use the same machines with the same systems.
I remembered seeing fighting games like CVS2, MVC2, and Soul Calibur 2 when visiting arcades in Hawaii back in the day.
Does anyone remember this game?
>tfw most arcades are dave and busters shit with a bunch of mobile games converted into ticket spewers.
I worked at a local place in texas called putt putt funhouse that had an arcade.
We got an employee discount on credits that you could load onto a card (like most places use now) but also used legit quarters still for things like skiiball and air hockey. They had a machine where you would slide your card and it would give you quarters based on how much was on the card.
Employees Got 25% extra credit if you put it on the game card, so 15 bucks would get you 20 bucks.
So, i would put 20 dollars worth of "tokens" on my employee card for 15 dollars, then cash out 20 dollars on quarters and make six bucks. Repeated once or twice a day just to pay for lunch and shit, never got caught.
Fighting games attract 3 kinds of people:
1. GANG MEMBERS. This is THE #1 reason why fighting games are not carried in more arcades anymore. If you lived in an inner city in the 90s this was a huge problem. The untold story of the death of arcades is that gangs took over urban arcades in the 90s and kids couldn't go to them anymore because they were dangerous.
2. AUTISTS. For some reason, any kind of video game that encourages heavy time commitment will 100% of the time without fail attract a herd of autistic neckbeards faggots who will stick to the machine like flies to shit and won't do any other business with the establishment and will scare away people via their smell and fattitude and general failure to not dress like fedora faggots. This is the real reason why video game demo stations in department stores and toy stores don't exist anymore.
3. COMPETITIVE FIGHTING GAME PLAYERS. These guys are way too dedicated and take shit way too seriously and will spend way too much time at the machine. This is undesirable for any business unless it's a dedicated arcade meant explicitly for arcade enthusiasts, e.g. Galloping Ghost and similar establishments.
I played many rhythm games in my adolescence. The circle i played ddr and piu with always made drama because of one girl.
The fighting game bros were all cool. I'm from new england, so a lot of the people i played with played tekken5 and cvs2 at the time.
The only high score i ever held was on a fightmania cab. The top record holder was my older brother.
>I've been banned for farming tickets
What in the fuck? How does that even happen?
This is the best post in the thread.
so why are arcade fighting games still popular in japland then
>in more arcades anymore
Should say MOST, not more.
Not anymore and thank god for that, I hated arcades and still do. I did have a lot of fun with House of the Dead when I was younger though.
Shitty slot machines that hand out a lot of tickets, they just let me take a prize and told me to never come back, though sometimes i just get told to leave and not get shit.
I found 1000 tickets in a bin once. I think the staff just lazily disposed of the tickets and didn't expect anyone to get them.
Got a knife pulled on me after repeatedly using mercy on a dude in umk3, good times lmfao
Not that guy, but the putt putt guy from earlier.
On games like stacker (where you have to line up the blocks and push the button several times in a row at increasing speed), the last attempt is literally rigged by the owner/person who set it up. You can set it up to be that it only works if they push the button 4 blocks too early, for instance. People try to push it when the blocks are lined up, and lose every time.
But if you KNOW what it is set to you can win pretty consistently. Employees werent allowed to play but i got the voucher, then had a friend come up and redeem a couple dvds/old vidya games
I want to work at a R1 that opened, I applied but no response, am I not wanted?
are you a fucking gold fish?
fucking copy that shit again, but instead paste it into google search, holy fuck
1. No issue with gangs whatsoever. There is no association between yakuza and video games of any kind there, let alone fighting games.
2. Autists in Japan literally only play visual novels. This is no exaggeration. something like 70-80% of ALL PC games in Japan are visual novels and like 70-80% of those are pornographic. It literally is the only thing they play. Otakus basically spend their entire lives watching anime and playing visual novels and doing nothing else. They don't crowd arcades because they don't even leave the house.
3. The fighting game community in Japan is several orders of magnitude more civil and actually bathes on top of that. When people go into arcades they go in there by themselves instead of in groups, sit down and play the machine sliently, and then leave. The American fighting game community is a zoo, and the yuropooristanian fighting game community is literally nothing but muslims and all they play is Tekken so that shit is like being in the 3rd world since they're literally all from the 3rd world. Japan doesn't tolerate that kind of boisterous behavior and doesn't have 3rd worlders to worry about either, so neither of those things are an issue over there.
So you got kicked out for being too good?
I see
at least west arcades can't be as bad as chinese ones where some dude got stabbed over kof
Were there any other games that were rigged like stacker was?
My friend and I have set high scores on every Deadstorm Pirates game we've come across. We've got it practically memorized as far as enemy patterns and where all the treasure chests pop up.
With that said, I have no idea what the actual world record scores are for it, so who knows.
Yes. I also got a high score on the Simpsons game.
They were probably over saturated with applications
People everyone assumes working at an arcade is an easy job (which it is for the most part) so lazy normalfags and autists are constantly trying to find jobs there.
Keep calling them show that you actually want the job.
Kind of. The simpsons coin pusher gsme (where the goal is to get one of the coins to fall) adds extra voice lines to the ambient noises it makes whenever it the payout would be too high (according to what the manager set as too high) so that we can go and empty part of it.
Pinball games tend to do the same (make an extra sound) when the free ball light will come on next game.
That game where you have to fill up the balloon has very little to do with how much air you put in it, it inflates on its own over time, and after a certain period it resets the jackpot amount to the default.
That jumprope game where you have to jump over the lights is rigged in much the same way as stacker, except it senses whether someone is standing on the pressure plate (not just pushing a button) so its harder to cheese
I figured, I went up to them last week with my application in hand, since they ask that to bring it with you, and they much told me they were getting through a lot of applications. Guess I'll just have to call them up again and let them know I'm interested in a position.
Apparently they know about the problem but don't issue a warning to those who exploit it just to kick them out instead
>Go to arcade every Saturday
>Number 1 high score would always be a guy named CCD
>Wouldn't leave until I dethroned him
>Next Saturday he'd be number 1 again
>went on for almost a year of us up staging each other
>meet him one day
>longest standing friend I've ever had
>present day
>own a cabinet with all metal slug games on it
>we play almost every Saturday
There's a seaside resort near me with plenty of arcades
can't resist playing this when i'm in the area, just to get the bitches moist
Don't know if it counts but
>playing mortal kombat on arcades where one coin was 10 minutes and of course I just got one
>after playing for a while some way older faggot pressed the button for second player thinking I didn't see him
>since it already removed my from my match and back to versus screen and was so young I didn't say anything
>he sat to play because "it said its for 2 players" or something like that
>he of course picked Shinnok because he was supposed to be so op but so did I without knowing anything at all.
>he is quite good and stomps me to one punch but somehow I manage to get him to one punch too
>try to finish him with a jump kid
>in the mid section of the jump I just fall on the ground
>my time is over
>I was poor fuck and the older faggot didn't want to buy a coin so the game stayed like that for a minute and then got back on the demo screen
Post more pics.
If you do get the job just know this, you may have to deal with some of the worst people ever ( at least I do but that may be regional).
Australia was a shitty place to grow up with video games, at least in my city. Arcades were dead ages ago
I went to an arcade in another town to spend a day off
>Place was a ghost town
>Half the machines were either broken or not on
>All I played was one round of Guitar Hero, a broken Fast and Furious game, and two rounds of skeeball
I wanted to kill myself If I won the lottery, I'd want to build my own private arcade
I'm used to shitty customers, plus I've seen firsthand some of the kinds of people the staff have dealt with. It's very hard for them to rattle me, it's always been what my bosses found remarkable about me when I worked retail and shit.
I used to go to GameWorks a lot at a mall near my house, but the Gameworks closed a few years ago. RIP in peice Arizona Mills GameWorks.
forgot pic
The only real arcades near me anymore are those new barcades. One is located in the yuppy part of town and is host exclusively to college students trying to get wasted and laid. The other one is pretty chill with an older crowd, regular tournaments and about twice as many games. Last I checked, I still have a Top 10 score on the Super Mario Bros. 3 pinball machine. My name is AAS.
Love the Guitar Hero cabs, wish you could buy the guitars they come with instead of the shitty plastic consumer ones. They're also fuckin' cash grabs, last time I played one a single play was like $3.
I completed Hydro Thunder in arcade, i think that's the most I've achieved there. Used to go from time to time. I remember Tekken 3, Killer Instincts, Wonderboy, Sega Rally, Metal Slug. They were fun.
i used to go to the arcade like every day. i'd play in 3rd strike and tekken 5:dr tournaments. i'd play kof for fun, but anyone chinese would always beat me. i had the highest score in the country (to my knowledge) on house of the dead 4. i also played raiden and deathsmiles quite a bit.
when i was in japan, i played a shit load of mushihime sama and ibara black label. when i was in korea last year i played about 1,000 matches of tekken 7 at green arcade.
my friend and i are interested in opening up a bar/arcade type place but i'm worried because of the fuckwits that would attract. and id need security because of alcohol being served and... it's such a headache.
Had the high score on the centipede game in DisneyQuest for a while.
Pretty proud of that.
Press F
>Trying to beat this shit on arcade
It keeps going...
Fuck I was in Akihabara yesterday and the arcades were full alright.
That's a pleasant story, user.
Well then you should be fine, try telling the people at round 1 that it may help.
>tfw no one to play offline street fighter with
Online is not the same bros
Will do, thanks for the advice user
this is another favourite
yeah the pricing is kind of a ripoff
the easy songs are cheaper than the ones worth playing
There used to be a Nickel Nickel arcade near me that I went to once but it closed a year later. That was the closest thing to a real arcade in my area that wasn't a movie theater section with redemption "games". I've since moved to LA but haven't made a real effort to find genuine arcades here other than a tiny tiny one in Koreatown with a few imported machines
In Boston with the family for the week and really wanted to make the drive to Funspot in New Hampshire considering it's the most iconic retro arcade in the nation but nobody was willing to make the drive with me and reacted negatively when I told them about it, fucking normies
I lived in Las Vegas as a kid and my parents always had me on the strip with them in them during summer time and every hotel had an arcade. I never really cared for them and thought they were pretty boring but 1 time at the Luxor casino I was playing this Simpsons game solo and eventually 3 other strangers wandered in 1 by 1, joined up and we cleared the game in around an hour. Pretty much the only memorable arcade experience minus a few of those FPS games where'd you'd use the vibrating plastic machine gun controllers with awful hit recognition. It actually feels surreal looking back for 4 people that don't know each other to have some fun like that
Total longshot, but do you know of a place to play SF5 in Tokyo?
I don't think SF5 ever had an arcade release.
Nah it didn't, but seeing random Japanese players at EVO this year, they gotta be practicing somewhere
Live relatively near a round 1. They got lots of japanese games and plenty of rhythm games. Gunslinger Stratos is kinda fun. Diva on an arcade is very disorienting after playing using a controller for so long.
Nope. It was my first experience and got so fucking overwhelmed I just walked around and gaped like a big old gaijin.
Probably is a place around there though.
>fell for the guitar hero arcade meme 1 time at a theme park
>was a few dollars to play and was broadcasted on some 200 inch screen overhead
>pick raining blood on expert because i was okay at the game
>the controller is a full second out of sync from the screen
>lose as soon as it got to *that* part
>embarrassing yourself in front of tons of people
How unfortunate
My local arcade closed down a few months back. It's a Asian restaurant now. Goddammit Australia.
I felt more cheated than embarrassed t bh
As in any good spic arcade, the one near my place has KOF02, TT2 and that one DDR-like game that isn't DDR (can't remember the name) among other less popular ones.
Used to go there often after work to play KOF and SF4. People were pretty chill, never seen anyone chimping out or bothering others being too loud. Having G-Friend as bgm thanks to the rhythm game players made it extra comfy too.
Getting good in the span of a year in different games was lots of fun, I just wish there was more variety of games instead of 5 cabinets with different versions of Tekken, but I guess if that's what's keeping the place alive I'm fine with it.
I had the high score on a few DDR songs on the hardest difficulty.
no one played those songs but me I think
>that one DDR-like game that isn't DDR (can't remember the name) among other less popular ones.
Pump it Up?
Claw games are. Every certain number of plays the claw actually grips.
Yep, that's the one. It has lots of korean music, or at least that's what most people play on it.
Haven't even tried to play a rhythm game that uses feet in a decade to be honest, I'd get embarrassed with all the people watching. Learned to love g-friend and orange caramel though.
I play this on PS3 all the time.
The bad dialogue is 10/10. Love the visuals, the sounds, just a great experience. Half the time I blow it at the final boss though.