>tfw missed every single bonus hour
>tfw wasted 400 flags and still unranked
Tfw missed every single bonus hour
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Good for you. At least your mother didn't take away your phone because your carrier doesn't go nuts whenever you travel overseas unlike hers.
>in Gaius army
>spent all my flags for those 7x bonuses
I don't even care who wins, but those feathers are going to be nice.
Did Corrin even have bonus hours?
Rank 2373 in Robin's Army (804,700)
Rank 2681 Total (1,214,651)
420 Flags Left
If I was awake for one of the initial 3 bonus hours, I'd be more comfier.
>Blew my flags on early multipliers
Anyone know anyways to get free orbs?
>I'm a fucking poor fag
Do quests and complete maps, wait until the gift them.
I've done everything I can, been playing since the start of the game, and have gotten pretty much every orb I could, only have 3 5*'s and loads of repeating 3*'s
Yeah, the game sucks if you're not blowing money at it.
That's unfortunate.
Never again will I join the team of the character I know is going to win. 500 feathers ain't worth it if there are no multipliers ever and your rank is shit, so these are all the feathers you get.
Yeah, especially with my luck, I've gotten +res -atk on most of the 5* I have.
>playing since the start
>3 5*s
How is that even possible? I'm day 1 f2p and have 37 5*s.
Doubt you're telling the truth, but I just have fucking horrible luck.
Geez dude, I only have 20 and I promoted 4 of them.
>try sniping Summer Corrin
>get 5 4* Corrins
>merge them
>get to 5% Focus
>get a fucking -Atk Sister Fucker
God deserves the hate I feel
I legit feel for you then man. But no, I'm not lying.
That is why you snipe.
Yo no lifing fag, I hate you.
good fucking job though man. I don't have the will to even try it.
Do you snipe?
What's sniping?
>Team almost always beaten 1st round
>end up not caring about most gauntlets
>decide to roll bait banner
>get briefly excited at the good color spread before reality hits
Reminder to wait until 3 and 4*s swap rates before rolling.
Only opening the color of the unit you want most from the banner, and if there aren't any of that color then you open one and quit. Basically the opposite of spending 20 orbs on whatever colors come up. That's how I got Summer Corrin and Azura and Delthea in the process
You want to be on the losing team, though. You get way more feathers due to multipliers.
I had to promote 8. And then there's Tobin and Masked "Marth". So that makes 27 pulled from the gacha.
I don't really give a shit about feathers at this point.
I use them more for 4*ing Hinata or Shanna than 5*ing my units at this point
That's not actually that bad though
-atk isn't a big deal since you should be running Blarblade which means you'll usually be overkilling most enemies
-spd would be beyond saving though
Most of the time, yes. Occasionally I'll build pity rate or roll for skill fodder, but mostly I snipe.
Feathers are like the most important things in this game.
That feel when you are a ftp player and get this
Sister Fucker is Ephraim, which even then, a -ATK isn't that bad, since all he's going to be doing is giving 4 buffs at once to a Nino/Linde
Double titty monsters, nice.
>Wo Dao Fodder
>A shitty Axe who only exists for Axe valor
>And an outdated unit due to horse meta.
Seems like shit.
He's talking about Ephraim though.
Still passable considering he's a buffslut, and he can still be a decent combatant with Swordbreaker.
I already am sitting on 20K and I've upgraded all of my 3-4*s I care about already
Only hope of me 5*ing any units at this point is perfect IVs, or rare skills like LaD3, DB3, or SB3
die whale
What about +10ing you're waifu?
Valter comes later this month, my friend. There's 20 k gone.
>Giving Swordbreaker to Ephraim
I hope you meant Lancebreaker. He doesn't have any trouble with reds.
and free to use to gain those sweet free orbs, also kagero and tiki always win on the arena
Haven't rolled a Lilina yet. Neph, Larcei, and Leylia aren't in the game yet
I'm thinking about it, but my flier team is already pretty solid, and I need a green more than anything
Whales typically spend more than $0.00.
You stop playing FEH and play a real gacha like Fate Go!
>Rolled a second Eldigan
>Gave his Fury to Nino
I goofed, didn't I? I should've merged him with the one I already have, shouldn't I?
The issue is how slow Ephraim is, SB allows him to one round swords and not risk setting off a nuke special from being doubled. If you're running him with Nino, there shouldn't be an issue with lances anyway.
Unless you own both Cordelia and Summer Corrin, you will be 5 starring Valter.
Hinoka and Catria have been fine, I'm not really a minmaxer
why is it better to give the cancel affinity skill to a colorless unit? isn't it better to give it to a tank?
It's about coverage. Nino doesn't lose to any reds except for Snack Lilina and Celica. Assuming no g tome breaker or swords, she instant kills everything. Ephraim can handle both reds and lances with lancebreaker, plus one rounding Effie is nice.
I mean, is Eldigan /yourguy/? Is he always on your team for the Arena? Merging just once is only +1 to two stats, but it'll help your score some regardless so it depends on you.
It's popular on greys because of how common Raven tomes are. You could also give it to a tank if you wanted to.
>I have nothing to 5 star
>Okay, what about this upcoming really good unit.
>lol, no. I don't min-max
i can't believe you, i start playing this game last 2 months and i already have 12 5*'s, the game gives a lot of free orbs
Ah i've been doing that. Trust me i'm no fool. I don't waste orbs for a chance at a unit i don't care about.
You goofed by giving Nino Fury, you stupid fucking retard.
Anyone know how i can summon more on Fate go?
besides robin who else uses Raven tome? i only see Robin on the arena
Same way you summon more in this game, spend money my dude
>roll summer corrin
I mean I like Valter and all, but what am I gonna do on a flier team with 3 blues? Also, how do we know his stats?
B-but the wiki recommends this build
Who /gr15/ here
Cecilia uses raven half the time, blade the other half. You'll see the occasional Sanaki or Lilina with it as well.
I'm pretty sure Robin is the only one that it's ever suggested for. Every other mage is either trash or has better options.
LaD 2/3 is basically put on every single desperation mage. All you need is one ardent sacrifice.
Same, -Speed/+Res. I needed her for my flying team though. Now I have the dilemma of using her or my +Attack/-Speed Cordelia, and I know Corrin is the better option because I need magic. I could also bench Belka but I really don't want to.
>The wiki
This is why these threads need to come back.
Enjoy getting devastated by Reinhardt.
wait a minute, flying units can't use swords right? or on which fire emblem game they can?
All the ones before 12
FE4-10, maybe 11/12, I haven't played them in a while
Robin and Cecilia are common users because their default weapons are Raven tomes. You're gonna see Robin a bit more because he's a bonus unit for these 2 seasons.
Henry has the red raven tome but you don't see him much because he's shit and most other red mages are better off with their default tome too.
Some Fury Nino builds can just barely survive Reinhardt, so she's good for for the bait and kill assuming her Res is buffed. After the attack her Desperation is active. It also lets WoM users do their thing too.
>tfw you're retarded and forgot which game 12 was
so for kagero is better to have the cancel affinity skill?
Why do people still put assist skills on their Reinhardts when removing it would allow him to move first/get danced?
Yes. Use that LnD.
just finally got my waifu, i don't care that i have eldigan, leo, athena, alm and marth, i will use her a lot more but i don't know how to build her, suggestions? and please not another fury build
Free panic ploys soon, lads.
That Cancel Affinity is only going to help against Robin. I think you're better off with Vantage or Desperation if she's +speed.
>implying it won't be 5* exclusive
Valter actually looks like a great unit though.
I'm conflicted.
How the fuck should I know how the AI reacts on defense
Wo Dao/Slaying Edge
She's garbage, so have fun.
Brave Sword+
Harsh Command
Distant Counter
Pass 3
(Your Choice)
where do I get more orbs
I have only one 5 stars and it's shitty swim suit cinnamon roll
There's actually a set turn order to how units move.
Dancers aren't a problem anymore desu
so i need to sacrifice my athena, well whatever and shit i'm stupid i never thought about the fury and vantage combo
Killer Sword
Armored Blow
Poison Strike
Savage Blow
At least in FEH I have pity 5* rate when I blow all my resources trying to get fucking Nero fuck.
>brave sword
she barely does damage and you want her to have a 5 attack weapon
That's nothing, my summer Tiki, Leo and Elise are all -Speed. Tomato will never be fast
Use Life and Death or Death Blow instead of Fury then. Triangle Adept makes her a good anti-hector thanks to her default weapon.
>how to ruin a character build
You're right, better knock it up to an Iron sword, or a steel sword if you have a lot of AP to waste
>left myself in the dark on my IVs because I just wanted to be happy about getting characters I liked and refused to let this shit ruin it for me
>finally give in and check my 5 star 40s
>everyone is actually pretty good,
the only one who's screwed is Eirika with +Res/-Atk, and that doesn't even make her useless
At least in Fate/GO I have a chance of rolling who I want instead of getting fucked over on not getting a single color orb I want. I'm still fucking mad not a single green orb showed up during spring gacha.