What is the one game you want to be ported/remade to the switch?

What is the one game you want to be ported/remade to the switch?

a W101 sequel packed with the first game a la bayonetta 2

Devils Third needs a second chance. With motion aiming and no shitty premium currency.

MvC 2 with additional characters would be great.

Probably a tie between Sunshine and Prime trilogy

Skyward Sword and Sunshine.

That'd be better than Super Ultra Street Fighter 2 Turbo Hyper Remix HD #245353 with added shitty minigame.

fucking smash god damnit


Pikmin 2 HD
Super Mario Strikers


metroid prime trilogy, to pad out the wait for prime 4

>Skyward Sword

bayo 2

Ar Tonelico Trilogy
Although that'd more likely go to the PS4 (if Banpresto stop being a mob of cunts), I'd love to have it be portable.

If you're talking about just one game, I don't know. Maybe Earthbound remade in 3D claymation-style, Pokemon Snap with gyroscopic camera control, or Mischief Markers with real Joycon shake-shake action.



>we need more ports
Jesus Christ, is a new game too much to ask for?

persona 4 golden

this shit right here. They already have it on the wii how fucking hard could it be to port it? sersiouly, how much money would it cost to get a whole team together to port it; I'll even accept a digital only copy.

Wind Waker

Shin megami tensei 2

Persona, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, GTA, Overwatch




Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

GTAV would be shit on the Switch.
It'd look awful and probably lag a lot.

How would that work? A fifth switch to run the game while the other four act as menus/controllers?

A Final Fantasy collection
FE: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn

Phantasy star ep.1,2 and 3 or Crystal Chronicles

SS might be nice but only if they redid the textures because that game was pretty ugly on Wii. TP looked better.

Melee with online

Just give us Gamecube virtual console. If my shitty laptop can run dolphin, then surely Switch could handle it.

Four Sword Adventure 2

>sell VC games for $20 tops
>or "remaster" them and sell them for $60
There will never be GC VC

Making an emulator and selling isos is easier and cheaper than it is to create full ports/remakes of every game.

All these suggestions are very good.
I'd like to add Kid Icarus: Uprising HD. w/ an expanded multiplayer.

For 3rd party, I'd really like that HD remake of FF12

Dark Souls trilogy

Xenoblade X.
>actual multiplayer stuff added with support for local play
>FrontierNav functionality on the Nintendo Switch online app; include info on multiplayer quests/Global Nemesis etc
>Another continent and additional story content (answer some of the goddamn cliffhangers)
>Additional party members (a bunch of NPCs seem like they would fit perfectly thanks to their weapon choices or involvement in sidequests) and weapontypes
>breast slider restored, downloadable undub pack
Reminder that Reggie's straight up said that ports of Nintendo games won't happen without additional content being included (hence MK8DX's battle mode and new characters, Pokken getting all the arcade newcomers and Deciudeye and so on) so you might as well add what you'd like to see included.

>FrontierNav functionality on the Nintendo Switch Online app
Now that's a creative use of the app. Unfortunately that seems too intuitive for Nintendo since it wouldn't connect with the game in real time, being nothing more than a glorified web page.

Etrian Odyssey 3 Untold

This. The RabbidsxMario rumors came from the same batch of rumors as the Dark Souls rumors did, so hopefully it's true.

Persona 5 would be nice

As would Nier: Automata

Bayonetta 1+2 and Tokyo Mirage Sessions

sanic adventure 1 and 2 remakes
ultra sf4

enter the gungeon

lets add Overwatch too to have another strong multyplayer game besides Splatoon.

I would hope they're not so inept that they can't update specific game apps to connect to actual Switch consoles. Then again, there's everything about the voice chat functionality.

Pic kind of related.

botw remake,but good this time

Would give my first(and only)born for this with online

Custom Robo, on the grounds that online is added and Nintendo simply refuses to make a new one.

actually I want Darkest Dungeon it will be fun to grind on commutes.

I think local multiplayer would be pretty cool.

Go to a convention with a high density of Dark Souls players on Switch, get invaded, find the guy who invaded you and punch him.

Rune factory, Any of them.

Every gen it's Pokemon Snap and every Gen it never happens

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze

Metroid Prime HD

What are you talking about? It got ported to the Wii U and I'm 98% sure also the Wii

Not shittier than PS3 and 360 versions though

Mario Maker.

SMT Nocturne remake would be awesome.

The Behemoth games, specifically Castle Crashers


>hide in bathroom
>invade and kill everyone
>No one can find me

I'd like Nier: Automata, but it seems very, very unlikely.

I'd like to think the PC port runs badly because the devs were lazy and not because it's inherently too intensive (compared to other games released in the past few years it doesn't look that demanding) to run, but I'll try not to get my hopes up.

Super Mario Maker
It and splatoon were the only things that really wowed me on the wiiu, and I wasn't about to throw down new console money for only two games.

I don't know. I'm honestly waiting for cfw and emulation on this thing.

>we will never get an HD port with more features and online play.

A humble little game stained by GBA gimmicks.

Moonless Starry Night my boys......

Why not just do the whole trilogy?

Because Metroid Prime was good
Metroid Prime 2 was imo even better
Metroid Prime 3 was not as good


Since they are keeping the 3DS couldn't they just use the 3DS as a controller? I think Switch can link to 3DS to transfer mii's.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

The pack that's on steam with both castle crashers and battleblock theater would be perfect the systems imo

Go around asking every person with a Switch what game they are playing just to find the fucker who invaded your real.

Demons' Souls.

Ports are what fill in the gap while the new games machine gets the pace

Mischief Makers HD by Wayfoward featuring Shantae and/or Patty Wagon.

A remake of Star Fox Assault.

Xenoblade X would need toooo much work for a whole new conintent i would rather let monolith finish xenoblade 2 and then work on Xenoblade Hunters

And why would that be?

modern warfare remastered

A full HD remake of Xenoblade Chronicles would be amazing

Zombies Ate My Neighbors
With a slight face lift
And online multiplayer

You realize the only people that actually care about MH outside of Japan are MH fans right?

I'd buy a Switch for that.

Tie between Skyward Sword or Hyrule Warriors

more zelda

i got it on virtual console for wii u



Dark Souls 1,2, and 3
Ocarina of time
Majora's mask
Wind Waker

Final Fantasy 7

Halo 1


Doom 1993 version

PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds

Battlefield 2

Super Mario World

Pokemon Heart Gold

Metroid Prime Hunters

Star Fox 64

Final Fantasy Tactice Advance

Some comfy online multiplayer grind game so that I can be comfy in the bed while grinding

persona 5
nier: automata
horizon zero dawn
uncharted 4
knack 2

Goemon's Great Adventure

Because it has less power than a Wii U

I would love OOT remade correctly. as in, not by nintendo or some obscure italian dev with one previous game under their belt.

>toilet walls filled with marker writings of "Try holding with both hands" "Praise the sun!" "Look down then hurrah for waste"

Xenoblade X


I N E E D a 3D World/Captain Toad bundle release.


>smug anime girl ninthreeyearold
You know it's true, get over it.

Without a doubt.

I want Ultra Street Fighter II redone with the properly drawn Udon sprites, animated backgrounds, a classic mode with classic HUD, and get rid of that Hado mini game