>post-apocalyptic world
>it was caused by pollution/overpopulation
Tropes you hate
>here's your badge and gun
The amount of pollution you would need to create an apocalypse seems impossible.
Overpopulation seems like a really easy problem to solve.
>and your OTHER badge...
overpopulation is already confirmed that it wont happen
>the ancient civilization that died out had SUPER COMPUTERS and ADVANCED ROBOT TECHNOLOGY
>Fight 10 minotaurs, 7 liches, 43 zombies, 2 hydras, 33 nagas, and a dragon all at once
>Surrender when you get surrounded by three city guards
>Main villain is evil and doesn't really have any goal besides "be evil"
>people record audio-logs everwhere and leave them at plot important places for the main character
Wow....such an interesting way to get a story....
>big twist is just how the apocalypse happened
>be fighting a boss
>wipe the floor with him without even getting touched
>after I win it plays a cutscene of him destroying me and I get captured/left for dead whatever
Why even have me fight him?
>If we kill him we'll be just as bad as he is!
>OP makes a thread
>it's a shit thread and he outs himself as an enormous faggot
This will never not make me mad
Name games that came out in the past three years that actually do this. I'm curious.
>open world, zombie, survival, crafting, building
>it's a ends-justify-the-means villain trope
>his means are fucking insane and immoral
>game desperately tries to get you to sympathize and spare him
Hey some of those were fun. But it's just been done to death.
Mascot characters.
>"SHHHH! Did you hear that?"
>"Hear what?"
>"... exactly.
>evil path is always more fun and gets you powerful items/weapons/abilities
> main villain is evil for no other sake than 'being evil'
> it's actually done extremely well
Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.
>but what if the villain was RIGHT?????
>enemies respawn offscreen or are resurrected
>references to pop culture from around when it was released
>Karma systems
>Multiple endings that are chosen from in the final room of the fucking game
>Narratives that loop to tie into NG+
>"well, that didn't work, time for plan b"
>"Plan b? Whats plan b?"
>My friends ARE my power!
>post-apocalyptic world
>it's a disgusting wasteland
Fuck I hate that.
I love it when that setting isn't apparent though, like in Etrian Odyssey. Not too high tech for the old world too, just enough to have some robots.
this is why I liked zenos in stormblood
he just wanted to fight someone as powerful as he was, and he went so fucking far that he merged with a demi-god avatar of destruction for shits and giggles
he was kinda cool imo, passionately ridiculous
>something happens in 1 or 2 countries
>it effects the entire world
>enemies infinitely respawn until you run into the room they're coming from
>trunbased jrpg
>has difficutly settings
>post apocalyptic world
>yet another generic nuked world of ruined cities and shitty wastelands
Even post-apocalyptic worlds destroyed by fucking aliens or natural disasters are better than that shit. Fuck I hate the "we went nuts with nukes" excuse.
>church in an FPS
>look in preacher podium
>find booze
>superior race dominates the lesser races and builds a mighty empire in less than a decade
>they're the bad guys
>Cyberpunk world
>It's also post-apocalyptic, just to make it completely obvious that it's a dystopia.
>you have to play through the game twice to get the good ending
>for some reason the nukes are absolutely everywhere, with no city left intact
>the villain did nothing wrong and was proven right later in the series
Could you please return to Sup Forums?
name some, i want some
>have to backtrack through every level find ever collectible and 100% the game to get the true ending
>Hero is a """witty""" sarcastic/cynic asshole with a "heart of gold"
Catholic churches always have wine.
will you kindly go back to Sup Forums?
I like that one, though. It's much better than mealy-mouthed "I'm not the villain here" deflection bullshit.
>there's only one corporation in the whole country
>it's evil
>the government is totally fine though. Its just the corporation that's evil
>character's entire personality is just making one-liners
Everyone would be happier if you just went back to Sup Forums please.
fuck you, go back to r/Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Looks like Sup Forums to me lad
>but it's not a cutscene because you can move around while they talk!
>replay Half Life 2
>want to fucking neck myself every time there is anything story related because it's not only garbage but unskippable
I'll take the logs, honestly.
And almost nothing in nature left intact either. It's even worse when they treat it like they nuked every square inch of the planet despite stating that it was just society that was ruined.
trust me dude it's a whole lot worse when being nice to people makes you stronger. Bonds ending was shit but it was easier for first playthrough.
Road Warrior still had the best post-apocalyptic setting
World hadn't nuked itself into oblivion just yet, but society had already fallen apart, so shitposters were fleeing the cities and killing each other for resources in the Outback, which is already a dangerous wasteland.
It's a shame no one else got the hint and just went NUKES NUKES NUKES
Are posts like this serious? No one could be this much of a faggot, right?
Yeah, that's a good way to do it, I wish more things decided to use societal degradation as the reason for it. Nukes are lazy as fuck.
>main character's mutism is a plot point
I'll be the judge of that. Though resource depletion is a more viable scenario. Then you'd have overpopulation when you only have enough for a quarter of the population.
Hey pick your character class. Enjoy such original ideas as
>Fast guy with low health
>Slow guy with high health
>Average everything guy
true enough. I suppose you are right.
it's strange that as crazy as mad max gets the actual reasons behind the collapse are relativey realistic e.g. lack of resources, economy collapsing, infrastructure breaking down etc
its only one click away. wont you at least think of please returning to Sup Forums? pretty please?
What's worst is that they took the unskippable cutscenes and plastered it to every modern game.
>evil path is inconvenient and gives you worse upgrades
>game starts with the protaginst in a dangerous situation and the 1st missions ends with the protaginist in a situation of almost certain death I.E. jumps out of a building on a 3+ floor, or gets pushed to the ground with a gun pointed as his head
>time rewinds and every level up until the final mission is just reliving what happened before that leads up to the situation in the first level
i hate this story structure so much it was shit when battlefield 3 did it and it was even more shit when the order 1886 did it
>Medieval RPG
>Giant Spider boss
>Main villain wasn't a villain all along, he was just trying to fight an even bigger evil
That was part of Winston's brain washing though. The actual party motives were explained in Goldstein's book, and were accurate. Winston was basically told this so he'd just fuckin lose it. Which we know he does because by the end of the book he's a sniveling alcoholic mess awaiting his quick death at the hands of the party.
are pirates becoming the new zombies?
You forgot
>Girl with high intellect
>High health guy with low intellect
First Level of fantasy game
>Giant Rats/Spiders
Maybe you should try that fag lord.
>good path gives you a lot of bonuses and makes sense with the story
>evil path gives you almost nothing and a lot of negative effects
Why even put an evil choice then, Red Dead Redemption?
>fighting random battles makes the game harder
>futuristic/hi-tech area in game
>everything is sleek and white like it was designed by fucking Apple
Surprised no one has mentioned this yet.
>amnesia as an easy cop-out for the player's self-insertion
name 1 game that does this exact thing
>How do I know I can trust you?
>You don't.
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. It's the dwarf fortress of zombie apocalypse games.
Fallout 4
It's why I nuked the Institute, get that shit out of my post-apocalyptic setting
What about people criticizing lazy writing makes you think Sup Forums?
What were their motivations in Goldstein's book?
For when you play as Jack Marston, unfortunately you still can't join any of the gangs as Jack so you have no reason to play as worst Marston.
Goldstein's book is just another piece of propaganda by the Party, user.
Overpopulation isn't simply that there are too many humans to house and feed. The mouse paradise experiment showed that populations start getting fucked up far below carrying capacity.
Overpopulation is that there are simply too many people to give an adequate amount of luxuries to. Compare China and India to the UK. The UK has lower GDP, but because they aren't overpopulated, they have a much higher standard of living. That's why letting in people into Western countries at this point is counter-productive. If standards of living are to go up, population must go down.
>Post apocalyptic world
>Now medieval
>"Magic" is actually nano-bots doing
>The gods are actually computers generating holograms
>Other mutated humanoid races are actually mutated humans due to radiation
>New animal species like dragons are man made from experiments
>The amount of pollution you would need to create an apocalypse seems impossible.
Depends on the kind of pollution.
If you were to release enough IR-opaque pollutants (CO2, methane,etc) you could cause the Earth's temperature to rise.
Now that on itself is quite a slow method to cause a apocalypse...
Until you realize there are (estimatedly) millions of cubic MILES of methane trapped in clathrate (pretty much a ice "cage" for the gas) underneath the oceans (and some cold lakes)
Methane clathrate is fairly stable by itself, but if the pressure drops or the temperature rises too much the methane will "boil" from the ice lattice.
Remember how methane is a greenhouse gas? Well, if the process starts it will be pretty difficult to stop it, temperature rise cause methane to evaporate into the atmosphere thus causing a stronger greenhouse effect that in turn increases the temperature causing more methane to be released.
You can see where it's going
Remember me
343 halo
Almost every new future game really.
>amnesia is one of the critical plot points
Though when I had friends and played DnD, I did make a dwarf cleric who worshiped the gnome god due to amnesia, all so that I could have access to a more versatile spell list.
>*Removes helmet* im not a man
>Get mad and betray the last remaining humans because they didn't do enough to stop their exterminator from killing them
>some retard group worships medieval weaponry and only use melee weapons
>can't gun them down, have to fight with a melee weapon yourself
I like the pollution one.
pic related
does it have the graphics of dwarf fortress, because i'm no graphics whore but i can't deal with little symbols being characters and environments
You can install tilesets
>The protagonist's primary weapon is a sword