Can we have a thread about the best Machinima of all time? Also, possibly one of the best shows of the last decade.
Can we have a thread about the best Machinima of all time? Also, possibly one of the best shows of the last decade
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>Can we have a thread about the best Machinima of all time? Also, possibly one of the best shows of the last decade.
You mean this on, right?
Did season 8 ever get released?
That shit is fucking cancer,its funny to 8 year olds
>Red vs Blue
I could never take it seriously cause I couldn't not think of the thirty year old man behind the camera clambering around his apartment floor with Halo toys
I don't feel like this detracts from the show, but more adds to it. Jon has put his life into this show and makes it known with every podcast and video he does.
Season 8 has been released and it's shaping up to be his best yet. I would highly recommend listening to his podcasts.
this will always be their peak
Why'd they become clickbait journalists? Shit they should just end machinma channel and I can't believe TBF still are obligated to make videos for them. They're fucking retarded signing a contract until 2025.
Jon was really cool and always replied to peoples emails. I remember sending him an archived Sup Forums thread about the show once and he said he enjoyed it.
Apparently he started making Arby and the Chief again. I'd feel autistic watching it now, anyone seen it?
Yeah the quality in writting is a lot better. Too bad he has to suck all those dicks to pay his rent.
Ahh yes, the point where the series pretty much told me it was filled with prepubescent retards.
Jon is a godlevel writer.
The first few seasons were great and still hold up. RvB was also the first to do Halo machinima, and for a first attempt they arguably did it best
What's everyone's favorite episode? Mine is "Night of the Evading Dead." I know wedding is a fan favorite, and it's easily my second pick but season 4 really had great single episodes.
I adored rvb when I was younger.
Thought it was increasingly odd that the reds and blues just kind of kept tagging along in the background when the freelancer plotline started though. Like the main cast all had their set character archetype to fall into and they couldn't risk being the ones to develop beyond that.
Red vs Blue suffered from multiple problems, but the biggest of which being both the writing and the directing. RvB kept essentially kept the same format for the show over years and didn't really try to adapt it into anything more. This not only made it bland, but didn't add anything new for the audience to digest. The directing had stayed mediocre and the scripts where the same old content that had been produced years before.
Favorite episodes are "Cradle To Grave" and "Fatal Exception". Though the ending for "Bytes: Sold Out" was glorious.
It went downhill after going full edge in the later seasons.
Daily reminder Jon fucked a therapist for autistic children.
Wedding season is best overall, but if we're talking about individual episodes then The Spider and Wake, if only for how good the cigarette scene is
The one where Chief attempts to flush COD4 down the toilet
Why does Jon think he's a bad writer? I honestly think he's amazing.
Great choice. The end of "Spider" is just well done overall.
"Cradle to Grave" has always been a highlight of mine as well. Really one that delivers justice to a character and does it well.
I was disappointed when Jon stopped doing hypermail. I enjoyed hearing the fan mail from the shows perspective, but he still answers mail on his podcast.
Chief is funny and all, and I understand the need for balance with the Arbiter's character, but God it's such a pain to listen to Microsoft Mike speak rationally for a full minute and a half before the next actually comedic moment.
My nigga. Attitude is my season 1 favorite.
How do you guys want Season 8 to end? I want Arbiter to meet Claire in real life. I'll be honest, I think Arbiter is up there with a character like Guts is how much he's been tortured.
hey guys, it's me john. john cjg. you know, digitalph33r. ask me anything.
I want that roastie to die a painful death.
More like digitalq33r LOL
Are you a manlet?
when's the next episode
Hypernews was fucking great.
I don't think he should met Claire in the end of the series, just because that's already been explored. But I am interested to see where season 8 is going to end. It's looking like the best season yet.
>mfw it died in LA
>be me
>sad and bored one night, or maybe very early morning
>end up watching the pilot of arby n the chief for some reason
>chief hears the phone ringing
>cant reach it
>grabs a frying pan from under the sink
>whats he up to?
>smashes it against the wall
>phone drops
>answers it and says hello in his fucking retarded voice.
i laughed so god damn hard i think i woke up my neighbor. this scene was immediately followed by the delivery guy asking if he is john and chief says he is. it was such simple and effective humor. im glad bungie gave the creator recon before it was easy to get.
i have yet to see a feature added into a game as incredible as theater mode
How is Claire a roastie? Arbiter is quite literally a toy, it makes sense she doesn't love him
I know man, good times.
Just started re watching Season 5 because of this thread, and holy shit this show is petty good for a machinima where most of the characters are Halo toys
Agreed. It'd Machinima's best show easy. I can't even really think of a lot of tv shows that stack up.
Dude, he actually came back to life in 2010 to make more Arby. Look harder.
Like the other user said, the thought of a middle aged man moving toys around his house and making them talk with a microsoft voice is a bit odd watching it when you're not a kid
The better question is what's 2nd, and why is it Sanity not Included?
Anyone else think that Seasons 5 to 7 could actually function as something of a videogame version of Heart of Darkness? Or at least a good version of season 2 of SAO?
I stopped watching after they killed themselves. How did they come back?
>Sanity not Included
That show went to shit once Guitarmasterx7 left.
It was the shit when I was a kid.
Only Lyle's skits were good desu.
I don't consider it to exist post lyle
Hell if I know. Season 8's first episode was just dull, overly long, and riddled with crow's feet. I couldn't manage to get through it.
nothing to see here, hide and sage folks.
>best machinima
>Arby 'n' the Chief
Pre-Game Lobby and Gears No More were way better.
Nah, Dexterboy pulled out a bunch of good skits too.
where were you born?
Girls is and always will be one of the best videos on YouTube, but Collapse from Season 5 is one of my personal favorites. People really dont like the serious tone of the later seasons but that was the peak of comedy/serious.
No, he didn't.
I liked Civil Protection.
LA never happened, the series continued without mentioning it again.
That shit was hilarious
Literally gods or some shit we dont know yet
The spaceship was a coma of sorts which ended with a certain throwaway gag from Season 3 coming back to kick them out of it.
Did anyone here watch that Battlefield friends thing?
I heard LA wasn't even made by Jon.
I did, but I much prefer their other work, Doraleous and Associates.
In the earlier seasons it was fun, because it was kind of tongue and cheek about how dumb the whole situation was and it didn't take itself seriously.
But then they started getting up their own asses with a serious plot, and things went way downhill. You can sense the period of time when it became commercial success for them and they stopped just having fun with it.
That's not Freeman's Mind.
Or Freeman's Mind 2
Why cant we all work together
How is season 8? Is it back to comedy skits or more toykino?
Toykino, of course
I really enjoyed Battlefield friends, matter of fact, I enjoy their animations in general.
I don't really like their let's play stuff as much (Though I do like it.), mostly because they sort of have Mormon-tier humor when they're just being natural.
Well, I actually did like the crazy plot of Seasons 6 to 8, even if it was just turning a lot of the fun of the earlier seasons and retconning them all grimdark. The real problem was with Seasons 9 and 10 just turning into Monty Oum demo reels filled with MORE grimdark retcons. It's amazing that Season 11 managed to be so good in spite of what it had just come off of that mad it my favorite season of the show.
Also, as a Fire Emblem fan, I liked to imagine a kind of Ogma/Navarre theming to Felix and Locus that helped me care about them quicker.
Ross is so good at writing crazy dialog that at the same time feels so mundane. Is it because all the crazy people he has met over the years? Or being a crazy person himself?
Nah, Ross is sane, just a bit of a hippie. There's a difference between "There’s no society of anthropomorphic frog people living in the sewer, Freeman. You’re just being paranoid." and "OH, BOO-HOO, YOU'RE GAY, YOU'RE LESBIAN, YOU'RE STRAIGHT! MY PENIS DOESN'T WORK!!"
>mfw Arby n the Chief is the only reason I started playing Halo 3
I wonder if Jon plays MCC. I remember way back in the Halo 3 days hoping to run into him in matchmaking.
>How did they come back?
Nobody knows because Jon spent eight entire episodes on an irrelevant Space Odyssey parody that barely amounted to a glorified framing device.
>Space Odyssey parody
>with those production values
No, Jon.
Those three will never make me not laugh. Especially fucking Attitude, man. When he flushes COD4 down the toilet.
Cock of Dooty: Modern Gayfuckstupid
This, the fucking sequel is also great
Uh.. s8? Aren't they like.. dead?
Jon just utterly refuses to figure out that the world's moved on from Machinima.
You can ask him, he's very active on twitter and shit now.
iirc he said he was too poor to buy an xbone and hasn't played since Reach I think?
I'm guessing it's not much a lack of awareness on Jon's part so much as he's falling back on the series because it's the most successful thing he's done.
>Yfw Jon brought back Xanthar
That's not Sanity not included
Yea SNI was great when I was like 16 or something
>taht wuz quit3 a mouthful!!1 / i gess ur used 2 that kind of thign
>Nice one! I see what you did there. Instead of addressing my points, you took everything that I said and turned it into a sexual joke, implying that I suck men's penises. Fantastic.
>"LOL" indeed.
>w/e / ur just 2 p00r 2 affoerd teh new mapz
>It's not a competition about who has the most money, you fucking idiot. It's about a personal sense of worth. But I guess that's a concept that's too complex for your hopeless, juvenile, idiotic brain to understand.
>hahhahahhah / ur p00r / u cant affoerd stuff
>Tfw these same arguments are had today on Sup Forums
The writing for this show is timeless.
Shawshank Redemption 2
Arbiter was always a whiteknighting cuck
but he had good reasons to be