How come Sup Forums can talk about one of these games...

How come Sup Forums can talk about one of these games, but the other game keeps getting shitposters that say "VISUAL NOVELS ARENT GAMES"?

Is Sup Forums that biased toward Japanese things?

Other urls found in this thread:

One game feels like a unique experience, while the other feels like generic VA with mini-games #9,999.

Both of those descriptions work for both games

Sup Forums proudly presents: "Best Girl"

people love their weebshit games

One was mini games such as rhythm games and reflex actions as well as puzzles to solve. The other is just choose option a or b.

>left - a walking sim marketed as "your choices matter" but ends up boiling down to "choice a vs choice b"

>right - an actual fucking game

It's not that it's bias towards Japanese games, it's that at first glance, LIS looks like an SJW tumblr fest. It's a perfect example of not judging a book by its cover tho.

>LIS looks like an SJW tumblr fest.

because it is

Sup Forums shitposts about LiS all the time.

i am not that of a Sup Forums fag, so i don't know what Sup Forums thinks about danganronpa.

but danganronpa isn't a vn. persona isn't one either. those are fucking games, even if you think visual novels aren't games. ( i don't have an answer to wheter vn's are games or not)

but my reason to reply to this topic is.. life is strange is shit. playstation plus gives shit but i fucking hate them for giving this piece of shit to me, i would rather some indie ass looking shit. if you enjoy it, good for you people, but i don't know how the fuck someone enjoys that. ok, everyone will hate me now. i'll see myself out

What are some good Horror VNs on steam or current gen consoles?

Could have got Remember Me 2, but instead we get a wannabe Spike Jonze film.

They're games with visual novel elements you retard.

Nobody calls Life is Strange a VN, and there have been plenty of threads about it.

Danganronpa is surprisingly good at making you feel like you are solving the mysteries yourself through (mostly) clever minigames rather than just choices. It feels like you are doing a lot more than you actually are, even if you are guessing like a madman. I like it.

I'm not anti VN, but Danganronpa absolutely is one.

That's the point of the thread you fucking retarded namefag take off your trip fuck face.

What if I hate both?

False. Show your work.

>but danganronpa isn't a vn.
Danganronpa is specifically a vn.

I wonder how a killing game with the Life is Strange teenagers would go.

Sup Forums shits on both games
it just depends on how often you see Sup Forums shitposting in a specific thread dedicated to one of those two games
if you like one but dislike the other, if you like both, or if you hate both, then to each their own

>yfw both those games are in your 3x3

All the likable characters would be gone even sooner than in Danganronpa.

I thought LiS was really mediocre sans a few characterizations ala. Katie, Katie is fine in my book.
Danganronpa was average, minigames was a nice addition to the stale VN gameplay, and I somewhat enjoyed the artstyle. I didn't like the murder puzzles themselves, stupid and chunky af.

I have been here 10 years and have never seen Sup Forums shit on DR other than the anime.

what a shit taste

all the footage from the game

Both are garbage and only a true casual would like either.

A visual novel can be a game. Not always but Danganronpa and BlazBlue are definitely games.

It "has" visual novel parts. Like, persona is half visual novel too. There are other games that uses sprites and bottom of screen for text like vn's, but they are games. well, i think i just call everything that has something more than a visual novel "a game". running in a map and doing some shit other than talking seperates games from visual novels for me. welp, i didn't play too much visual novels, all i played was reading, choices, more reading. so when i see more than reading and choices, i assume it is not a game - it is a game that has visual novel elements. still, people think wheter danganronpa is a visual novel or game, people thinking if visual novels are games etc i don't care. just give me enjoyable material and i am fine lol

I'm one of the biggest Danganronpa fags on the planet, but It's 100% a VN.
>Genres: Adventure, murder mystery, visual novel

Why do people treat VN like it's some sort of brand of shame? Phoenix Wright is a VN and it's one of the best game series ever made.

>all the footage

Did you fucking try it or not user, because you are so wrong it's absurd that you even bothered posting so confidently. You might as well go into bloodborne threads and just start shouting "furries: the game" if this is as much sense you are going to make and as much research as you are going to put in.

>Did you fucking try it or not user,

I did not get this SJW trash when it was free on PS+.

Same with trash like Tales from the Borderlands

i may be considered as a danganronpa fag as well, very good games. danganronpa 2 chapter 5 was my favorite i think. as i said, i don't care if its a vn or not. just write the fucking story and characters decently and make it fun to play, thats all i ask for


You are fucking clueless then. Keep conducting yourself this way user, its good for a laugh, to everone else here who played it and knows what a no effort sheep you have just been, you are fucking clown shoes. LiS is not SJW. One of thr big heroes is a southern, working class, right wing white male. Patriarchy literally comes to save the day.

Danganronpa is absolute, actual trash and no matter what you fucking weeaboo loser NEET autists say it won't change the fact the characters are shit, the art is shit, the interface is shit, the gameplay is TRAAAAAASH, the story is fucking 13 year old narrative writing, the writing is pandering, it's all fucking terrible. the mysteries aren't even fucking good! there are like two good ones in THH and the rest are filler garbage

>same with trash like tales from the borderlands

hold on boi. atleast that shit was like, mindless fun. i found it better than the original borderlands games. i had fun, weird boss fight like shit etc, it made it worth playing. the other telltale like games ( and the telltale games ) are shit tho. the wolf among us can be considered decent, but the others...

user, it fucking is and you're outing yourself as a huge fag right now

>weird boss fight like shit etc

a telltale game with a boss fight? Now that's a joke.

hey buddy I played through LiS and kinda liked it and all but with all it's prentend teenager lingo, feels and indie music, it does feel pretty tumblr.

pic related my work why are we on /ic/ now

>LiS is not SJW

except it is and tumblr to boot which makes it worse

>it fuckinf is

Only it fucking isn't. Where is it "SJW"? Point to where the "SJW" touched you, go on. Can't wait to refute it easily. Lets go champ.

Ok, where? Even 3 examples will do.

>Ok, where? Even 3 examples will do.

the entire game

None of that has anything to do with "SJW"

Quit replying to Sup Forums, faggot. You're only going to get replies like this

>i have no points so all of it

Just as i though faggot. You got nothing. People like you on Sup Forums really are mindless drones, its just you are in gpod company so no one ever calls you out, you even start to just believe you are correct.

you sound pretty fucking mad right now user, maybe you should play some games

Danganronpa is weeb trash, but it at least provides a fun and unique experience. And whether you like it or not, both DR1 and DR2 had a broad and unique enough cast where fans could distinguish characters easily enough through traits, appearance or talking mannerisms, which is what 90% of discussion on the game consists of.

Whereas Life is Strange has, at most, 4 memorable characters, with most of the cast being used as one-off gags, key plot points for the corresponding chapter, and while both games are moderately linear, Life is Strange ends up feeling far more like an interactive movie and less like a game.

But overall they're both 2 completely different games. It's just that one is far more colorful, easier to discuss, and has a better fleshed out set of characters, and the other being just about Max and Chloe jerking each other off for several hours.

Maybe you should make an actual argument.

ok, i am taking the bait.

characters are thrash.. can't argue but the point is making use of them for murders, not for making them waifus. i don't believe they did a great job, but it was ok

Art is shit? nah i won't bother explaining art

the interface is shit? i mean, unless it is fucking unplayable i don't care about interface. a good interface is always welcomed, but i had no problems with danganronpas interface.

gameplay is thrash- wtf did you expected? there is murder, you try to guess it during searching shit, if you don't guess it, game holds your hand and you continiue playing(who the fuck can't guess danganronpa murders?) it is better than making a murder game with fucking only 3 possible murderers and they all going "hey i'm good guy yo" some shitty murder games don't evne have enough characters for you to pick the killer from.

the story is fucking 13 yo narrative writing.. it gets edgy sometimes, despaiirrr hopeeee. still, i watched sao mate. i can handle some cringe, come on. it wasn't all bad.

so imo, it is a fucking fun run. not everything need to be perfect to be acceptable. i liked the art, gameplay was ok for me, i had my fun. good memories, satisfied by the game. i didn't even bother using a bait pic or greentext, as i am lazy af and that shit was probably a bait, but still, here's an answer.

This is fanboy: the post

I'm not saying it's SJW, I'm saying it's pointing towards a similar direction. The themes aren't much SJW since it's just meandor teenage drama filler.
I don't have hate boners for this game but it's really a mix-bag, some presentation was great, overall storytelling choices were weird to say the least.

boi, i didn't say art is perfect, story is well written and shit. can you read and comprehend what you read? if you like fanboys, there are plenty in other shit fandoms, people thinking undertale is original(that game is ok), or persona 4 is best persona game with best characters(that game is ok too). for going super-fanboy, you need to protect the shit with your life. my post was just a lazy ass answer with some criticism.

>it's prentend teenager lingo
theg actually talk like that now

>I'm not saying it's SJW, I'm saying it's pointing towards a similar direction


you could really do with a cock in your mouth

You're a fanboy because you admit it has grievous flaws and only defend it because you have a favorite waifu character or whatnot

Maybe I worded it wrong.
I'm saying that the charcters' vibes are really close to the "oh im so pathetic and hipster and sad and anti-social" mindset, aka. tumblr.
and people would assume it has those eesejaydaoublew issue attached.

>im not saying it's SJW
>but it kinda is
>but actully, thematically not

user. Make some sense please.

>and people would assume it has those eesejaydaoublew issue attached.

When you ASSUME you make an ASS out of U and ME both user. The mother of all fuck ups? Heard of it?

Are you 12 or just a niGGer?

>I'm not saying it's SJW, I'm saying it's pointing towards a similar direction

>i''m not saying its SJW but it's SJW
this is what I got from your post

i am defending it because even though there is flaws, the game was a good experience. it could use some tweaks, but still, i enjoyed the gameplay and dialogue. the gameplay, using your days - someone dying - investigating - holding a trial was fun(and spending your days needs to be tweaked, that shit should become more persona-like). the flaws you wrote are not that big flaws, and they do not make the game thrash. the "flaws" i admit aren't complete shit, they are just flaws. i still had fun, i will still enjoy the sequel. when comparing to shit tons of other games that i played, danganronpa is totally not the worst. it worths defending this game

LIS is SJW bait. It looks SJW; SJWs that praise it are too stupid to realize it, but if you actually pay attention to the narrative the feminists are all idiots and weak willed morons

Do casuals like visual novels/visual novel-esque games? From what I know LiS is similar to Telltale games in that a lot of it is dialogue options with spoken dialogue, and decisions, but with time rewinding or something?

You use to be able to get Danganronpa discussion a couple years back, but now it's just shitposting and avatarfagging.

I mean, there isn't much more to discuss among the games and anime now, but I feel like there'll probably more actual discussion when the English version of v3 comes out.

>Do casuals like visual novels/visual novel-esque games? From what I know LiS is similar to Telltale games in that a lot of it is dialogue options with spoken dialogue, and decisions, but with time rewinding or something?
Holy fuck yes are you aware of Telltale? They used to make adventure games before TWD.

Been trying to promote v3 discussion but it constantly gets ignored. Don't think I'll bother with the threads when v3 gets released. Threads haven't been the same ever since UDG got localized.

the big plot twist of v3 is fucking stupid

even worse than the twist of #2


>sam and max sequel never

there's been two

you know what I mean, faggot
Sam and Max died when Telltale went all hollywood

>life is strange

Stop responding you're making the rest of us look bad.
The guy is obviously baiting or redditer.


I best you think all Sony and Nintendo games are Japanese too.

>not japanese

The japanese ones are.

Are all Sony games Japanese now?
Is blue dragon Western because it's on xbox?
Is metroid prime by Japanese devs because Nintendo is Japanese?
And now you're saying dontnod is Japanese despite being a French video game development company.

I knew Sup Forums was young but not retarded.

no shit

They have some actual interaction with them

>World to walk around in

that applies to both

It's underage faggots or they're from reddit.
Phoenix Wright, Disgaea, Persona, Danganropna, fuck even Layton are VNs.
Life is strange doesn't follow that format it's more like Waling dead or the wolf among us and like an interactive story.

TWD and TWAU are just 3D vns idiot

No I knew about that, but I just meant that as a general term as what they generally make nowadays, my bad.

>Is Sup Forums that biased toward Japanese things?
Yes. Obviously.
SJW-articles/blogposts from Japan don't have a translation team, and since literally no one on Sup Forums speaks moon, Japan is imagined as a kind of male-eutopia where schoolgirls wearing gum-wrapper miniskirts wander the streets dispensing blowjobs to strangers on command.

What do you mean? How did UDG's localization change things? I could understand DR3, but UDG?

is ultimate despair girls required playing? or is it just a fan service action game?

can it be skipped?

This. Debating buying it but if its just a lame spinoff then I'll pass.


Maybe I just became completely empty inside during the five year span between when I first played Nier and when Automata released but I felt absolutely nothing while playing it. I don't know why but I had zero emotional attachment towards anything meanwhile Nier made me nearly cry like a bitch multiple times.