Are there any good games where you play as the antagonist?
Are there any good games where you play as the antagonist?
Shadow of the Colossus
Spec Ops: The Line
Dragons Dogma
Silent Hill 2
It's too bad games aren't allowed to let player's be a real antagonist where the game and characters make it obvious you are the bad guy. Unless it's horribly comical people take it too seriously saying "oh that's promoting terrible stuff". Even though "media doesn't effect us"... until it's something bad right?
I mean that's why shit games like Hatred got all that attention for the wrong reasons. Nobody actually finished the game or attacked it for gameplay. It was how it "was a terrible precendent" or "you kill for no reason". Yeah, like any bad guy in most AAA games with shallow half villians? But I guess that's okay because you play the good guy... right?
Tf2, blue team
No, not unless you're playing as both of the opposing sides.
The antagonist is an adversary to the protagonist. The protagonist is the leading character, which is not always the "good guy".
>main character
too slow my man
Golden Sun
Killzone, although that's mainly due to bad writing on the devs part
>society of mutated humans
>Let's proceed to shit on them, destroy their homeworld and then have the nerve to call them evil when we take in the refugees
I think a good chunk of Wolfenstein TNO's story was about how the characters realize that they are not even rebels anymore just terrorists, ruining lives for odinary people who, although living under a reign but are fine without them stirring shit up.
The writing antagonized the villians fine but their society was so prosper.
Sonic Adventure 2
Kinda, there's that one sequence where you hear the army dudes having a conversation and they talk about how the group is actually causing a lot of issues with normal life
[Spoiler]tactics advanced
Wrong. There's a lot of self awareness in Killzone.
By definition, no. Plenty of games where you play the bad guy though.
Tyranny is good if you like the old fashioned cRPGs
all mario games
The ISA is always depicted as noblebright. I have no idea what you're talking about.
>Go from playing as good boy spidey to breaking cop's spines and eating children as Venom
One of the best games I ever rented back in the day besides shadow of the colossus
What are you sperging out about this time, Sup Forums? You're spamming this in every current thread.
The concept of Tyranny was amazing, I just wish they made it a VN so I didn't have to slog through boring "gameplay" made obsolete before 9/11.
go away josh
go sperg out about harem anime some more
>bringing up Sup Forums for no reason
You're just as bad, if not worse, than the sperg you're replying to. Fuck off
It's satire. The last game they made was straight up anti-Israeli propaganda. Not memeing.
At the surface, it really does seem like GI Joe in space. But the series has always had a very unsubtle hidden message that the Helghast (who were forced off their homeworld of Vekta) were the ones being oppressed.
>It's satire. The last game they made was straight up anti-Israeli propaganda. Not memeing.
The story is that you are forced to go into a reservation to kill poverty stricken refugees as a part of the galactic war on terrorism. The game ends by acknowledging the ISAs duplicity.
You fight Palestinians, if the Palestinians were British space Nazis.
Came here to post this
Fable: TLC
Bowser's inside story, OP
Tie Fighter.