>play video game for about an hour
>really like it
>never play it a again
anyone else do this? anyone know how to kick this habit?
Play video game for about an hour
No usually I continue to do things I really like.
I only noticed the other day that I tend to only play most of my games for 30 hours, max.
Kind of weird.
Hello me
you are a pirate, it is your curse
Just stop playing video games.
if you pay for games you feel compelled to finish them
just stop being depressed lol
This is what happens when you play video games on PC.
>play video game
>get incredibly lonely
>turn on a podcast
>mute the game and continue playing
Who else knows this feel?
mostly I just get really into a game and drop it 2/3's throughm I haven't finished a JRG in maybe 5 years because of this
>Buy a whole bunch of new games, just play the same old games. Incredibly large backlog.
>just started a new game in fallout 2
>buy a game on launch day
>never play it
>the sequel is already out
silly billy, just exercise every day and be yourself :^)
when your life revolves around entertainment and entertainment becomes boring
what then
Meet the real me
Guess I die
>when your life revolves around entertainment and entertainment becomes boring
This is a real problem, and trying to balance it out is hard because entertainment is supposed to be a reward, I don't want to go and do anything else that is less fun just so vidya seems fun again in comparison, that in itself sounds more boring than just playing vidya, so my sense of scale and balance is all fucked
We both need some people to talk to.
similar but instead i get the hyped feeling of playing a game in my head.
install it. play for an hour get bored, uninstall and never play again.
rinse and repeat.