what is the Sup Forums equivalent of this
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this
sekaiju no meikyuu
Why is she naked?
bless you fellow adventure
It's hot
It is literally Terraria
im no shotacon but that Reg made me think otherwise
I'm 12 and what is this?
she vomited all over her clothes
what's the context?
terraria doesn't have fire physics (it should)
Wait wait wait, is this watch dogs 2? I thought I had to play a nigger in it?
It's Watch Dogs 1
I'm sorry user
But firing laser based weapons destroy some background objects
>i wont play game because there is brown man
>butt of the gun is going over her shoulder
Nobody show this to /k/
>People get this insecure over a darker shade of pixels
Whats this from? Movie? Anime?
Literally Etrian Odyssey: The anime