Have a million hours in TF2

>have a million hours in TF2
>99% of it is randomizer, tf2x(insert # here), or some other custom gamemode

Other urls found in this thread:


>have a thousand hours in TF2
>they're all in random Valve servers in standard game modes

>Zero hours in TF2
>Never played the game
>Not into online multiplayer

>have zero hours in any multiplayer meme games
>am 100% queer than anybody that has played them
hmm... got me thinkin

>have a million of hours in life
>99% of it was bullshit

>my older gf plays videogames better than me
>dominates me after beating me in fighting games



MILF Aila > Rin



Source on this one as well

lmao does this bitch's mom have a fucking mailing slot in her room?

Furyou ni Hamerarete Jusei suru Kyonyuu Okaasan


Thanks user-chan


1,000,000 hours/24 hours=41,666 days/365 days=144 years
>spending this much time on a shitty f2p game


I had like 700 hours and 500 of it was on 24/7 dustbowl servers.

built for ntr

>600+ hours in football manager 2014
>Just left my computer on a lot with the tab closed

>have 1k hours in TF2
>dominate players with 4k hours
Stop idling kids

>implying there's such thing as spending too much time when you are inmortal
Dumb human.

post best mother ntr






Best Mother NTR gaming has to offer.

Game is dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ189682.html but translated.


this triggers the Sup Forums shitters

Got all excited, then realized I already played and unlocked all scenes. Post source for that image though.

Both are doujinshi from Akatsuki Souken.

Found the second one.


holy fuck that art
even besides the faces how can people fap to this shit

I remember when I first saw that art and thought the same. Now it's my favorite artist.

Porn addiction is a slippery slope down to insanity. Get out while you still can.

I can make a video of me jerking to it if you want Post your email and I'll send it to you.

Same bro. Too bad not a lot of his work gets translated.

>Womb literally becomes a second mouth that vacuum sucks
This is pretty go-
There it goes

>have a million hours in TF2
>99% of it is 6v6 or 8v8 loosely organized public/private matches

Believe it or not I actually went all the way and fucking learned Japanese purely for doujinshi (I don't even like anime/weeb games so I have no use for it outside of porn).

The reason why his shit doesn't get translated is because there is 1 guy that translates all his work and sells it to people. If someone else starts a translation and comes far he releases his old translation on exhentai before the new translator can do it. Thus new translators just gave up and he keeps selling his translations for like 10 dollars per doujin.

Learning Japanese enough to read hentai took me about 2 hours a day for close to a year. If you are a porn addict as I it will be worth your time investment.

What's wrong with the art? It's a cute looking panda. I can agree it's not something I would fap to. Maybe I haven't been here long enough, lol

>have 3000 hours on tf2
>half of that time was spent on custom servers whit friends and rad maps.
>all those servers are dead and the remaining ones are not the same

chemotherapy works

That's dedication. What's your favorite non translated Akatsuki Souken?


This one is probably the best untranslated he has.