Oh shit guys do you see that? Blizzard is informing me that RandomRoastieCamwhore#999 is online NOW!!!!!
Better go watch!!!
Oh shit guys do you see that? Blizzard is informing me that RandomRoastieCamwhore#999 is online NOW!!!!!
Better go watch!!!
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Wow instead of ignoring it you give her advertisement on a website where no one gives a fuck.
Serves the new fucking generations right, they only want to see streamers, not play games.
Please watch some HotS streams, please!
White women are gross.
Soon they'll be watching people reacting to watching people play games. It's probably already a reality.
holy shit you were right, i had to check because i thought you were a masterb8r
>playing bliz games
>not expecting cancer of all forms
the only good thing they ever made was diablo, literally killed rts genre and made MMO the cancer of video games popular today, pvp multiplayer was a mistake
>Wow instead of ignoring it you give her advertisement
No I didn't.
that is not a white woman.
THIS is a white woman.
This honestly.
>no one ever makes hate threads about your favorite e-celeb
blizzard didn't make diablo, condor did (which was acquired by blizzard) and then it was disbanded
nice shit taste
Blizzard is fucking pathetic. I wouldn't be surprised if they were in the same dire straights as Sony Animation is with that garbage Emoji Movie. That's about the level of quality Blizzard is shitting out.
who this
>angry straight white male millennial
>Wanting to get cucked
I know some of you guys like NTR/cuckoldry but you shouldn't pick asian women just because they are more likely to cheat on you. That's just dumb.
I'm a mildly annoyed border collie but no one will ever believe it.
Nice fake news. White women cheat more. Asians are loyal.
>t. increasingly nervous smalldicked whiteboi who is convinced that the asian girl of his dreams wont just cuck him for a chad
It must be painful to be so naive.
I would be surprised if that's not a thing.
>Nice fake news. White women cheat more. Asians are loyal.
t. never been to asia
Anyone else browses streams with 0 to 1 viewers at night ?
that shit's depressing
All women are disloyal whores. Don't give in to the penis jew.
Yep. my own.
>Blizzard puts up little banner ads for twitch that nobody really pays attention to
>They've been doing this for months, if only to fluff up the flags they can fit on the banner
>Suddenly user is mad about it
I don't get it. Fucking why are you mad. Even if this was news your anger is still fucking stupid. And it's not just about Blizzard, what the fuck is this breed of degeneracy the election spawned. I certainly know you redditors don't go on /r9k/, since most of you don't even hit Sup Forums. Why does the very image of a woman make you angry. It's not funny. It's not smart. It's just fucking stupid, and all it does is make you look like a bigger autist than everyone else. I just don't fucking get it, how can people be so ludicrously stupid? Fucking go outside, get fresh air, socialize, do ANYTHING that keeps you from being like this, because Jesus Christ you have no chance of doing anything if you keep this shit up. Fucking god damn user.
>White women cheat more, Asians are loyal
Who is this? My dick needs to know.
>being a slut
*white american women
I would stick my dick in that, if you know what I mean.
I don't get mad about this. This isn't even being a slut this is just being a good businesswoman and exploiting opportunities. She probably lives a pretty normal life next to her gaming streams without any actual nudity in it.
There was one twitch slut that got banned and then became a camwhore. Some women just can't hide this shit.
Let's be real dawg if you could hop on camera and whore yourself out for some money you'd do it.
I do. I discovered two really good streamers that can't break past 5 viewers. I want them to succeed.
I visit /r9k/ a lot (something I'm surprised you'd put in an even remotely positive light) and I'm not even mad, I just think this is annoying and dumb. I don't want to see real women in my video game clients, I want to see video games.
You too :(
this desu
If I had nice tits and was strapped for cash I certainly would. But I don't.
They stream their HotS matches. One is funny in a silly way and the other knowledgeable about the game and very didactic. I don't want them to get bullied.
>This isn't even being a slut this is just being a good businesswoman and exploiting opportunities.
So being a whore.
You're responding to literal teenagers riding the latest memes all of their friends are posting
I'm sure there's gay dudes out there with extra cash looking to find male camwhores.
Though, it's incredibly easy to get butt as a gay dude so maybe not.
Are you retarded? I would be just as mad had it been any of the insufferable male streamers