Has Sup Forums played Escape from Tarkov? It's currently in beta, and it's a /k/ommando's wet dream.
Has Sup Forums played Escape from Tarkov? It's currently in beta, and it's a /k/ommando's wet dream
Weapon modding in particular is very comprehensive.
Been playing it. Got 3 AK-74us today and was pretty hyped about that since I just started yesterday. Hoping it gets optimized relatively soon 'cause I'm on 8gb of ddr3.
Honestly it's more like it's still an alpha than a beta, but I can see myself burning a good 100 hours in its current state regardless.
whats the cheapest price i need to buy to be sure i can play it RIGHT now, 140?
uinplayable for me fucking desync
$45. All beta waves have been let in, and the standard edition guarantees closed beta access, so you'll be let in immediately now.
Yeah it seems pretty hit or miss whether you get a desyncy server or not. Some are insanely fucking bad while others are just fine. 605 error is killing me right now though.
It's in beta. Every copy can play now.
shit, i guess ill fall for the shill this afternoon then
is this multiplayer stalker?
Fair warning, it plays like an alpha rather than a beta, and there's a lot of content that isn't in yet. I'd say look into it a little more to see if it's worth it to you now.
>let in immediately
False. There's like a one week waiting period after you buy your copy. It's to prevent the servers from flooding or something.
i put like 500 hours into the first stalker, dosent matter if its shit, ill want to try it anyways. just didnt want to buy it and find out i couldnt play it yet
They were letting people in in waves over a one week period with EVERYONE being let in by the 5th, but they said the last wave was today, so everyone who buys now should be good to go.
Re-read his email message. It says they're letting people in over a one week period since the beginning of beta launch. Tomorrow, that will have been a week ago.
you better not be lyin user
Check the reddit to make sure. I'm just going off of what one of the devs has been saying on stream, and while I'm like 99% sure about what I've been telling you, there's the possibility that I misremembered. At the very latest though, you should be able to play by some time tomorrow.
>Pick USEC
>Don't start with balaclava
more like fat /k/id's wet dream
So it's basically play now while other people are playing, or wait for the game to be out of EA/beta and have no one playing?
Also is this just another open world survival game that relies on other players to "shape their own story" ordeal?
It's a /k/ loot and gun porn simulator with PvE and PvP. For what it's worth, I didn't enjoy DayZ but have been enjoying this quite a bit, despite being an unoptimized, laggy, buggy "beta" [alpha].
It's not really open world (yet).
And storyline is planned.
So can I just not play with other people when it's finished?
Cause I was interested in it a while back, but got a thing against playing with/against other people. Then it started sounding like DayZ/H1Z1/etc with the open world ffa and I lost interest.
Not sure. I think you're gonna have players in all your games on release though. There's currently an offline mode, but the stuff you collect in it isn't added to your stash, and I think I heard that it won't be there on release.
I'm really hoping there'll be a PvE option, but I don't think it's likely.
If you see someone wiggle back and forth with Q and E do it back and then shoot them in the back of the head.
Will there be any more wipes before release?
It will always be PvPvE
Yeah, offline won't be there on release.