What are your top 5 games of the past 3 years?

What are your top 5 games of the past 3 years?

Trying to catch up on shit I might have missed

Rainbow Six Siege
Hollow Knight
AC4 Black Flag
Dues Ex HR

Titanfall 2
Tales of Berseria

Kid Icarus: Uprising
Bayo 2
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

NieR: Automata
Hollow Knight

Witcher 3
Grim Dawn

Persona 5
Rainbow Six Siege
Uncharted 4
Battlefield 1

bayo 2
persona 5
street fighter 5 even tho it sux

Witcher 3
Persona 5

Oh shit...yeah fuck someone else said it but easily replace Deus Ex HR with bloodborne...not sure how I forgot

Guilty Gear Xrd
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Persona 5

The Witcher 3
Resident Evil 7
The Witness
Rainbow Six: Siege
Breath of the Wild

Persona 5
Fallout 4
The Witcher 3

I hated everything else that I played to be honest. Sorry I couldn't list 5

Witcher 3
The Last of Us

Fable Legends
Prey 2
Silent Hills
Star Wars 1313

Nier Automata
Dishonoured 2
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy (if it counts)
Uncharted 4 (if Crash doesn't count)

Yakuza 0

Literal shit taste

Wolfenstein The New Order
Nier Automata
Yakuza 0
Persona 5

Breath of the Wild
Bayonetta 2
Persona 5
Splatoon 2

I honestly can't remember what came out close to 5 years ago so my list is probably skewed towards recent releases.
>Endless Space 2
>Breath of the Wild
>NieR: Automata
>Dark Souls 3

this post won my nu/v/ award

Which one is your list, faggot?

Is this bait?

Persona 5
Deus Ex Mankind Divided

this gen fucking blows

pokemon xy
forza horizon 2 and 3
idort and proud


Titanfall 2
Persona 5
Breath of the Wild
Tropical Freeze

honorary mention to Hotline Miami, Wonderful 101, and Risk of Rain for not being within the past three years but still in the "8th gen" period of relevance

Please explain what about it is bait, all of those are fantastic games. The only one I can see you retards getting butthurt over is DaS3.

Life is Strange
Fallout 4
Breath of the Wild

no, but this Bruno must have good taste in vidya

Nier: Automata
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Persona 5

>all of these faggots listing MGSV

For Honor
I don't play many new games at all.


>I dont like this game so everyone that likes it is a faggot

>think about it
>realize i haven't enjoyed a single game from the past 3 years

Persona 5
The Witcher 3
Dishonored 2
Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby

Give it to me straight lads, should I play Persona 5? Never played a Persona game or many JRPG's at all but I hear nothing but good shit. Everyone has answered it but I don't know whether I would get bored of it or not. I love the look of the artstyle but I think I would get so fed up of the lifestyle parts and would get irritated that I cant just play the combat and shit. How much of the game does that side of it take up?







KIU came out more than five years ago, senpai.

including 2014? or only as far back as 2015?

The Witness
Her Story

would have loved to add Persona 5 but too much waifushit in it

I can tell you the top 5 games of 2017 are
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Persona 5
>Yakuza 0
>Nier Automata

The beginning is pretty tough with handholding but the game is like 100 hours so the first couple guiding you along isn't so bad but it doesn't make it any less grating. P5 is excellent as a first persona game though.

I'd say over half the game time is spent doing SoL shit.

Have never played another Persona game and have recently been on a JRPG as I go through the early FF games (went through 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the course of about 2 months). Played with the roomie maybe 10 hours of Persona 5.

Game is a well made, polished piece of poop, man. It really is. As far as I could tell, there was no real depth in the combat and the characters were exactly what you expect from any highschool anime. The game was smooth as hell and looks gorgeous, but god damn if it isn't the same drivel you see everywhere.

If you know you're going to be a big fan of being the stereotypical new kid at school who somehow gets the affection of incredibly good looking girls for no reason, by all means. The plot almost just writes itself in how cliched it is, though.

Again, this is just from playing the first ten hours. Maybe it gets better after that, but I don't think I'm out of line to say that anything that takes ten hours before it starts getting good is probably not a great investment of time.

Dark Souls 3
Alien: Isolation
Hollow Knight

Path of Exile
Nier: Automata
my moms dick lole

Dark Souls 3
Earth Defense Force 4.1
Hollow Knight
either Exanima or INSIDE

SUPERHOT is a close 6th

Zelda BotW
Dark Souls III
Darkest Dungeon

It sort of alternates between the two parts of the game but it will feel like you're doing more daytime stuff during certain periods of the calendar, and then there will be periods where you're going to spend almost all of your time trying to finish your dungeon.

I find the alternating pace of it keeps me from getting bored. After a few hours of battling you will want to get back to story shit. And after story shit gets stale you'll have a chance to go back to combat for a while

I can tell you that the characters do not exit their stereotypes

the reason I (not the person you replied to) like the game is the soundtrack, artstyle, the combat/dungeons, and overall atmosphere

the story is bland, the characters are bland, and there's way too much weeaboo pandering

Actually, remove Wolfenstein, add ALIEN ISOLATION.

Honorary mention: AXIOM VERGE.

>Last of Us
>Witcher 3
>Hotline Miami
>Nier Automata

fuck I replay these games almost every year lol

Ten hours is only like halfway through the tutorial desu. The game takes a long time to get going.

It was a 5/10 and you would have to be brain-dead to think otherwise.
If it was legitimately one of the best games you've played in the past few year, then you clearly don't play many games.

>Her Story
Am I being memed, or did you genuinely, honestly, truthfully, actually, seriously find a 2 hour game where the gameplay is LITERALLY just entering phrases into a box as one of the best games you've played in 3 years? The girl was a pretty solid actress, but that's about as far as I can praise the "game". What the fuck man. With those other games, it seems more likely you were just tossing our Tumblr bait and put Bloodborne in there to try to hide it.

P5 was my first Persona game and first JRPG in years. It's great for what it is even if you're not into weebshit (I'm not). The lifestyle parts take up half the game but it's well paced alongside the actual dungeons. To be honest the lifestyle parts were more engaging than the actual dungeons for me since the latter drag on for so long.

Fuck, forgot SHOVEL KNIGHT as well.

>that image


KIU is the GOTYAY.

Her Story and Dear Esther are two of the few games that have actually challenged the idea of what a game could be, and have delivered truly challenging and creative interactive experiences.

Shit like Doom and The Witcher 3 will be forgotten as soon as the next bigger, cleaner, faster, deeper game comes out. But there won't be other games that can do what Dear Esther, Her Story, Journey, etc. do.

Shovel Knight was so fucking great. For all of Hollow Knight, god bless that game, I was just wishing I could hold the down button mid-air and do the Shovel Knight bouncing on enemies. I got good at it with the attack button but it's never quite as satisfying

another coma boss?

>3 years

So you mean from 2014 to now?

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Dark Souls 3
Batman Arkham Knight
Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice
Rainbow Six Seige

Did you play the DLCs? Playing as Spectre Knight is a blast. Looking forward to the next DLC, I think you get to play as King Knight.

Near A Tomato
Titanfall 2
Tie between Hollow Knight and Shovel Knight

pressing w for two hours is not interactive

Nigga, how was Her Story any different than the old FMV games? You enter words into a search bar and then play video clips. That's it, full stop. It was actually less fucking interactive than some of them, in fact. Hell, I would replay fucking Phantasmagoria over Her Story because it at least has some novel death scenes and lasts longer than an hour or 2. The overall concept was okay, but it was by no stretch of the imagination "challenging".

Dear Esther at least was the first major walking sim that comes to mind, and the dev did some Source engine wizardry to make it look better than it should have. Outside of that, the story was actually pretty fucking retarded and only real interesting bit was the hidden phantom things that kept popping up.

And I don't give a shit about Doom or Witcher 3, but if you don't care about gameplay to some degree, you need to try another medium. Why not start reading?

Interactivity isn't a scale not a slider.

Cage's 4'33" isn't less music than Mozart or Beethoven.

Grow up.

boring tastes

>grow up
Not an argument, you fucking sophist.

I dont think you should listen to anything those people will have to say desu

Im guessing it's a joke(?) the younger girl made with her mom and she made it into meme form for facebook

>silence isn't less music than music
>thinks this analogy works with video games
something something almonds

I'm willing to admit I was fully baited in my previous posts. Good job hombre, you deserve those (you)s.

You didnt get it.

>Oh yeah my background noise is deepest lore
just stop

The Witcher 3
Titanfall 2
NieR Automata
and Wolfenstein TNOI haven't played new DooM yet

It's not silence thats for sure, and it is musical when framed as such.

Yeah, but the rest of the post was. You seemed to have missed that part.

Undertale, Uncharted 4, Fallout 4.

Nier: Automata
Persona 5
Life is Strange

Don't Starve

Battle Brothers
Monster Hunter: Genereations
Darkest Dungeon
Titanfall 2
Pillars of Eternity

There are tons of choices of what to do in your off time that it is not boring at all. Just play it trust me on this.

It does get better just need to be more patient either way it's fun. JRPG'S have always been long but worth it especially Persona. You are rewarded for patience than for instant gratification.


Persona 5
Nier Automata
Fire Emblem Fates
Danganronpa 1 + 2
MGSV(I liked it regardless of what others think)

If you like one you will definitely like the other in my list( except MGS V that is a different beast all together). I have found these games engaging easy to learn and a challenge but rewarding at the same time.

>Challenged the idea of what a game can be
>Not mentioning Heavy Rain

At least David Cage games challenge the idea and brings in engagement through presentation and button presses decision making. These games you mentioned you are just walking and entering in sentences.

>Posting Megaman
>Calling MGS V shit

>Weaboo pandering

Lol better than my insert black protagonist for diversity here.

I played up until the fourth palace or so and I thought the game got worse as you went on.

>At least David Cage games challenge the idea and brings in engagement through presentation and button presses decision making.
Neck yourself. Those games didn't do fucking shit a half dozen games didn't do ten years before any of his 'games' he sharted out. On top of being pseudo-intellectual garbage with bad writing, acting, and directing.

all i have for you is sobs and hopelessness.

Breath of the Wild
NieR Automata
Expand Dong Tropical Freeze
Bayo 2

Oh and don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this in favor of the shit like "her story" that guy is an even bigger faggot but he's such a big faggot I can't bring myself to care.

Nier Automata
Yakuza 0
SMT IV/Apocalypse
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold

Witcher 3
Yakuza 0
Life is Strange
and that's probably all from the last 3 years, most new games just feel samey to me although I plan to get nier

>nu-Sup Forums