Which gem are you playing?
Hidden Gems
NiGHTS into dreams is criminally underrated
The PS3 and 360 versions are a blurry mess, not sure about the remasters.
This game flies under the radar because it's Transformers, but it has one of the best and most varied TPS campaigns of the last generation. The game has so much attention t detail and love for the source material.
yu gi oh 5d tag force
i thought yugioh would've been horribly convoluted at that point, but no, it's actually pretty easy to get in to
>tfw it will die a horrible death in obscurity because Microsoft fucked them over.
The atmosphere in this game is so good, and the combat really makes me feel like I'm pummeling people until they're an inch from dying.
i love this fuckin simple ass game
Zeus + Poseidon
I suck.
I came here to post this faggot.
My nigga. If only the progression was better, it would easily be GOTY
I laughed when Team Avolition destroyed servers
I played the fuck out of Terraria
I'm having fun watching Arino play Minecraft on the Switch, so now I'm actually interested in trying it.
Is it worth pirating?
Class based shooters are nice, and I like the healing system in the game.
I might have played it and even spent money if it weren’t for the desktop launcher they force down everyone’s throat. I already have enough adware on my pc without adding more to it
Darkwood has been the only game other thtan Subnautica in the last 5 years or so to legitimately spook the shit out of me on every single level.
I wanted to love this game so much, but I just got bored with it. The premise is outstanding.
Everytime i played this i always get a 10yo squad leader spitting out orders and i got tired of that shit real quick
Star Wars Republic Commando, it has by far the best squad mechanics in any game I have ever seen, despite it's obvious problems it is my favorite game.
I've mainly played on Desmo's Playground. Pretty competent SLs there with few kids running around.
Wonder Boy Dragon's Trap
the kino of my life
I like the smaller scale and the score is just lovely, but near the end of the game it becomes clear how small the budget was. I don't think later sections were playtested very well.
you play on veteren? I still like it after 100 hours
Holy shit me too, I thought it was just a meme game but holy shit I played the first six hours on Delta and time just flew by. It's so fucking fun and still looks amazing.
Playing grabbed by the ghoulies on my og xbox. Why is death such a faggot? The rules in this game are completely unfair at times.
Dark Souls 2