Goodnight sweet prince

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no sympathy here

good riddance

That's really cool.

Shame that he had to go so soon.

he made good content but on the other hand? fuck 'em

What's going on, is this man died?

I actually like nick
car boys was comfy and fun
coolgames inc is a goofy funny podcast
he makes funny/cool little vidya videos on youtube
generally only really talks about vidya and anime on twitter
never talks about politics or social justice issues
he was all vidya all the time
I hope he makes it out of this ok

I'm not watching this shit. Bullet points, faggot.

I like him, but if the shit's true he 100% deserves to get fired

>Creates a culture of muh feels above facts
>Gets caught in it himself

Sweet delicious karma, never though I'd be siding with that monstrosity Maya Kramer but here we are.

he's the victim of another SJW witch hunt

Neogaf character assassinated him without any proof.

You can't get survive from those.

>Learn who this guy even is barely 2 weeks ago
>Gets involved in a scandal
Well damn. Well I also learned of Griffin at the same time and he seems just fine.

Guy who works at Polygon allegedly slides into the DMs of basically every woman in the vidya industry and harasses them. He's been silent since the allegations and from what little I've seen about it there's some evidence that supports them.

I thought he was one himself

I don't think he will, it seems to be all true
What he did was disgusting but fuck I can't bring myself to hate him

he didn't actively participate in any of that Polygon stuff, he was actually criticized by FemFrequency for saying that if you say you didn't jack off to Krystal from Star Fox you're lying

not video games

>slides into the DMs
sorry into the whats?

Why is the speed running community full of so many mentally unstable people?

direct messages, private messaging


I can't reveal a ton of info yet, I'm compiling everything for an info dump I'll be doing hopefully by Sunday. This is what little I can say for now.

Nick Robinson did not harass anyone(that I know of). The "mainstream video game journalism" circle is very small, making it very difficult to get in. Sometimes in order for someone to fit in, room must be made, and this is where Nick unfortunately fits in. He is being sacrificed in the worst way to make room for at least one new person, "Caty McCarthy(". She's seen as someone who's going to be faithful and play ball with the hivemind, where even though Nick fit in, he's seen as "too big", capable of not needing the hivemind, and he's a male.

Everyone got together, agreed to removing Nick and getting Caty deeper into the industry. More information and proof by Sunday.

Direct Messages people on Twitter. Forgot that a good portion Sup Forums wouldn't know Twitter slang.

oh okay, thought it was a euphemism or something.

in the video he's playing one finger death punch with donky kong bongos

accusations are flying around of him asking for nudes or something

not video gaymes

this is all true my dad works at nintendo

what are you talking about?

make a temp trip so i can search it if I miss it I'm interested

why is josh peck playing video games

Probably true, these people have made it clear they are a cabal of morally bankrupt backstabbers.

As good as it would be to clear him, this isnt going to get anywhere. It will just be perceived as goobergate 2.0 started by a handfull of white virgin manchildren trying to assist a white male pervert and be shushed instantly


Xe shaved xir head now?

???? Does he have cancer now?

>people playing video games after they are 12
>not mentally unstable

>harasses them

What does that mean though? What kind of harassment are we talking about?

"Harassment" has essentially no meaning since the SJWs have expanded the definition to include literally anything a man might say to them.

>hi how are u


he stopped getting RT"d onto my twitter TL so thank fuck

>from what little I've seen about it there's some evidence that supports them
Is there? I actually haven't seen any, just the accusations. Not that it matters to the people he'd have to defend himself to.

So this dude is thirsty and hits up every girl on twitter who has anything to do with games.

Key is this dude gets nudes and shit from all of em. They get pissed because he doesnt see eye to eye with Anita and start going after him and bring all of this shit to light


Nick did nothing wrong.

Sinead O' Connor lookin ass


His mental issues are getting worse because everyone keeps telling him it's normal and shouldn't seek help.

Man I'm so fuckin upset. I absolutely adored him and his brand of humor.
And now either he's a cunt lecher, or even if it isn't true, he'll be defamed and likely fired with no evidence.
Literally no good outcome.

>SJWs eating their own
couldn't care less.


if there was proofs we wouldve seen them by now

Lost his shit in his last stream and called the suicide prevention hotline on stream.

There's no actual evidence and nobody publicly namedrops him or anything but a lot of girls in "the industry" have come out has been "been doing creepy shit" at them for a long time. He's already been judged creep in the court of public opinion so that's that for him.

He basically just asks for nudes and gets them, I guess this pissed people off for some reason for what is really pretty fucking standard online practice by dudes

The connection between trannies and speed runners is kind of like the frogs they mentioned in Jurassic Park. Speed runners are among the least sexually desirable specimens of the human race, even within the gaming community. This effectively locks them into a single-sex environment, and out of sheer desperation, some members try to become female in a vain attempt to save their sub-species from extinction. Nothing can stop the inevitability that these people are an evolutionary dead end, though.

>One of two people from Polygon that I liked has been ousted.

What the fuck. No word on this from him and pretty much everyone has declared him guilty. I'm interested to see of Griffin will seem more solemn on the next mbmbam

isnt he dating that girl from cruncyroll?

>Sup Forums now likes a faggot e-celeb that works for FUCKING POLYGON because fat trannies now hate him

Holy fucking shit, this board truly is Sup Forums2.0

It doesn't matter how much of a faggot or a retard you are, if the other side hates you then Sup Forums shall suck your dick.

This was before, and right now no one has any evidence that it happened. its all word of mouth


He's already talked about it on his twitter. He's really upset.

Zero evidence besides rumors and hearsay from the same people on twitter that push this same narrative yearly.

It's all bullshit. There are no actual allegations from anyone, just endless 'yeah we've all heard the stories' from the same group of fem-freq circle 'games industry people'. it all started when he criticized a bad game saying 'it's not my job to QA for you' and someone else bit back with 'well maybe you'd have time if you stopped being such a slut' meme burn, which someone else than extrapolated to 'sexual harassment'.

It just goes to show, you are NEVER safe from the SJWs, as a straight white male. even if you take every effort to signal your virtues and align yourself to their views (as Polygon has done), They WILL come for you eventually. Anyone else in the games industry should take this as a teachable moment.

He is. He writes for Polygon. But these fellows are cannibals.

I used to watch Nick on rev3games. Mainly after Max Scoville, Anthony Carboni, and Tara Long left. Nick was the last to go and hosted all the channel's content up until the end. That was like half a decade ago.

So what the fuck is happening now? Some twitter bullshit? If I grew up in the bay area I would get out as quick as a could. Those faggots are quick to turn on themselves when there aren't enough targets to go around.

Griffin is a progressive and will throw nick under the bus too for some more delicious SJW brownie points.
he MUST appease Anita and her ilk.

This, if people had the supposed messages they would be posted by now chances are they do exist but they're benign
It's just a witch hunt

if so many people apparently have dirt on this guy why don't any of them actually fork it up instead of this tiptoeing bullshit


I fucking hate NeoGAF too but that doesn't magically change that if you act like a fucking idiot it's gonna come back to haunt you. "Hehehehehe I work in a thin-skinned industry let me send less than pleasant shit to my coworkers"

Of course I'd also like to see proof too, guilty until proven innocent is fucking retarded, but we're just outsiders, we're not entitled to see it, Polygon is. If he's guilty (and it's looking like he is), he's guilty, if not, he's not.

Refute this. I have never seen Nick's content nor do I go to fucking Polygon for vidya news.

>You look nice today

RIP career

It's amazing how Sup Forums still isn't filled with Flat Earthers, seeing how much SJWs hate them.

That's always been the case.

I don't get it

How does it at all look like he's guilty?

A lot of vague tweeting he's a perv on industry women or something.

That's it.

He's already been cruicifed and suspended from his job based on these murmurings and , passive-aggressive tweets, but we don't "do" evidence in 2017.

There is zero proof, so your wrong.

Keep pushing that narrative though, you get a handy from a blue haired girl one day for it.

It's impressive how easy it is to manipulate Sup Forums. Like, absurdly so. I gotta admit I even did this 2 years ago, with results that went beyond my expectations.

>Sup Forums is one person

How did he act like a fucking idiot? By hitting on women? Is that a crime?

Is cosmo the first mutant of the world? He looks skinny Xavier.

>guilty until proven innocent is fucking retarded
Go back to North Korea/Somalia or whatever backwards shithole you crawled out

Isn't this not the best compliment though? You're implying this is one of the few times they look nice since you've been acquainted to them

>The least SJW person in Polygon
>Actually just likes games
>Him and Griffin get along really well and bounce jokes off of each other better than anyone else making videos on the Polygon youtube besides Griffin and Justin
>Says anyone who didn't jack off to Krystal from Star Fox is lying
>FemFreq gets into an uproar but he keeps his job
>Tells someone to fuck off because devs ask for videos on how their game is running badly on some PCs
>Suddenly he's a sexual harraser to "every female in the industry"
>Polygon can't side with him because SJW Hivemind

There's been no proof of him doing anything, but people don't care and would actually find it offensive to "victims" that you ask for such a thing.

I'm gonna miss him and his podcast he did with Griffin.

Anita orchestrated this. Nick pissed her off months ago when he said everyone jacked off to Krystal in Star Fox Adventures

Sup Forums isn't
Sup Forums is.
Sup Forums is 95% Sup Forums nowadays.

Do the math.

i feel the same way
he recently-ish tweeted how much he loves his job at polygon and how they let him make cool shit
when he made that krystal from star fox joke and femfreq jumped on him and people wrote articles on the problem with male gamers he didnt even aknowledge the kerfuffle at all, as if it didnt happen or cause a stir, he didnt even delete it
and that is around the first I heard of these allegations idk why they are coming to light again now but fuck I'm legitimately bothered by all this

>works for polygon
Whoda thunk it. No sympathy.

From the polygon EIC
>I've heard the allegations re Nick Robinson and am taking them seriously. Nick has been suspended pending a thorough Vox Media inquiry.
Guilty until proven innocent

>needing proof
This is the femfreq cabal we're talking about. Hearsay is enough to damn him forever.

muh reading comprehension

Are you fucking brain damaged? Did you read his post?

>pulls figures out of his ass

I dunno man, Griffin is easily the most SJW of his brothers, but him and Nick seemed so close. Like one of the few non family men he'd say he loved. This is probably tearing him up right now.

Are you retarded?

That's bullshit but I believe it.