Splatoon 2

Welcome to the official Splatfest Thread. Enjoy fighting for what you believe in.

Do you love Ketchup or Mayo? Let the ink fly.

Other urls found in this thread:

ozgameshop.com/nintendo-switch-accessories/hori-nintendo-switch-splatoon-2-splat-and-chat-headset?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=google shopping data feed (02/08/2017-13:40 - AU)&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtpDMBRC4ARIsADhz5O7-aJBHTtbxSUqC8myscYcwOyh8pZkCnkIXelBubXsb5NhZqqN90LwaAl-FEALw_wcB

pedo game

Reminder that furries can't hit any rank past B-

good post

good post

Let it fucking go. We want to talk about playing the game. You fags are worse than the furries. Probably are furries false flagging


>love Pearl
>hate Mayo
what do



good thread

What the fuck is going on in here?

>Sup Forums is triggered by furries

Why is this board so normie?

Why do people suck so much at grillers?

What's going on in this thread?

>le normies
let that poor dog out of your basement


No idea user

Stop fucking dogs

We aren't. You are that annoying not even robots like you

Yiff in hell furfag

Some sort of auto response robot malfunctioned.

>Fuck it just sell em half a burrito for a buck

most of us has trensended beyond furries tho

Place your bets to when he will show up

>furries enter community
>threads immeadietly go to shit
What are some games where I can kill myself

Doesn't it always keep the fish tails away from you when it's chasing you? It's pretty hard to fight solo.


Just about any game when you really think about it

Which gear are you going to spend your seasnails on adding slots too?

You're not supposed to. If you're solo killing grillers that are on you, your team is massively fucking up. Or you're running around like an idiot but I doubt that.

/comfy/ thread

>Mayo and Ketchup Splatfest
>It ain't me starts playing


>tfw i recognize a good number of the furry artists
>tfw rubysnoot is in my plaza

not that much room to tun around like an idiot when it's high tide and dark.
now backing off into the water tho


>tfw I am autistic, dogfucker, a pedophile and a faggot and feel the need to let people know about it

contact lenses, of course

Which one of you fags is Whiskers?

Yiff in hell furfag

Im not even a furry, it just doesnt bothers me. I actually kinda find it amusing. All the normies and furries bitching at each other.

But I dont get why Sup Forums off all the places gets triggered by it.

>saw a level 1 squid with furry shit posted
>people bought this game just to post furries

Solo killing your own grillers on high tide? Yeah bullshit. Same shit happened to me. It's an odd feeling watching your entire team die to small fry while you're killing your grillers.

>i'm not a furry I just leap in to defend them
Nobody gives a fuck about their fetish, it's the fact they spam it constantly and won't shut the fuck up. There, you can stop posting now.

Could be a alt account from a banned shitter

If there's anything furfags seem to have, it's way too much cash to spend exclusively on their fetish lifestyle.


Apparently someone named CatGirlFuta.

Sup Forums doesn't like any group pushing their liking in its face except for Sup Forums itself.

It's a meme at this point. Everyone just trying to troll each other, thinking they got someone mad with their posts. In reality, people are playing the game instead of hanging out in this thread.

>I just wanna talk about the stage, marina...

you don't need to be a normie to tell furfags to go away


>Nintendo was behind the furry art all along in order to sell the Switch to furries

>just trolling user says while finishing his next miiverse post convincing children to fetishise animals

>People don't like having shit pushed in their face
You don't say...


If nobody cares then why the fuck are you still talking about this shit? It's not even splatfest yet and I want it to end already. Just stop.

user, we want to fuck squid/kids.

We are the same you and I. I chose ketchup otherwise the very fabric of our squidocmacy would mean nothing.

>But I need to point out that your an asshole.

Don't let your dick do the talking, pick Ketchup. I wish I could be rooting for pearl, but I hate Mayo.

>The letters in squid language

Does anyone have some translation where a letter in the squid language means in English language? I am kind of interested of reading up on it.

Pick Ketchup? This isn't Pearl vs Marina you idiot.

>I'm not a furry I just call everyone who isn't a furry a normie
Believable story

Probably mayo, I mean, they don't have ketchup out in the open there right?

Didn't I just fucking explain this? I said people don't care about what they are into, it's the people themselves. If they weren't spamming their shit nobody would have mentioned it

>Marina trying to piggyback off pearls sponsorships
Lazy fucking slut


The top left corner? I'm pretty sure it just says "Off The Hook".




>barneyfag is here too









*resets ip*
heh, that'll show those mods...............................

True but is there some guide which has the full translation?

>i have seen hell and know its horrors

>tfw being a pearl fag is gonna make you lose every splatfest

it hurts

>picking based on girl
fuck off

They weren't spamming them until you guys kept on reporting them.

Seriously, furries have so much spendable income. If I was any good at drawing I would sell out directly to the furry market and get rich.

>furries want to be talked about
>everyone, including myself, obliges
I miss when these threads were comfy.

Not her fault, remember, in Japan, they love their Mayo, so she almost a sure-win there.

Contact lenses or Squidfin Hook Cans.

Not him, but when I first got the game I was going to pick based off the actual topics, but after all the negative backlash Pearl got I decided I'd probably always side with her.

That's not how it happened at all, fuck off back to furaffinity
>one (1) person posts "no more furries" in response to small amounts of furry trash in the plaza
>better spam the whole game with furfag porn


>haven't bought anything except the base weapons
>will be going in with nothing but a maxed out Splatfest T-shirt and maxed out Grizzco helmet I got from salmon run
I'll be OK, right?

I havent sen a single furry porn image in SPlatoon

Anyone else buying these purely because they look Fresh af?

ozgameshop.com/nintendo-switch-accessories/hori-nintendo-switch-splatoon-2-splat-and-chat-headset?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=google shopping data feed (02/08/2017-13:40 - AU)&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtpDMBRC4ARIsADhz5O7-aJBHTtbxSUqC8myscYcwOyh8pZkCnkIXelBubXsb5NhZqqN90LwaAl-FEALw_wcB

What the fuck is with Japan and maid outfits? They aren't appealing.

Yes they were, you're just making shit up now. If you are pretending furries are these innocent weirdos who don't spam constantly, kindly fuck off because you aren't fooling anyone. /fur/, /tg/, even Sup Forums are proof here of what they do, and actively telling children to get involved in their fetish is yet another line crossed, which is why the posts are being rightly deleted by mods on miiverse, but according to you they shouldn't be because their retaliation to people following rules is our fault.

>Pearl heading straight for a submerged rock
Women drivers amirite

>even trying to make it seem like ketchup is the furfag side
you know that mayo is the official furfag side, and you're going to accept it, dogfucker.

That one person was probably just a little kid too

Nothing, my gear is already max slotted. I'm just going to hold them over the heads of people who want them but will never have them.

>hating maid outfits
Get the fuck out.

>weird reply bot
>furry arguments
>barneyfag is here
Name a better way to start a thread