ITT: subtle vidya clothing

ITT: subtle vidya clothing




Non-Bullshit reply.
I'm ordering one or two of these for a jacket I'm working on.

honestly normalfags will just mistake that for tribal markings.
Doesn't make it look any better though



I unironically like this a lot. Where can I buy it?



Reeks of Hot Topic and faggot.




that is so fucking forced and ugly
> the arrows on the tiles is kinda clever actually but it still sucks

This actually is subtle though.


Wow, nice Shulk cosplay!


what is that from? i knew a girl that wore one but in blue instead of red

Great taste


saw a girl wear this once.


Do you happen to like riding motorcycles around China?


Was she cute?

assassin's creed, was it too subtle for you?

Wtf but friezas a guy


I'd honestly have a hard time not laughing if I saw someone wearing this and actually walking around in it.


when they're wearing a skirt, they're a girl

Stop assuming genders, it's 2017.



stop assuming years, its 1455

I un-ironically want this but I know I couldn't wear it in public since I'm not a girl or an autist.

she told me it was assassins creed when i asked, but i didnt know which one since ive never played any of them


>which halo is master chief in

playing through RE4 for the first time, would totaly fucking buy this no matter how much of a clown i would look like

I want a shirt with this logo

>arms longer then the waist


sure, but when she wears a skirt she's a girl

>mfw all those people who got the chain tattoo from biohazard
>mfw it was copied from a gang tattoo
>it means youve been in prison
>mfw all these pasty white bois getting gang prison tattoos


This. If it were actually meant to fit, I would actually wear a coat like that.

only a loser would wear that in public user

>which assassin's creed is the hood from




good shit

Somehow I manage to catch every one of these threads even though I don't spend much time on Sup Forums these days.

Anyways, have one for every team, a couple for Qirex 'cause they're my favorite team, and a couple shirts with just the Psygnosis logo.


not 6 apparently


i genuinely don't know if this could pass for subtle

I would legitimately wear this if it looked a little better

It passes for stupid t-shirt design criteria.

I would genuinely buy this and wear it everywhere.

>anal what?


Rodeo, can't you read?

Boys can be cute

That is incredibly subtle. I almost missed the reference there.

I would like that more without the stripes




I wish I lived in China for shit like this. Good bless those trashy chinks


it's the style, man
go buy a regular ass leather coat instead, then

That would kind of defeat the purpose

>style: retarded


Girls Aloud from Arekusa

enjoy your gucci shoes and beats by dre headphones

It would work a lot better without the white sections on the sleeves.

>implying those aren't exactly the same in style

>this whole thread

please tell me you're actually in the army
otherwise using that shitty UCP is unforgivable


It's a riding jacket, it's meant to stop at the belt line

That's cool but it's not really specifically vidya

>"SS, that's like a nazi thing right?"


actually looks pretty comfy


If the jacket goes too low it can mess with you while riding things like motorcycles/horses, it's more practical than stylish

Can you fuck off please?

Is this an excerpt from Ready Player One?

>TFW have this shirt

If you wore this in public you'd be stoned to death. I know nothing about nor care much about fashion and this makes me sick

It's the kind of jacket you wear if you want a man to ride you.

There is only one objectively correct answer

