Which game can I buy on Steam that will offer me the most replay value for under 20 dollars?

Which game can I buy on Steam that will offer me the most replay value for under 20 dollars?


lol no


Hill Sword Battle Group


The binding of isaac
dungeons of dredmor
enter the gungeon
dark souls
fallout: new vegas
black desert online
torchlight 1 or 2

Dota 2


triple it if you have friends

seconding FTL

already have it Sup Forumsros

>dungeons of dredmore
my nigga
>black desert online
wait a minute

Hollow Knight

Risk of Rain

Corey in The House


Ive played it before but have they added much in the past 2 years?

No memeing, probably Minecraft.

It's 10 bucks with no sub, not saying devote your life to its just something to do. The combat is pretty fun for a while.

Savant Ascent



Devil Daggers

Mount and Blade: Warband


this so hard


take a shot everytime a negative review of Spelunky on steam complains about the ghost

This game is fucking awful. Why does everyone on Sup Forums try to shill it so hard?


Winner of the thread

t. swadian

I bet you've only seen screenshots