Why cant I pick a fucking class in WoW...

Why cant I pick a fucking class in WoW? Just when I think I've settled on a "main" I see a bad ass warrior walk by wearing some sweet transmog or I see a rogue absolutely wrecking the meters. Im tired of circle-jerking my fucking login screen. All I know is that I want to play dps. Ive been playing this idiot game for like 8 years and this wishy-washy bullshit makes me want to kill myself. I took a break for 4 months after I met my gf but I fell off the wagon last week. I need help, in the form of advice from seasoned raiders or a bullet to my fucking skull.

TL;DR- Call me a faggot and tell me what WoW class to play and why.

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Play the alt+f4 class. It's the best one for your future.

because paladin


Play the uninstall wizard

FFXIV cured me of my altoholism

Ret Pally is garbage

Why do you need a main?

Why not just play what you feel like playing?

>Square Enix has actually managed to make people think that FFXIV is close to WoW in popularity


any class can dps. i like to play classes that has multiple roles. druids can tank,melee,range and heal. i only play a druid on horde and a deathknight & priest on alliance

Just play whatever class you find fun.

>you wasted almost a decade of your life on this

He didn't say anything about popularity you chimp. He just said that you don't have to settle for a single class in FFXIV because you can change jobs whenever

Make up your own.


Holy shit this actually looks like it has some potential.

Aren't you supposed to be roleplaying
Isn't that the point

Why are you playing WoW you fucking retard?

>actually roleplaying in a roleplaying game

Maybe you should try the Ascension private server?

Can't pick a class? Play all of them. Vanilla-Wrath style.

>Not levelling and gearing one of EVERY class
Are you some kind of casual?

Play a healer monk.

OP here. If yall knew how much money Ive spent on faction/server/race changes you would drive to my house and murder me.

At my nerdiest, I was the RL of a shitty progression group, and I abused that power to change my "main" 3 times. My guild has all but disbanded, so I dont even plan on raiding. But when I log in and I cant decide which toon I should waste a % of my life on, it really rustles my jimmies.

I WANT to have a main, Im just too dumb to pick one.

Also, bear tanks are fun. But so are rogues and warlocks and warriors and cat droods and hunters and fucking kill me.

>I took a break for 4 months after I met my gf but I fell off the wagon last week.
Sorry, I would have helped you, but...

First of all stop having alts in Legion, you're not allowed. Second, Arms is the meta, roll with it my dude.

Maybe you should play something that doesn't force you into a class. Maybe not even an MMORPG at all. Did you think of that?

>Picking a class based on meters

I mean, if that doesn't smell like a bad game designed to keep you paying for as long as possible just to milk you out of your parent's money, I don't know what to tell you, honestly.

This isn't really a question that deserves an answer, since you're probably too retarded to realize you're being manipulated to think the way you do. This hole you dug up for yourself is way too deep for you to even realize that there's a way out, and you'd rather just keep digging, even though you don't even know to which direction you are supposed to dig or why are you still digging at all, anymore.

You're kind of a sad individual, but that's probably the target audience of this game at this point anyway, so it's not like it makes any difference what you think.

Just pick something. Do you prefer melee or range? Magic or weapons? Tanking, healing, dpsing? Heavy or light armor? Once you narrow it down, that should help. Or just play around with a bunch of classes until you figure it out.