Good shit my dudes

What's your config? It only shows a white window for me.


frame rate?

hovers just below 60 for me

post speccy plox

Can you post the GPU tab?

heh yooooooooooo what's up gamers just sittin back smokin a fat bowl while emulating haha yooooo #pcmasterrace

I didn't mess around with this

Friendly reminder that Quentin was unironically right here.

What do you gain from defending a dead console bro

same, but with dabs. right on bro

lol, all the babbies on mom and dads work laptop freaking out over specs. get a job or fuck off till you turn 18

What CPU do you have?

Doesn't the MGS HD collection run pretty well?

hey fuck you faggot my mom ordered the parts yesterday will be here in a couple days fuck you bitch

i7 at 3.4 GHz

also takes up less than a gb of ram for me

>t.never, ever tried weed and sucks stereotype cock

Does it make it past the title screen?


>I have no idea what I'm talking about

Using the precise SPU decoder keeps the game from getting stuck on the trophy screen, at least for me

Vesperia when

The fallacy here is assuming weed is harmful, more proof you have never tried it.


Actually, it's never technically been illegal in the united states. It's actually unconstitutional for the federal government to make it illegal.

They did a scam where they arrest you not having the "tax credits" essentially is how they work around it. But you can't get those of course.

Also, blocking intra-state trade of weed is also unconstitutional.

>i7 at 3.4 GHz
What i7? There are ancient i7's that are easily beat by modern i5's

>also takes up less than a gb of ram for me

Nigga he's posting Quentin. Why are you responding?

Lurk for 2 years before posting.

>no argument
>here's quentin
I think being pic related like yourself is much more harmful to health than weed. I surf daily, am fit as fuck, have heaps of friends and a healthy social life.

But please, do tell me about the way of the loser

>Law Breakers
That's some precient shit right there.


>calling anyone out about lurking on Sup Forums2.0

Alright gentlemen, I need the best waifu romance games you got for the PS3