If you shit on SFV or god forbid even want it to fail, you need to fuck right off. You're cancer...

If you shit on SFV or god forbid even want it to fail, you need to fuck right off. You're cancer, and you're gonna end up killing off the FGC and killing fighting games. Like it or not, SF V and Capcom ARE the face of fighting games as a genre, and if that game dies, the genre itself dies with it. So quit being so fucking negative, and start supporting this game so the genre can continue on.

>I play anime/tekken so fuck you

Yeah well if SF dies, guess what? No more GG or Tekken is getting made, did you think of that shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Capcom ARE the face of fighting games as a genre
Then why did they kill most of their fighting game franchises?

w w w. twitch tv/videos/163985355?t=42m10s

Listen to this, the man spits some truth on your asses

>b-b-but Sup Forums isn't reddit

I seen the same bullshit negativity here on Sup Forums too concerning this game and people wanting it to fail and die.

Fuck you, I don't want to support it. Take your shit and shove it back up your ass.

How about you focus on SF and not old dead shit? How does shitting on SFV help when you'll be killing the last successful fighting game franchise?

SFV is shit and 09er fighting games are a disgrace to the genre. Let it die, i've been playing the same games for 20 years anyway, you can't threaten me with the death of shit games that aren't worth playing anyway.

It's not about people wanting it to fail

It's about wanting Capcom for to learn from their mistakes because SFV launched Fucking horrendously

And they are literally about to do the same shit to MvCI

Who /Kappa/ here? Fuck James!

So you want fighting games to die apparently. Fuck you asshole. It's easy for you to say that since you don't even play fighting games, you have no stake in this. if you dislike the game, fine, then fuck off and don't shit talk it. We don't need more negativity.

>play this game I want you to play instead of the games you want to play!

>fgc finally getting redpilled to capcoms kuckoldry.


If it fails, the community and the genre dies. Listen to what james chen says:

Support the fucking community instead of all this negativity, the fuck do you gain from shitting on SFV?

But I bet somehow magically all the old Street Fighters and Marvels don't count as "old dead shit," right?

They had to die for Street Fighter to live, honor their sacrifice

Fuck sfv and fuck esports. I welcome dark ages back into the fgc with arms wide open.

Esports ruined Capcom.

This. Cyberbots just got casually disposed of.

One Must Fall at least is getting an open source reproduction.

It's incomprehensible how dardstalkers so forgotten now. Not even a spin off, except maybe some animu.

If SFV fails, we go back to the dark ages of fighting games when the genre crashed and burned. So support it, be positive. Instead of saying SFV is shit, mention the good aspects of the game.

>One Must Fall at least is getting an open source reproduction.
Shit, really? Who's making it?

I shit on it because I want it to be better. Give me one reason why I should stay silent when one of my favorite franchises is becoming a dumpster fire.

I bet it's one dude that is making all these SFV bait threads.

Maybe those games weren't as good as SF, ever think of that?

Street fighting isn't a successful fighting game franchise. Everything but SF2 and 4 has under preformed. Tekken even has more sales, and plenty of devs make money from their games, crapcom is just greedy and cuts massive corners at the same time. Look at 40$HDremix reusing art assets from fucking Turbo revival on the GBA.

Fighting games are not as expensive to make as many other genres, it can be profitable with a nitche audience. I don't care about "pro-gamers" not being able to make a living off fighting games because they aren't popular enough to get them twitch views.

Remember, don't talk about the fighting games you like, just complain about SFV.

Darkstalkers at least was easily as good as SF and Marvel. Hell, it invented half of the conventions most SF and Marvel games use.

Because if all that people see are endless posts about how the game is shit and trash, the game will DIE. It dying means fighting games as a genre die, and the fgc dies. People like Maximillian are making this shit worse, I get that he wants the game to improve, but all he's doing is spreading negativity.

Dark ages were comfy. People weren't huge sissies, there were no shills, there were no arrogant online warriors, fighting games were solid all around and smash kiddies did not attempt to coexist with it.

Fuck it. Bring back dark ages.

There was never a dark age of fighting games. 2002-2007 was the golden age of competitive play, and plenty of non-capcom fighters especially 3D fighters were released. they just didn't flood the market like in the 90s.

>Fighting games are not as expensive to make as many other genres

Bullshit. A single character even in a lower budget indie fighter like Skullgirls cost over a MILLION dollars to create.

I don't give a flying fuck about 15 or so people trying to make a living off of fighting games. I just want the "main" fighting game of the fgc to be good again and that will never happen Unless esports dies

>and plenty of non-capcom fighters especially 3D fighters were released.

All of them except Tekken sucked though. So what was so great about it? Capcom IS the genre. watch the twitch vid, James Chen explains what happened in the early 90s and how the genre almost died.

They only people making it worse is capcom. They are giving every advantage in the world but are too cheap, unskilled and misguided to make good fighting games.

SFV sucks, I'm glad it's failing. People are even defecting to KOF which was on life support for the past decade.

sfv is complete dogshit. i dont see how sfv failing would mean tekken dies. sf players and tekken players are totally different crowds. the only sf players that play tekken are the ones who quit because they hate sfv and decided to pick up tekken 7 because its actually good.

i love sf. 3rd strike is my favourite game ever. but sfv is such a fucking piece of shit, i dont think i'll ever play it again, or even watch anyone play it. everything about it is ugly and slow and dumbed down and boring and awful. i'm still surprised by how much i hate it. it really is complete garbage.

>Because if all that people see are endless posts about how the game is shit and trash, the game will DIE.
The Street Fighter franchise is one of Capcom's biggest money makers. If SFV dies, then chances are they'll just either completely retool SFV to be better and fix the glaring issues, or work on another sequel with the same pretense. And if the game dies, who the fuck cares? That doesn't make the game disappear. Nothing will be able to stop you from playing the game you like.

How dare you use James Chen's face for your shitty thread.

>Capcom IS the genre
But you already said most Capcom fighters (i.e. the non SF and Marvel ones) are irrelevant. If you want to say "SF and Marvel," just say "SF and Marvel" for God's sake.

yeah, james is wrong on this one.

mk and tekken were doing fine with sf re-releases. and anime is only getting more popular. still, it would be a blow to the scene, particularly EVO.

only a faggot would WANT a game to fail. a game should succeed or fail on its own merit, not because people base their lively hood on it or autists on the internet don't like. Maybe that would be the case with SF5, or maybe Capcom will keep on pumping money into it's corpse.

Fuck off shill.

because MikeZ wanted high end sprite art. good Sprite artists are a dying breed, and those that remain charge an arm and a leg. It's why everything like mighty number 9, and bloodstained is 2.5D shit.

SF IS Capcom. SF IS the genre.

I hate to say it, but you're right.

And Capcom has already demonstrated that they're not the type of company to become introspective and try to figure out what *they* did wrong if one of their games ends up failing. They're not going to do it. They'll just assume that there isn't demand for the game and so they'll stop making sequels.

For one thing, I don't fucking trust Capcom, I ain't gonna be clutching to them for dear life in any situation.

I would want an arcade stick for some alternative gaming platform.

There were countless fighting games out there. Being unable to picture any other developments is deranged.

>smash kiddies did not attempt to coexist with it.
son, evo may have brought melee back from the depths, but melee damn sure doesn't need the fgc.

anyway, OP is a capcum guzzling fagstick. SFV sucks, their business model is garbage, and the only thing they have going for them is supporting the community via pro tours, which at this point seems to exist just for PR purposes. nothing about them is good.

>only a faggot would WANT a game to fail. a game should succeed or fail on its own merit

If a game is succeeding and doesn't have merit it deserves to fail. You don't actually think the cream always rises to the top do you?

>smash kiddies did not attempt to coexist with it.
yes they did. they try not to co-exist with now, considering that theyre bigger

>Instead of saying SFV is shit, mention the good aspects of the game.

Is this a fucking religion/cult?

Fuck SFV and fuck you. The same strand of blind fan boy autism that you have is the same that spread across the barbarian goat fucking Germans in WWII. V is shit that Capcom literally thought they could get away with serving us without facing any negative ramifications. THEY SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR THIS! You should be ashamed of your comments and actions. I mean I swear to FUCK that it was the on the same level as the pile of shitty early access games flooding steam. At least most of them don't have the audacity to ask for $60.

no it´s not

Fans, experimentationist coders, and so on. Who can really say, the whole paradigm of such projects is that they can end up forked into various things.

Capcom is going through a period where they're making bland games. SFV is still decent enough. But 4 was way better.

It's at this time that we should embrace other games. Maybe SF6 will be better.

Fuck off smelly melee fag. You retards were all banned from tourments because you never showered and were disorganized as fuck with your crts and shit. Smash players also never interacted with any other community, unlike the other fighting game players. The fact that smash players aren't laughed out of every venue is the biggest sign the FGC has sold out and is dead corporate shit.

go back to /fgg/ please

Sprite art is a waste of time and money when SF4 and 5 show 3d can do it just fine or even better. Shit like Uniel and Blazblue and Persona seem pointless, you can't even give characters new costumes with sprites.

Oh fuck I just realized OP might be right since [H A T E R S W I L L B E L E F T B E H I N D]

daily reminder that if you play SFV you're a competitive drone.
go play a actual good fighter game like Tekken 7 or guilty gear shit even KoF even though it looks like shit.

Did xykes make this thread?

I fucked up


SFV and infinite can eat a dick. I would always wish capcom the best but if they don't help then there's noting I can do

capcom should die and street fighter should too

sell the ip to sony so we can see faithful reproductions because they clearly don't give a shit about anything that isn't monster hunter. op sucks cocks.

You know what? I'm not finished here. This game gave me severe depression. I loved the street fighter franchise to death and was really looking forward to V. But I was betrayed. Listen, I have a shitty life. I have to work my ass from 8-6 every day accept Sunday. I have to go home and eat shitty food, fuck my ugly wife and be in bed by 9PM. But you know what's the worst part of it all? Waking up at night and seeing that shitty copy of street fighter 5 laying in my bedroom. It's taunting me, telling me to kill myself.
Sometimes I get out of bed and serisouly consider it. It's a battle of every night. Fuck what Capcom did to me. THEY SHOULD BE SUED

The FGC only cares about SF and to a lesser extent MvC. The irony is that the FGC is anything but due to this narrow obsession with such a small subset of an entire genre. It'd actually be a good thing if they died and something better rose from the ashes.

This idea that the FGC is needed for the continuing success of fighters is part of their circle-jerky nature, they do unironically believe that they're important and help keep the genre alive, it's fucking embarrassing.

2.5D looks like ass for every genre. SF4 and V looks like ass. the style is an abomination that only existed because of the 3D novelty craze where casuals shit looking 3D games looked better than 2D games. Sprite art needs a Renascence and devs need to get off the crutch 3D modeling gives them.

No, it's called quit being fucking negative an trying to cause a "TORtantic" with SFV, because it WILL have dire consequences. SF V dying can mean no more anime fighters either, you want that shit? Those games already sell like shit and barely have players, and that's with the genre still alive due to SF. SF dying means anime dies as well. Listen to what James Chen says, like it or not, SF keeps the genre alive currently and has forever. We're not at the point yet where we can let SF die safely. Get to that point first, then if SF dies, fine, it dies. Wanting SF to die right now is like being on a ship with a guy at the helm and trying to cut his throat, when you have no lifeboats to escape the ship as it sinks.

Daily reminder you are a nobody. Youre opinion has less than zero value and.Should keep youre null value opinion in your stupid skull.

fuck you, fuck james chen, fuck capcom, and fuck street fighter. i'll do what i want.

>a capkuck's desperate attempt at damage control

I've been a SF and MvC fag for about 15 years

Right now I'm playing GG, BB, SG, MKX, IJ2, MvC3, and SFIV, while looking forward to DBFZ and *MAYBE* MvCI (since people are saying it plays waaaaaay better than initially let on).

SFV is shit and shouldn't be supported. I bought it. Played it for months. Defended fight money. Defended the lack of content. Defended the frame delay. Defended the simplicity. Defended everything.

But then I realized I wasn't even having fun.

Even MKX and IJ2, with how much less technical they are, are *fun*

SFV is garbage, sorry mate

what did james chen do?

Honestly, I wish they'd go the arcsys route and make SF look like Xrd. It'd be the perfect way to actually evolve the visuals with modern technology instead of the horrible gorilla art style they've gone with.

>This idea that the FGC is needed for the continuing success of fighters is part of their circle-jerky nature, they do unironically believe that they're important and help keep the genre alive, it's fucking embarrassing.

Yeah, the people who buy Skullgirls and Uniel to stare at pantyshots are the real reason why fighters still get made!

That's what you retards get for thinking (((expanding the audience))) was more important than good gameplay. I and quite a few others were calling this shit out in 4, and shit got crazy with early V footage, but retards would cry that it wasn't finished yet instead of putting up an uproar so things would actually get changed.

This rant here:
He blew kappa and Sup Forums the fuck out

>i love sf. 3rd strike is my favourite game ever. but sfv is such a fucking piece of shit
Why do you like Third Strike? Why do you fucking people harp on and on about how amazing Third Strike is? What the fuck is good about the game?

Is it the combos?
Because SF4 has longer and more technical combos (and every character gets them instead of just Makoto, Yun, Chun, Urien).
Is it the parrying?
Because parrying ruins zoning, neutral and fundamental 2D fighting game staples.
Is it the Roster?
People wanted Street Fighter 2 characters back so bad that they all just stuck to playing Alpha.
Is it the Diago Parry?
Fucking probably. You fucking tools see one video of a "hype" parry moment in Third Strike and shit your pants.


Third Strike Online Edition was going to be a more balanced Street Fighter 3: 4th Strike but you faggots who never played the game ruined it.

>maybe Capcom will keep on pumping money into it's corpse.
marketing for million dollar corporations will do more work than people talking shit on the internet.(figure heads like max and aris arent just people) being a capcbro is fucking retarded, but retards put more effort on saying how much shit sf5 is when they could be playing video games(i only go on Sup Forums, so please enlighten me on other places)

ignore street fighter. capcom will keep on doing it's thing, and people who enjoy it should continue having fun. i don't find merit in the game, so i won't contribute in it's success.

That "horrible gorilla" art IS how SF is supposed to look.

The gameplay is fine, just needs a few tweaks, that's all. People sitting around saying it sucks all the time are the real problem and need to be dealt with.

"Anime fighting" was fucking born during the "dark ages" when SF was dead. It's completely separate form SF and always has been.

>Because parrying ruins zoning, neutral and fundamental 2D fighting game staples.

It didn't in Melty Blood.

Xrd doesn't look good either. it's all smoke and mirrors shit to try to compensate for how shit 2.5D is. arcsys can be forgiven though because their games sell like shit so the cost of good sprites is too high and they made the best of a bad situation. capcom has no excuse.

oh yeah this shit. I gotta agree with james chen on this. Kappa and Sup Forums are the part of the FGC that like to drink their own semen.

No, it isn't cucking separate. You think Blazblue and GG will keep getting made when SF fucking dies? Those games are already on thin ice, SFV dying will smash the lake open and plunge them straight into the icy cold depths.

>James Chen has a deep personal stake in capcoms success
>shills for his dear life

Am I supposed to even click this garbage? Pass.

SFV and Capcom can eat dick for these half baked games. I'll do glad the FGC is slowly becoming redpilled.

REMINDER SFV SAW A FIFTY (50), (100/2) PERCENT DROP IN ATTENDEES AT EVO 2017 COMPARED TO EVO 2016. even though sfvs numbers are still better that usf4's, you can't ignore a FIFTY percent drop. SFV IS a flash in key the pan.

Street fighter is like a sugar daddy. It´s ugly as fuck and plays like shit but you need it to live.

Who cares? That did mean that Capcom felt okay with exploiting the franchise with 4 minute extensions of SF2, SF2 the movie - the game, and another one, three Street fighter Ex titles, and collosal dumpster crossover crap with just with just so damn many characters that they probably couldn't even possibly be balanced, They had something that stfuck such a massive chord once, nobody would get discontent if it didn't do anything good anymore and just hung to it purely for echoes of what it was.

>You think Blazblue and GG will keep getting made when SF fucking dies?
They were first created when SF was dead, moron.

The gameplay is abysmal you dumb scrub. V needs a revision on the level of alpha 3 to be good. balance tweaks and a new V-trigger/super/arcade mode will not fix a fundamentally shallow game.

you don't even deserve a (you) shill.

>I'll do glad
I'm so glad****

>SF dead with 3
>Guilty Gear comes out
>3D fighting thriving
>Smash doing its own thing
>MvC2 still going strong enough
The genre didn't crash and burn
Street Fighter did

You're absolutely right. The problem with Kappa it's filled with a lot of tryhard teenagers who have the worst case of the mob mentality.

One person will chirp, the others will do the same. In this case it's, "SFV sucks! It's imbalanced!" And you ask them why they do not go into specifics they'll just say, "Shit gaem! Shit story!" and don't even explain why.

Kappa works just like Sup Forums, most of you mother fuckers don't even conjure up your own personal opinion. You treat Sup Forums as your Contrarian mother base of all opinions so you can be a super cool hipster gamer thinking you're highly educated on video games.

I just don't trust peoples opinions anymore, especially when it comes to gaming. There's too many retards who suck up and regurgitate the same shit over and over again without merit.

This is so accurate it's painful.

If you think Capcom's death would save Guilty Gear you are an idiot. Tekken and anime games will never be as popular as Street Fighter, because none of them are remotely as accessible. Street Fighter is the only game where a new player can hop in, spend two hours practicing Ryu's DP, and then jump online and develop a feel for the game. No matter how many tutorials you add in games like Guilty Gear or Tekken, new players are going to face a much steeper technical barrier to be able to play at a minimal level.

ArcSys games aren't dead online because worse games attract more attention, they're dead because they do everything possible to scare off new players. ArcSys loads its characters with gimmicks and assets to play around with, which encourages player creativity and looks cool on paper, but also produces disgusting setplay and okizeme. Plenty of totally reasonable people don't want to play a game with Arakune, and nothing turns away new players like having to block for thirty seconds because they fucked up four seconds of neutral. And if you want a Tekken game to blow up, you're going to have to create something like Tekken with a manageable move list.

There is a reason most Guilty Gear "fans" don't actually play their game, and most Street Fighter fans actually do, and it's not just relative popularity. Street Fighter does a good job as a gateway fighting game, and the FGC would be almost nonexistent without it.

Fuck off, Chen. I couldn't care less if fighting games became mainstream e-sports like dota and overwatch. Actually, I would prefer that it didn't. I like games with depth, and that's always the first thing to go with as far as this e-sports shit is concerned. You're just starting to sweat because your relevancy is on the line with SFV's success.

is samefagging a bannable offense?

Xrd looks amazing, and looks better than any of the current sprite anime fighters like Uniel and shit like that. If anything I wish Uniel would get made with 3d models like xrd is.

Stop being retarded.

>That "horrible gorilla" art IS how SF is supposed to look.
Maybe from SF3 onward. But SF2 looked like this.

I want SFV to fail only if Capcom is insistent on keeping the game the way it is. Namely a low skill ceiling risk management guessing game with little defensive and neutral tools with no room for creativity or execution.

If this shitfest has to go on for the genre to grow, I don't want it to. Because whatever direction this game takes fighting games if it does to well can't be good.

If only.

This is definitely James coming here because on reddit he'd get (rightfully) downboated.

Fuck. Off. James. Chen. Go cry some more over literally nothing

>I like games with depth, and that's always the first thing to go with as far as this e-sports shit is concerned.

Explain dota 2 then?

nice edit

>That "horrible gorilla" art IS how SF is supposed to look.
Not really. SF2 wasn't a very pretty game in terms of art style, I'll agree with you there, but Alpha and 3rd Strike were. Really the majority of SF games ever released have not looked that way, and the vast majority of Capcom fighters haven't.

>REMINDER SFV SAW A FIFTY (50), (100/2) PERCENT DROP IN ATTENDEES AT EVO 2017 COMPARED TO EVO 2016. even though sfvs numbers are still better that usf4's, you can't ignore a FIFTY percent drop. SFV IS a flash in key the pan.

alright, ill acknowledge it
>why would a game see a 50% drop at the largest event???
>obviously theres less interest, but why???
>is it because it's less popular????????
sure. yes sf5 is less popular
this seems like a more likely candidate

What? If you made a game more competitive because of the eSports community you're putting on more pressure for the developers to balance out the game even further.

Competitive gaming is part of video games origins, it's like literally 80 percent of gaming all stems from competitive gaming.

Also, 2020 will have billions of dollars circulating through the competitive gaming scene. It's going to help the industry on such a massive scale we'll truly see some great hits coming out.