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>4:just b urself
what did Atlus mean by this?
They know their audience well
>says "mata yoroshiku" at the end of the trailer
is this referring to him being in a game again, or is it his revival?
I've been told that Persona 4: Dancing All Night had a story and it was canon, so maybe the P3 MC will be brought back by Elizabeth in P3: Dancing Moon Night.
That would certainly be interesting, if not retarded.
I HIGHLY doubt it. The game most likely takes place during the story of P3, since the characters aren't older like they are in Arena, and they're in their school clothes. Also, if they set the game after P3, they couldn't have Shinji in it. That would be insane, since he's a fan favorite and a main character. There's no way they'd leave him out, it just wouldn't make sense. Same with reviving Door. It would result in a lot of backlash if they did that, especially in a dancing spinoff of all things. My guess is that it'll either be non canon, or "technically canon" like PQ was.
>Same with reviving Door. It would result in a lot of backlash if they did that, especially in a dancing spinoff of all things.
I mean, maybe, but we've already known since Persona 4 that Elizabeth was trying to save him. Whether it's shown in a game or not it's not that surprising since we expect it to happen eventually.
I kind of interpreted that as them just giving Elizabeth a reason to go on a quest so she could be in Arena. I wouldn't be opposed to them reviving Door-kun if they did it well, but I don't really expect it to happen personally. Could be wrong tho. Some fanboys would flip their shit if it did happen tho.
She also mentions that it'll probably be a very long time before she accomplishes her goal, and that being effectively immortal is pretty handy. She also specifically picks Aigis and Labrys as potential allies while completely disregarding the other Shadow Ops.
So basically, even if he does get revived, it won't happen for a very fucking long time.
> The game most likely takes place during the story of P3, since the characters aren't older like they are in Arena, and they're in their school clothes.
this is reason enough to believe that door ain't getting revived, or at least only long enough for him to say some sentimental crap to his friends before he animorphs back and everyone gets their memory wiped
So his canon name is Yuuki Makoto now right?
That's gonna be a bitch to handle in PQ2 with him and Makoto in the same room together
True. Well, I'm sure they're still going to think up some convoluted reason why the P3 cast is dancing. It's a pretty strange thing to see regardless since the game was so much more melancholy than P4.
No, that's the movie's name.
I haven't played PQ, what did they use for his name?
Nothing, you put whatever name you want So naturally I put down what his movie name is because I'm an unimaginative retard
You get to choose the names of both protags. The annoying thing is that you can't even fit Yu Narukami in the text box.
Nor can you fit in Minato Arisato. Fucking ATLUS and its letter limits plaguing every damn EO game. It's gonna suck in EOV.
Been playing through Persona 3 Portable for the past week, am I the only one who thinks the story isn't all that great?
>am I the only one who thinks the story isn't all that great?
Not really. Some of Sup Forums said it was great because it's their entry point to the franchise. They just like being vocal about it.
In general, or comparison to Persona 4 / 5?
I think there are strong points, and it deserves credit for introducing social links, but the villains are ridiculously underdeveloped. Strega is just kind of there, and the game sort of tries to make them seem mysterious like they have some kind of deeper agenda but then they just don't, and Shuji is just sort of there without any development whatsoever until he unsurprisingly turns out to be a bad guy. Oh, and Shinjiro's death didn't feel all that important since you have him in your party for like ten minutes before he dies.
In general. 4 has a very similar general structure but I think it has fewer weak plot threads, and the murder mystery aspect is legitimately engaging. Haven't played 5 yet.
I can't play Persona 4 Golden, should I play the regular version anyway? I loved P3
Sure, that's what I did. Golden is like Persona 3: FES in that it adds some additional stuff to the original that's fun but not necessarily required. Except instead of also adding an "important" addition like an expansion (The Answer) to go with the other changes, Golden just shoehorns in a new character that's shit.
Eh fuck it if you can't beat them join them. So, purse owners what other friends simulator games do you know?
i already played persona 3/4G/Q and devil suvivor 1/2 i don't have my ps4 where i currently live and on top of that i can't find a store nearby that sells persona 5 because i live in normie town
Do other games like Persona exist? The best I can think of off the top of my head is Miitopia, since as characters interact they level up a relationship and get new abilities between each other like dual strikes, buffs, or dodging attacks. But it's not a very complex game.
There's that SMT/Fire Emblem game. I've heard it's got some Persona-ish bits.
Trails of Cold Steel has some Persona vibes to it.
Well that's kind of cheating, isn't it?
cum on that robot
Chad here, I'm here to save you.
Nice try.
>the was time I tried
I hope there's a collector's edition where they have the main character's headphones again. Audio Technica doesn't make it anymore and i've always wanted a pair, even though their quality isn't that good cause that style of headphones isn't very good.
kill junpei for NTR me.