Splatoon2:Splatfest Edition

Hope you guys are having fun. Discuss splatfest. The new stage is great.

please take all furry discussion of any kind and fuck off

How to win turf war:
>wait till last 10 seconds
>go to the middle and spam that curling bomb special


Won 2, lost 2 against mayo so far.
Post your scores, Sup Forums

literally can't find any mayo teams to fight

this sucks

1924.1 highest score

>get smashed all game
>make a comeback
>means nothing because it was a ditto match

Losing because last second curling bomb spam is pure cancer

a victory for Team MAyo is a victory for the white race. keep that in mind mayofags and keep the good work

>weebs still this salty over furries
Yes.... mmmh gimme that hate!


What is wrong with you people?

>yfw Dad is on your team

furfags, just fucking leave, just stop ruining threads for fucks sake please

Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with ketchup?

I've yet to be on a losing side. I've already bukkake'd so many ketchuplebs with my creamy globs of mayo only to have them come back practically beg for more that I'm starting to wonder if they like it,

Ketchup cucks on suicide watch

>Team Ketchup is ready!
Show yourselves mayo fuccbois


who else /teammayo2200+splatpower/ here?

>White race
Eat shit.

Won one, lost one against mayo. I keep being pitted against other ketchups mostly.

nice try furfag

Dont jap love mayo on shit like pizza?

Am I fresh enough for Marina?

>Not Ketchumps
I'll forgive you THIS once only for choosing the right side of history.

Ketchup has no game

So, user's! I got another question for you. Well I have more than one. Let's get started.

>Which team will win? And how?

>Who is best girl? And why?

>Any tips for the new guys?

>Best weapon? Why?

>Best gear? Why?

100% win rate for mayo team

I feel like Nintendo rigs the fests to have one really popular and one non popular to get all the good players in the unpopular team.

oh man I can't wait to see the mayotears

When are the retards on ketchup going to stop playing? This shit is outrageous.

>tfw prefer marina but also prefer mayo
Krill me

You weren't in last thread and you won't be in this one either.

kek t. mayo baby

Please stop ketchup on ketchup violence.

We should be working together, not fighting each other.

>have won 3/7 matches against ketchup
I'd better stop playing for the rest of the splatfest.

>my sploosh is a halo shotgun
>everyone else's is a sniper rifle


Only one region's splatfest matters and protip: it ain't yours

>Mayo desperately tries to pretend this isn't exactly how cake vs ice cream went down

I like how each one has a slightly different tinge.

>giving up
Grow some balls

>playing with female names

I know we will lose. But that's sexist, women are we lose every time completely capable and equal to men.


>can't wait to see mayotears
Come over here pal and open up wide, I'll give you some mayotears

It's been nothing but Ketchup v Ketchup with randoms.
Is Splatfest (Team) the same?

>Not posting the Shrekchup
user you had one job

I'm about fucking done with this Splatfest not even a full hour in. Ketchup players are the bottom of the barrel. This isn't fun when you get paired with retards.

Never forget, hug the slug


>but muh superior individuals
>look at muh last 7 games it really matters guys
>muh mayo

What level do you have to be to get the splooshomatic? I'm only level 7 because I'm a wagecuck and don't have much time to play it.

Only fags and bitches like sticky white shit in their mouth

>Got to 50/50
At least now I don't have to feel like I made us lose.

So it takes a maximum 92 games to reach King/Queen level. That's okay I guess, at least I'm getting money.

2 wins 2 losses against mayo, who /even/ here

You're eating some pretty gross mayo if it's sticky


>Muh muh muh
Fuck off Lady Gaga

>I only eat nonstick cum
good for you.

seeing all these squidkids attending a rave with their friends makes me realize my teen years were fucking lame

Smores are delicious yo

>/Pearl/ Harbor

except that's ketchup versus ketchup.

>Jump off the map to fall into the abyss and kill myself
>Enemy splats me midair as I'm falling

I've played, what, 3 matches with mayo the whole night?

Shifty station sucks. Too much shit and too hard to defend anything.

user, that's not team Mayo you're shooting at. When you get a Mayo vs Ketchup match, the colors switches to Red and White. Otherwise, it's a mirror match.

Aren't you fighting your own team?

I'm on Team Ketchup and I haven't lost a single game yet
You fucking Ketchup shitters need to stop whining for fuck sake, you're just bad

>not super jumping to spawn to get all 4 of them locked on to
Typical ketchup fag retardation.

The new map is awful.

I enjoy you.

Git Gud.

those are falseflaggers

Ketchup because of popularity
>Best girl
Pearl, I liked her rapping in the intro
Report furries
>Best weapons
Aerospray, Octobrush, Trislosher
>Best gear
The one that look the freshest.

Pretty sure ketchup is winning.

t. ass hurt mayo fags

I'm tired of the Splatfest meta being popular retard team vs. team where all the good players go. It's precisely why I stopped playing Splatfests last time.

that wasa a quadruple lock, they just moved apart

>Get tentamissiles
>Jump to base
>Splatted midjump by opposing tentamissiles
I didn't even know this was possible

Shut up Adam.

shifty station
more like shitty station
what an awful map. the aesthetic is nice though

>the only weapon I'm truly good with has stingray for its special
Maybe I should just pick up the trihard-slosher so we can win some fucking matches.

not my fault theres a majority ketchup!

It's not fair ketchupbros. This was supposed to be our splatfest!

But the first Splatfest had popular and best players on one team

The new music is LIT!

You just nuked your own teammates, you teamkiller.

they call them tentamissiles for a reason

they never hit

It's pretty good, I just think it's a little too big and confusing.


>shifty station takes place in octovalley
>marina helped build it

Get rekt ketchupfags



i use da sploosh cuz that what it do to my girlfriend panties

>Unlock Trislosher
>Does 62 damage no matter how much ink hits them
How is this not OP

>americucks and europoors actually believe this

>when le nigger meme

Why are mayofags such whiny bitches?