Open world has jump scares

>open world has jump scares

clenched asshole

Fuck that noise. The first time that happened to me my ass could have made a diamond from a lump of coal.

what gaem

Poccyn Truck Simulator 2012

Boku no Pico, It's a pretty hardcore Jap shooter

STALKER Call of Pripyat. One of the best games of all time, in my opinion. Based on the hud, he's playing with the Misery mod.

If you're considering picking this game up, do so. It's godlike.





At least watch the first two seconds

>not having the filename
этo cлишкoм пoзднo ceйчac



Template please?

Open it pussy


Scared the piss out of me the first time it happened.

Honestly the most terrifying part of the game

I was actually in Ukraine a week ago and did the Chernobyl tour.

It was really cool.

The only downsides were the new sarcophagus that looks too modern, and the fact that you couldn't really enter buildings in Prypiat because of the new law (too dangerous because the structure is old and can break).

Haven't picked up the game since because of this part. Does he jumpscare you like that throughout the game or does he do it that one time?

does it once, it's the start of some quest

Thank god. I'm a huge pussy. Didn't pick up Resident Evil until 4 because I spook easily.

Just once, there's also a Joker one that's the same.

Heard about that one. I heard he calls you a pussy for falling for it too.