

1. Game is actually released
2. It's a genre defining GOTY
3. Cleve was right all along
Approximately what degree of incline are we on?


So based on what we've discovered from the first day or so:
What is the best starting team we know of in terms of class and/or race?

What skills seem to be the most valuable so far?
Obviously we're far from having a concrete foundation of knowledge but I'm curious to see what we've learned even in such a short time.
Of course, that's assuming we've learned anything.

1.1: Game is released and it's mediocre

is it legit or are you just a shill?

Can anyone help with this puzzle?

Stay saying blobbers

There are exactly two potions that heal it to find early on. And you'll probably need both to heal just one guy.

turn over the dragon claw

It's absolutely the goty for its genre because there won't be another game of this genre released this year. Or next year. Or the one after that.

I cant figure it out either. I just decided to push onward at that point since I had everything else from the dungeon..

What's a drpg with good puzzles, secrets, and exploration that isn't overpriced?

People can dislike the developer or whatever.
But I'm actually enjoying the game.


>the legendary grimoire in development for 23 fucking years has finally been released
>mods won't sticky it
christ i've used this website longer than the staff at this point now that moot is gone, this is embarrassing

>too casual to play this game

From left to right:
Sun, Moon, Star.
The lever to activate is in the waterway near the mummy, behind a secret door (there are two levers).

You figure this out through a note on one of the walls.

I am enjoying playing Grimoire and I am enjoying how much of a casual filter it seems to be for nu/v/. Today was a good day.


Japan still makes them.

What, would you rather we called them drpgs you fucking faggot?

More like Shillmore

fuckin this
can't beat the bugs and the fishes

Just say First Person Dungeon Crawlers like a decent human being

Is a necromancer ever actually useful?

So why was this game in development for 20 fucking years?

>fall asleep in starter prison
>they kill the tank in one turn
>cure light condition does nothing to wake people up
guess that's that
is there something i'm doing wrong and always screwing up on the first dungeon?
also rate these names

the developer has assburgers/autism and narcissistic personality disorder and a bevy of other shit

>Japan still makes them.
Japan never made them, just pale imitations.

No immersion/10

Has anyone found out the race+roll required for pirates jesters and assassins?

im going to call them blobbers because you don't like it

>it's not the dungeon crawler because i said so :^))))))))))))))))

>10% off
I guess it will keep me from buying it and forgetting about it in my mountain of backlogs at least. I'll wait for a good lets play or review before I make that kind of investment

The waterway with the boat?

I rolled a naga + a 30 and it still wasn't enough :(


Have you never played the "classics" m8

damn this is the dark souls of dungeon crawlers

>wizardry: pachinko edition is the same as wizardry 8, h-honest!
>if i post smug whores people won't notice how asshurt i am!

well dang, you really showed me, user

What's a really good Wizardry LP? I'm binging on PoE since the new xpac dropped today and I'd like something to have on my second screen to absorb through osmosis.

>dumb meme names
>then the Drake is just called Josh

Ok I laughed

Holy shit just assumed pretending it released was the new meme when I saw earlier threads. Do I... do I buy the game now? Am I even worthy to experience the incline?

>console version

Yeah, neither did you.

Game is... not great.


>playing PoE
>watching lets plays instead of playing the games yourself
go away you normalfag peasant casual

it's an arpg.... australian role playing game

/yagamoth on twitch recently played through wiz6 (twice actually). if you like a soothing voice, there you go

yeah , its amazing if you are a grandpa or wizard

Kill yourself

Thanks a ton. Bless you user

its a drake & josh reference you dip
top meme

Ah, that was it? I managed to activate the lever without realizing the puzzle had anything to do with it. I remember trying the lever in the super demo and thinking it was broken, lol.

I was expecting the puzzle to open a path to the fountains behind the barred windows close to the puzzle area. Still haven't figured out how to get there, if you can get there, that is.

>lets play
dont bother, its not a game for you


Not the dungeon crawlers, no. Plenty of old crpgs under my belt though.


>drake and josh
lol most of Sup Forums was 18-24 when drake and josh came out, go away 90s (or god forbid 00's) babby

Something to do with the collapsed wall, I'm sure.
The item you collect from that lever is the Canoptic Jar, so it might be useful later.

Was Legend of Grimrock not hard core enough for you?

I got 2 people diseased and 1 paralyzed plz help. also I got a drow to the requirements for necromancer how do I class change?

Stranger of Sword City's expansion just came out a few months ago.

Memetexting doesn't magically make you right NEWFAAAAG I WILL GUT YOU BITCH GTFO MY BOARD NAOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!

This ?GAME? looks pretty interesting but is there any reason to play this over Wiz 6/7/8 if I've never played those?

How the fuck do you recruit NPCs. I've tried join, follow, come, party, recruit.

is this a phone game

This. "Blobber" was coined on RPGCodex a deeply racist and problematic forum! S-so what if it accurately describes the gameplay mechanic that distinguishes these games from all other dungeon-exploration & RPG titles. A-aren't you d-deeply insecure and afraid that you might have to spend 10 seconds explaining a jargon term to someone, or e-even worse, have them think you m-might post on a racist homophobic transphobic website?


Class change doesn't happen for a while, I think.
You can sleep off disease and paralyze.

I'll watch one of the older, more esoteric ones instead of the ones people suggest I play.

Thanks m8

Dwarf ironsmith is good, having a mage or necro is good. Two high constitution char for the front row. Leave to empty party slots to recruit Rosey and the woman from the first town. Have someone with an Identify spell. Lockpicking is also useful. The store clerk in town can also identify items if you drag them on to him.

>Wizardry 8

Doesn't Japan fucking love Wizardry 2,3 and 5?

Nah it's true. Japan makes great Wiz1-5 style DRPGS, but they have never made a Wiz6-7 like game, much less a Wiz8 one.

Aside from Talk, you have other actions for interacting with NPCs, one of which is Recruit. Right click on the action button of one of your characters to see all the available actions.


sword city isn't very good, it's just another jap wiz clone + gimmick
vita port

I am really undecided.
On one hand, the memes, people desperately wanted it to be bad, the crashes, the spaghetti code, and the murky legal sound byte.
On the other hand I really get into roguelikes and more complex and involved older style games like the original XCOM series, dungeon crawl, ect.
And I can't trust anything anyone says yet because it's literally impossible to tell if they're legit or falseflagging for the other side.

>Falseflagging this hard

how should i feel about this game

This game took 20 years for one man to develop.

Which means if he didn't have play testers it's going to be terrible.

Vita screenshot I got off the internet, was a bit low res. Here is one of my own. It's also on PC and some other stuff.


What did she mean by this?

Japs literally make clones of the stone age precursors to the actually good Wiz and Wiz-like RPGs, but reskin them into anime children. They're mentally retarded perverts.



Don't start out with prestige classes, they have not good gear until later in the game anyway and you can change classes later on.

>caps lock spam
Did the release of grimoire send us 20 years into the past or something?

Thank you. I'm a sape for sure. Manual when?

What's an entry level game of this genre?

Doesn't make it look (or work) any less like a phone game.

lol this looks like ios shit. Is this PC exclusive

recent dl link pleas?

You mean yellow imitations.

As compared to what? Grimwah? A 90s DRPG?

How the fuck do i defeat the mummy boss?

>Reused enemies from different games
No thanks

Play all of them?