What was it like playing Atari 2600 games back in the day and buying bad games without knowing about the reviews

What was it like playing Atari 2600 games back in the day and buying bad games without knowing about the reviews.

>not playing Moon Master instead
I bet you fucking plebs couldn't even handle the Gorgatron

for you.

>playing 3d games
cute. Comeback when your playing 5000d games.

I uhh, only played dungeons and dragons.

Yeah enjoy being a moon mastah or whatever.


>He STILL doesn't own a OoGhiJ MIQtxxXA

It has the greatest console exclusive ever, The Legend of Xoltar AND it cures all diseases

I will never not be pissed they cancelled it.

Alrighty Sup Forums, what's your favorite episode?

I would imagine if you couldn't return it or pawn it off on some sap, you tried your best to ignore how bad ot was as form of purchase justification to avoid buyer's remorse.

Or at least that's what my family did

Oldfag reporting in. It was a lot of fun, actually. Back then it was all about the gameplay and having fun with your friends. I spent many a night with my friends seeing who could get the high score on Asteroids, or playing head to head in Combat. Sadly though for every good game that game out like River Raid or Star Raiders, we got a Pac-Man or E.T. It was pretty hit or miss.

You relied on word of mouth more than reviews, as by the time the reviews came out chances are you already had the game. Oddly enough, buying an Activision game back then was a safe bet because of the quality rep they had.

Just out of curiosity, do you ever look for games with nostalgia value? Are there any type of games that you miss?

The one where Carl dies

I do, actually. I've bought the Atari DS releases that had a lot of the their classic 2600 games as well as their arcade ones like Battlezone, and I have the Activision Anthology that has all their 2600-era games.

I miss the games that were not from Atari or Activision, though. Everyone and their dog were making games for the 2600, which is part of what caused the great crash, but there were a lot of good ones. Games like Defender, Berzerk, Vanguard, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Frogger.

>Yeah, but what he's saying is, how did WE get here
>I said that. THE MACHINE
>Yeah, but, THE MACHINE, doesn't work.

Same as it was with everything you fucking twat waffle. It's like, you just went to your friend's house, and he had NHL 94 or something. You hated that fucking game but you loved hockey.

So it's like "YEAH THIS IS GREAT" while it's some dog shit and you are both playing something else twenty minutes later.

Usually if we got a bad game on the 2600 you just let it float to the bottom of your collection, or you traded it to a friend. If you were really curious you took the case apart to see what it actually looked like inside.


Bible Fruit

Eh it was ok. We just played them anyway


Man that guy just would not stop talking about his sister's dead baby.

Yeah, but it's always the same thing in every generation. The game is good or it's not and otherwise go fuck your mother. I don't know why the fuck we're talking about bad games. Fuck yourself.