Best class

best class

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What game is this?

You called?


>playing borderlands
Nice one pal

>skill that let's friends hit him for an ult recharge
>the entire melee tree
>including the Light the Fuse second wind

Krieg is top tier.


>purposefully go down to a low-health boss to Light The Fuse suicide bomb him
>all that XP

These violent characters are so unessecary and bad. This is why millenials keep shooting people

>left click shoots right gun
>right click shoots left gun

Literally why

literally r*ddit: the game

What is a reddit?

Put rocket launcher in one hand and shotgun in the other, gunzerk, all shotgun pellets now do rocket damage. Kill final boss and special bosses in 3 seconds.


Started playing BL2 again because its the only way to include my gf in my hobbies.
The gun generation doesn't seem as bad as I remember but holy shit, the writing is atrocious. The characters, the story, the dialogue and the quests are all garbage as fuck.

thats a pretty badass design

>doesn't use resistant control scheme
Uh oh
Depending on when you last played it they increased drop rates a long while back
still its drops are never going to compare to BL1s
>tfw finding an orange sniper that you'll use for the next 10 levels in a trashcan

Set the dialogue volume to zero and turn the subtitles off if the story in an fps really chafes your girl parts that much.

I want to hug and make out with handsome jack!

>Remember having a fun time playing this game a few years ago
>try playing it again to see if it holds up
>mfw I realize how bad everything is
The only good parts in this game are getting a decent gun and destroying everything until the sponges get too thick, it's not fun when the fights are hard or fair because the gameplay is boring as fuck, but I can't hate one shotting stuff with explosive shotguns, that always amuses me for a few minutes.

What's the name of the big mod for Borderlands 2 again? I heard about it here and I'd like to give it a shot

The community balance patch?

Burch please leave

>dlc characters
how's p2w feel like?

Nigger, I'm telling you that you can turn that shit off.
I'm also calling you a bitch because you let it bother you so much that it distracts you from the actual game.

Borderlands was never about winning, user. Pay for choice of character, not for win.


when will they learn?

I think that's the one, I'm going to try it right now

The only class that made this game playable to me

once you get the legendary flame nova shield it's GG. Don't even need bullets, just walk and ignore enemies

>tfw double unkempt harolds
everything fucking died

>actual game revolves around a story
>ignore it

borderlands ruined destiny for me, and probably any similar FPS RPG. Once you get through it you realize how repetitive and boring shooting at NPC sponges is

>Most fun
>Most unkillable
>Most emoside
>Can almost ignore the main selling point of the game(Crahzy Gunzzz)
Whats not to love

best class

My nigga.

>game revolves around completing objectives, looting guns, and shooting shit
>can turn off the shitty dialogue so you can just play the game while listening to music or a podcast or something

>he thinks "shoot it till it dies" the series was ever about the story

Everyone gives Prequel shit but I like it enough for the Jack Doppleganger.

If a game has shitty writing and the volume isn't on to hear it, is it void of shitty writing?

Only because the map can't dodge.

>I don't want to solve my problems, then I'd have nothing to whinge about

Jack Double is basically the best part of PreSequel, but he's a DLC character so fuck him.

>if I ignore everything bad about anything, then everything is 10/10

Nisha the lawbringer was pretty cool, and hot as fuck

Anarchy was fun as hell

What will be Borderlands 3 plot?

It also had the best final boss fight of the series

I realize it's pretty dumb and a bunch of people would hate it, but I'd kill for a game like Borderlands in third person. People mention Warframe but eh, it just doesn't click with me. I can dream though.

That's not really saying much when all the final bosses in Borderlands are literal garbage.

We borderworlds now

hopefully a return to borderlands 1 kinda aspect, where you're just back to being a greedy shit person on a shithole in a planet in a universe that doesn't care about you rather then "epic ur da hero" of 2.

Find more alien shit while the megacorps try to kill each other.

The best playable character in the entire series

I'm just saying it's one of the few things they did right

Finally a patrician

Now she's dead as fuck

Randy said that the tone for 3 will be more in line with 1.
Hopefully Mikey set everything right before he had to leave.

i dont care about the plot

more gun types
more custumization
good/ fun tree skills

is all that i need

best game, in general
update WHEN?

Hell yea it was

>playing melee character in a game where melee is shit

>Nisha the edgy bitch
>hurr hurr sadist hurr hurr murder cats and animal as kids and kill people for fun

Something tells me you never played as Krieg.

Just posting the chinese borderlands that got canned


How do I build Krieg?

i wish borderlands 2 and tps was good anons
3 will be different, right? right?

the kreig video is literal kino


wtf this isn't a competitive shooter.

>3 will be different, right?

i fucking hate krieg. i have never played as him, but one of my friends does, and for some reason, krieg's retard screams when he activates his ability (i think that's what he's doing) bypass my sound settings. i have the sound turned down from fuckloud to normal, but krieg's screaming is still as loud as if i hadn't adjusted the settings at all. i don't know if this is a known issue or not but it keeps fucking happening. it gets really old, really quick.

Krieg > Gaige > Salvo > Zero > Maya > Axton

at least you got jack

>tfw no cute asian girl as a playable character to run around and collect gun with

you gotta go to the store and buy eridium tampons for athena
that's it

Playing as claptrap in tps was very fun
No regrets

2 was good
tps was a good example of a complete trash game

The story was absolute shit, but the enemy scaling was way better than BL2.

Athena was also fun as fuck.

Id put Sal on top but you cant really go wrong with either Krieg/Sal/Gaige as top 3.

>tfw will never have a maya gf

>sister bought this game for me once because she wanted to play with me
>I played Krieg she played gunzerker
>it was the most enjoyable time I've ever had playing vidya
>she's dead now

god luck beating the game as him in TVHM

this. she made the game soluble on higher difficulty.

>walking around with 300 anarchy points and a explosive tourg shotgun.

but the enemies were much harder to kill. those fucking shamans that would heal themselves at full heal and than get even stronger.

an ancient evil has awoken.

i just hope Lilith dies if it ever comes out.

I'd put Maya above Zero desu

B0re is too fun though

This fucker should be in BL3, if devs will miss last opportunity to pander to jack's loving audience i will shit a house

angry spic dwarf cannibal. i wonder if current gear box regret it.

I'm sorry user


I'm guessing this was a typical chinese ripoff. It's amazing how blatant they can be with these things.

The only positive thing I can say is that Burch isn't there anymore. But as we've all seen, Burch was just the tip of the iceberg of the clusterfuck that is Gearbox.