It's going to fix everything and unkill the game right?

It's going to fix everything and unkill the game right?

Other urls found in this thread:

nah shits fucked at least post Norn qts if you guys are gonna have these threads just no rats/plants/furries

Game is far from dead as it is. And it seems to be more heavy on the content then the features this time around. So it ain't going to fix much.

Also Norn.

>not wanting to stick your dick in a moist strawberry flavoured plant vagina

Yeah, just like HoT did, oh wait

>no matter how hot you make your norn they're still the worst race in the game from every other perspective
Somehow anet managed to fuck up literally everything about norn except their (female) bodies


>>You get all your skills by level 10

>> You can hot-swap every decision you made about your character. Spells/Specs/Talents.. all of them are basically Call of Duty weapon 'attatchements'. Yes. i'd like my mesmer with the silencer attachment today, and the ironsight attachment tommorow.

>> Teamplay and Dungeons consist of multiple people 'co-incidentally' hitting the same boss.

>>Half baked 'combo' spell idea that isn't even worth paying attention to or using.

>>Target audience for the game is teenage and pre-teen girls wanting a fashion simulator

>>Game is literally developed by a band of lesbian trannies (you can't make this up).

>>Spells are so retarded they make no sense.. Example: "Fire an arrow.. You go invisible.. your pet runs faster, you do small damage, and the guy down the street finds a quarter, while your computers CD tray ejects"...

There is no thought to these spells besides a random combination of effects that the tranny mind seems to have vomitted out during class design.

>> Adds content only to remove it after a certain period of time.

>>Story line consists of: "I AM THE BAD GUY!"... "I AM THE GOOD GUY I WILL KILL YOU"!!.. "NOOOOOO" and other hilariously cliche dialog:

For example:

After 3 seasons of story... this is the 'final' boss of the expansion... the best the writters could come up with is "I AM THE BUST EVIL" "NO I AM GOOD GUY I WILL STAB U".. *Dies.

If there was an award for worse designed game that still 'looks' okay... this would be it.

>fix everything

If you mean turn "the game around by 180 and make it GW1.5 all the whiners want" the answer is no. Just let it go.

No because there's still going to be a bunch of grind they promised wouldn't be in there that they added because fuck you we want the WoW crowd.

>No new weapon
>No new class

They fucked up

>main is a female Norn
>always use Endless Embiggening Tonic during gameplay

Are they going to make a new elite spec that's mandatory for all pve groups like chronomancer and druid?

I can honestly play devils advocate and defend no new class because of all the new elite specializations
>no new race
Now that's a fuck up

At least it's just $30. I am amazed by the fact they haven't been adding new weapon types at all. At some point all the professions will be able to use all the weapons and then what?

Are Anet shills so desperate for content that they consider a fucking trait line and 10 new skill tops for most classes as a full class? Hang yourselves

I haven't really played since the game came out.
I levelled to max, finished the story and then fucked around in that big open PvP thing for a couple days and dropped it.
Is there worthwhile shit in it now?

because adding a new race would probably be the biggest addition content-wise considering just how much content is tied to your race choice before you reach level 40 and story becomes about orders.

They should just make the Aquatic weapons usable on land and add respective traits to them. That alone would open up some need build options.

It will never be like GW1 user, just let it go. This trash will always be an SJW shitty WoW clone.


They shouldn't have let trannies make a game then it might have been actually decent.

well you said it yourself, there's no actual need to add new weapons until they exhaust the current ones
also, they wouldn't even need new weapon specs if they bothered to balance existing ones against each other. as it is each class can equip anywhere from like 4-10 weapons but only 1-3 are competitive

Computerlets are adorable

>It's going to fix everything
Medium clothing skins will still all be trenchcoats, I imagine, so no. (the three armor sets they add, lol)

>tfw 2560x1080 is the perfect MMO resolution

> unkill the game

The game is not dead you've been wrong for 5 years it's time to stop. It's a way more successful game than GW1 whether you like it or not and you can bet it'll still be alive in 5 years and have at least 2 more expansions after this one.

But no, it'll not fix much things, it'll just add content, hopefully way better than HoT. they are fixing the game really slowly with each update since several months but there'll never be something that'll suddently fix everything.

I really tried to like this game, but it was just so insufferably dull, it didn't really excel in anything, there was nothing on offer that other games didn't do far better. Too bad I paid for the expansion.

>more heavy on content
Literally no new fractals/raids/profession/race. Mount gimmick to help players traverse the new empty desert zones faster because probably 10% of the zone has actual things to explore in it. No mention of WvW/sPvP whatsoever.

i wish i was delusional as you, user.

How the fuck is scourge gonna work synergize with the Necro traits? The ones that modify your skills are a given but I'm talking about the Spiteful Spirit, weakening shroud, unholy sanctuary and Foot in the grave traits. Those ones require you to enter into shroud form for them to trigger and Scourge doesn't have shroud.

If they just flat out don't work with Scourge I'm gonna be fucking pissed

>forcing more WE into your game

>breaking several of your promises (mounts, cash shop relevance etc.)

>not breaking the promise people actually want (end game content)

>raping the story of GW1

>hiding power behind a paywall

Sadly it won't. It will retain its housewives/whales and do okay with the cash shop money.

the game is shit and is going to remain fucking shit, get over it

They drop fractals and raids in outside of expansion patches, you know, like usual. Probably one or two months after PoF there will be a new raid at the very least. The content here is story, maps, new masteries, mechanics and specializations.
As for new professions or races, it's unlikely that will happen. Races will likely never happen due to the amount of work involved. New class is a little bit more likely but still unlikely. Why bother with new classes when you've already got all your bases covered and you can just expand those bases into more niche classes through specializations?

WvW/sPvP will be given some new life with the new specs dropping but sure, there are no new maps or anything like that. Those two usually receive updates through separate patches anyway.

I'm not trying to defend Gw2, my point is just that HoT was more heavier on the features while PoF looks to be more meatier on content.

Can't find a source but I read somewhere that shroud related traits would function differently when playing scourge.

>cash shop relevance

Wait, when was that said in the new trailer?

>Spells are so retarded they make no sense.. Example: "Fire an arrow.. You go invisible.. your pet runs faster, you do small damage, and the guy down the street finds a quarter, while your computers CD tray ejects"

This is gold user
this game is bipolar. From the story to map design, nothing makes any fucking sense. Its like a fever dream

Remember when Anet actually released full expansions? Oh wait, you don't because you underage GW2 shills have never played GW1.

That's what burned me out on GW2. They make content and then leave it to rot.

Fractals, dungeons, finishing aspects of the main game maps.

It's really becoming clear that ANet is run by dummies who are contracting out to make new content to sell units, then letting them go and now never coming back to the content they jam into the game.

Look at the new trailer. Most of those guys we hired just for this expansion and they will be gone the second it's up.

>had only gw1 with no expacs back then
>tried nightfall one free weekennd and fell in love with assassin
>never been able to buy it
>fast forward to today
>want to play gw1 isntead of gw2 and get the expacs
>nobody plays it
I'd be better dead


>>forcing more WE into your game
Nightfall was 11 years ago, memester.

I miss Cantha so much...

Are there any good GW2 tracks? Jeremy really did some good work with the GW1 soundtrack and I think his music is what really sold the game for me back then.

that's how skills were in GW1 too

it's still worth playing through GW1 solo. Some really great zones and world to explore. Being able to recruit and customize an entire MMO raid party is the best. Why don't other games let me do this?

>muh silent majority
funny how the gw1 pop sharply and then steadily declined after gw2. either most actual players got so autistically mad that they just stopped playing a game they really loved, or they were fine with gw2 and moved on

Why was it good again and superior to the pile of shit that is gw2 then?

Funny how 99% of the characters weren't (forced) black characters (even in Nightfall).

post one example because they weren't

well yeah, at the time ncsoft was a nice korean company trying to make a good game so that they can earn $$$

>two expansions later
>literally 0 new dungeons
GW2 is a meme

Every single Soule soundtrack sounds exactly the same.


Things have changed. Technology has changed. Voicework alone is probably one of the biggest things holding them back to create the same amount of content like they did back then.

I spend nearly a decade in Gw1. Gw2 is a different beast, once you start treating it as such you tend to appreciate it a bit more.

You're kidding, right? Nightfall was filled to the brink with black characters. Nothing was forced about it back then and neither is forced about it now. It just fits the setting.

Well duh, it was fucking Africa and India. But not every NPC you encountered was a nigga desu. Most of the enemies were white guys :^)

real answer? for the same reason that D2 was "better" than D3
it was easier to obtain endgame items and fulfill the power fantasy of poorfags, while in the newer games they get left behind just like irl because they lack the skill and/or aren't willing to do the work
short version: most "adult" gaymers are millennials

>no new classes
>no new races
>no new dungeons
>5 new areas
>no new weapons
>no new pvp maps
>every cool new armor is locked behind paywall even though the game is b2p

but you'll get

it's gonna be the same old shit

Enjoy telling mentally ill trans NPC's how "brave" they are

>someone believes this
it's just the opposite

>But not every NPC you encountered was a nigga desu.
But a very large majority was. And who says this will be case in PoF?

> Most of the enemies were white guys :^)
Not like I remember it. Link me to five white human nightfall enemies on the Gw wiki.:^)

>Elite Bow Attack. If Melandru's Shot hits, your target begins Bleeding for 5...21...25 seconds. If it hits a foe that is moving or knocked down, that foe takes +10...22...25 damage and is Crippled for 5...13...15 seconds.
thanks for proving that you don't play the game

your age?

You are very brave for posting this in every Gw thread you see, user.
Enjoy this advertisement, I'm sure you'll enjoy it from deep inside your closet.

>an arrow making an open wound is the same as an arrow making you invisible magically when you shoot it
thanks for proving you're a fucking retard

that cherry picked example is not nearly as bad as the average GW2 skill

diablo3 is a fucking walk on the park (I'm talking about rifts and that stuff)
compared to diablo2 hell, not even talking about clones
in diablo3 you get a legendary every 5 minutes and a few patches before it was insane how many legendaries you could get

I don't really care about GW2. I just like the original game.
Bayel and Kahyet were relatively white. Most of Kourna wasn't pitch black but I wouldn't consider them white either desu

GW1 skills definitely got more convoluted

Just look at stuff from the newer classes like ritualist and dervish, it got kind of wacky.

>shoot an arrow
>if the arrow lands on a still opponent the target bleeds
>if the arrow lands on a running opponent the arrow cripples the target
sounds pretty reasonable, what's wrong with it?

>comparing skills with an effect that didn't exist in gw1
holy shit the desperation to have some kind of argument. play gw1 please

in gw2 you have every class like that

>the desperation to have some kind of argument
but you're the one doing that
I provided you with an equal example and you're now "b-b-but that didn't exist!"
get fucked kid

Soule has done such a boring and lazy job on GW2, I'm glad there's some new blood trying something different.

lol 2's problem is actually the opposite, everything is too simple and boring. they even revamped the trait system so you'd have like 3 build options per class.

legendaries in D3 are/were mostly junk items, you had to also roll the right stats on them, as opposed to D2 where the top end uniques always dropped with the same stats and it wasn't that hard to just farm them out from bosses. that's why people hated D3's endgame and the RMAH. if they made endgame items easier to obtain, and now people like D3 better, that only further proves my point. millennial

Bayel and Kahyet are black as fuck user. Kournan soldiers wear full body armor with facemasks mostly but the Kournan civilians are pretty much all black. And that's just fine.

thats the most offensive thing in that image.
also only rats are good as traps all the other races suck.

So basically "please buy our expansion for stuff we may or may not deliver through patches".

They can't be black because they can't be racist!

dungeons were abandoned as a concept

i think most people like fractals and raids more anyway

it's simple, boring and retarded
it has everything

you usually get your stats on the items you get, and you can reroll a stat as many times as you want with the enchanter
did we play the same game? I could equip three or four characters with just one character farming legendaries
on the other way good luck to get the item you need on d2, also the game is harder

you should ask why he thinks it was cherry picked. lol not that your arguments can ever go beyond "gw1 good, gw2 bad"

dumbass, there is no stealth/invis in gw1. if there were such an effect that belonged to the bow-using class, do you think there would not be an arrow shot that would do it?
play gw1

just how fucking lazy did they get? jesus
IIRC dungeons had 4 different paths no? with different bosses along.
let's make fractals instead, give them one route and give them an artificial difficulty slider so they don't complain about not having hard mode :^)

Daily reminder GW1 wasnt good until GW2 came out

> The whole time we were making Guild Wars 1 and putting out expansions for it we had forums filled with people bitching about all the stuff they didn't like about it, how we need to fix everything. And the second Guild Wars 2 comes out Guild Wars 1 was the greatest thing ever made.

Pic not related

Too much of GW2's soundtrack was just atmospheric stuff for the zones and reworked Norn theme became the main theme as well as ongoing motif throughout the game. In comparison a lot of Heart of Thorn's soundtrack is much more varied and main theme is excellent with proper buildup.

Basically "please buy our expansion if you want new specializations, story steps, maps, masteries and game mechanics".
They didn't say anything about stuff being added later down the line during the announcement this time, since it backfire with HoT.

Raids weren't part of the of the first expansion neither and will always be separate patches since it's a completely separate team working on them. sPvP got a new gamemode with HoT but it flopped so it figures they aren't going to try anything fancy now. They are working on new maps though, but not for the expansion.
They are unsure what to do with WvW I'm guessing so they just keep trying to improve through patches.

The only thing they need to do to fix dungeons is reinstate the Gw1 lootdrops. The smaller your party, the more loot you get. I can clear a bunch of dungeons solo or duo. Takes longer but it's fun for me and my guild.
Shame we don't get more dungeon currency per undermanned run or more chance at rarer loot.
Gw1 did this so perfectly well.

enchanter wasn't in vanilla, so actually no we didn't play the same game and you've proved my point again millennial

Exactly, even though GW1 had massive flaws it was so much, much better than GW2 that people started praising it as being flawless.

Doesn't change the fact that GW1 was still so much better, despite its flaws.

This always happens, though.

>tfw you like both

New legendaries and raids WERE part of the announced HoT features for release and we got them months after.

>dumbass, there is no stealth/invis in gw1. if there were such an effect that belonged to the bow-using class, do you think there would not be an arrow shot that would do it?
do you realize how retarded your post sounds? there is no skill that does that, and that's what counts
invisibility mechanics are a thing since the start of videogames so they could've made it
just stop replying faggot

oh so now we're talking about vanilla d3? nice goalpost moving
d3 vanilla was so terribly easy and sleep inducing that you didn't need anything too powerfull, and anyways you'd get an endgame set in little time (that's what I did)

I hate replying to children, bye retards

And now it's part of the continued development of the game, they shouldn't even have to mention that anymore.

>Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the first expansion pack for Guild Wars 2 and was released on October 23, 2015

>New legendary equipment types: back items and armor

>Legendary armor was implemented with Living World Season 3 Episode 5 "Flashpoint" on May 2nd, 2017

Wow it only took them 2 years after charging people $30!

It's literally impossible to have a thread about Guild Wars 2 on Sup Forums

No other game devolves into frothing angry retards every single time. Literally every single time.

And /vg/ is nothing but cliques and ERP

I think big change evident in LS since season 3 is ANet is using it to supplement the expansion instead of separate thing the way content patches usually are. Season 3 was essentially just a continuation of HoT story-wise and they brought features that were missing.

lolded gaem ree SJW SJW tranny ded game ded ree.


Not your safe space ANet shill :^)

I absolutely love this track. It really made mindlessly grinding Dragon Stand bearable.

>hurf durf why can't we circlejerk about my precious SJW game

