The origin mascot of a series faces off against its replacement

>the origin mascot of a series faces off against its replacement

What are some vidya that have this meta theme?

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How skilled do you have to be in order to be able to do a spin-kick in a getup like that?

Just max DEX and you're good to go.

What the hell happened, here?

Please tell me there's a clip somewhere of one of them falling over. I need it. I can tell it would make me laugh far more than it should.

Sorry, just increasingly frightening gudako pics

>No Tawna vs Coco

That's a shame. Thanks.

>has a sword, tries to kick

>Has a fucking sword
>doesn't use it

They fairly obviously cannot move the arms.

Saber was trying to save us from Gudako but to no avail, Gudako is too strong.

>What are some vidya that have this meta theme?
You can do it yourself in DOA5.

and Asuka knows she's being replaced.



Roll motherfuckers

What the fuck is wrong with the Japanese?


who the fuck is gudako and why would she replace saber in her own fucking series?

Nothing that isn't wrong with the rest of humanity

>used a ticket
>got Romulus
Fuck you, Gudako

Because she's become an extremely dank meme in the Fate mobage, which is now the primary entry point for most Fate fans these days.

Because FGO is making millions every month in Japan and Gudako's manga got it's first volume published

Isn't Saber still the poster girl of the Fate series?

>FGO is a main-series entry
>only played F/SN and watched the F/Z anime
Will I miss out much if I haven't played F/HA? Why doesn't that have an anime yet?

Which Saber?

Fate stay night is a fucking shit series I tried watching that unlimited blade works and it's even fucking worse than fate zero, only idiots like this series

the rest are Sabers but there's only one Saber

lmao there's no point in following this shit anymore just collect sabers and be done with it

>collect sabers
I'm collecting berserkers

Which part lets them see their surroundings? Eyebrows or something?

I still don't understand why Saber has more figures than every other anime character on the planet combined. Is there just a massive concentration of buyfags specifically within the Fate fanbase, so they just keep churning them out?

No. F/HA is irrelevant in the scheme of GO and the only real representation it has is an ultra-rare servant 99% of people will never get (and is shit) and an item.

But you should still read it.

I know Japan is full of strict social expectations. I know life as a salaryman is awful. I know living in cramped spaces would not work for me.
But god damn it I see a picture of gamers and all the repressed weeaboo-ness comes flowing out.

The king of heroes bows to Gudako

there needs to be an umaru of these

Seasonal waifus come and go but Saber is eternal

Is there any Fate shit worth playing/watching other than F/SN VN?

Sabah is irreplaceable.

The VN is shit, start with Fate/Zero.

It has the best Rider in the entire franchise.

Start with the VN, move on to Hollow Ataraxia, then Zero. Other than that nothing is all that necessary. Some of the spinoffs like Extra are fun.

Muh boy Artour thinkin how to spend all that prize money. All 60k of it

Prototype, I guess


the anime are all fucking awful don't watch them unless you have retard taste

>Still no good doujins
shit character
shit meme

>4 of those are just Auther at different phases of his life ( Kid, Adult, Rider skilled, Near Death/Corruption )
>The rest are just WTF
I'm OK with the first four as it shows different phases and styles of the same person, kinda like Cu with his Prototype, Lancer, and Caster styles, each one showing how he grew up and evolved from spunky ass kid, nearly blood knight, and then mellowed the fuck down when he got some pussy. Though I'm shocked we've not seen him summoned yet when he was DENYED and cucked that pussy.

I don't understand Type Moon fans. That GO game is about turbo grinding waifus and mats to evolve waifus. It must have like five enemies total and it's trivial content. The story is pretty awful, which is normal because it's a Gacha mobile game...

The visual novel and Zero are a must.
Unlimited Blade Works anime is ok if you want to see the fights animated.
Apocrypha is shit.
H/A its pretty good.
There's a decent Fate PS2 fighting game.
GO is a shameless cashgrab. Gacha games are basically slot machines but instead of winning money you get waifus

I wonder if they are ever going to make a better movie version or something of the Fate route. UBW gets two adaptations, and HF is only just now getting a movie, yet the only version of the main first route is that horrible original anime series.

Story gets better later. Yeah this game is just a waifu simulator. There's no content in the game that's so hard you can only beat with 5 stars.

Is this some kind of cute skit they're doing or are the guys in suits actually pissed off at each other

The story massively improved once they realized the game was actually popular and put effort into it.

Secondary here, but I like Mash the most of all the random girls they've got in this endless series, with Frankenstein being second and Mordred third.

Gudako is the best god damned thing.

You tell me.

Their entire "bodies" are just leg

Carnival Phantasm. Everything else is shit.

Those are dudes in there.


>fatefags will defend this

That art looks familiar but I can't remember where

I love this shit so much, is like pure cute madness

The artist is riyo. He made a comic pisted around Sup Forums about the scientist that found a caveboy and turned him into a proper girl

didnt this kinda happen in pokemon silver when you get to fight red

perhaps you recognize it from the actual comic

Epic Mickey is exactly that

Fate/Strange Fake is completely translated (though unfinished and likely will remain so for years at this pace) and is easily the best Nasuverse work. You've got Gilgamesh meeting Enkidu, a cyborg vampire-hunting priest fighting vampires, a king who's so chuuni and obsessed with the Arthurian legend that everything he touches turns into Excalibur and mother fucking Archer Hercules.

It's amazing.

Watch the Kara no Kyoukai movies, they're pretty good.

>not even the main character in their own anime

Mash is the perfect example of being cute and sexy at the same time.

Good-ass taste

>Main character is the most popular character
What's the problem again?

Does he count?

I get that when people post pictures of their trips/them living there. Always have to resist the urge think about going there because I know in my heart I'd hate it because I hate travelling in general.

It's a damn shame the NA version is shutting down already. I feel bad for the guys who actually bough quartz.

>Watched that hour-long special for Grand Order
>She looked like she had a small chest at first
>Then her coat came undone, and my screen was coated in BREASTS

It's a massive plus that she wasn't some yandere or super wimpy character. I like her in Riyo's manga more, but the anime was perfectly fine. I've got a pretty hefty folder of just her alone. I fucking love those tits, god damn.

At first I didn't care for Frankenstein, but her mannerisms grew on me. She's cute as shit, ignoring that she's pretty much a bunch of corpses tied together.

What, seriously?

>Archer Hercules
All I've ever wanted is Herc without the berserker rage
I watched most of them like ten years ago, they were pretty good. I also played Turkeyhandle, is anyone from that in F/GO?

Yeah they don't make enough profit to pay Nasu the monthly license fees

post some sauce man

There's a 4* assassin Shiki and a 5* Saber Shiki.

Nice try DEXfag, I'm not falling for your tricks

You didn't hear? It's not profitable so they haven't been able to license the rest of the story. They're shutting down and recommending people move to the JP game but due to some server fuckery they won't be able to carry any data across. I'm just glad I didn't spend any money yet.

>I also played Turkeyhandle, is anyone from that in F/GO?

No and there won't be until the Tsukihime remake comes out.

Spoilers: The Tsukihime remake is never coming out.

wait what? Is blue ox girl a berserker?
Also I hate how this damn game crashes ever other fight, but apparently getting it for emulator's isn't an option ether? I want to play this more, but having to reboot my phone after a fight gets tiring quick.

Surely we'll get our Sacchin route someday, right?

This is bait, right? Right?

Their eyes.
Don't you use eyes to see, user?

Archer Hercules is phenomenal in Strange Fake. The first thing his Master does upon summoning him is mind rape him with three Command Seals:

>"Do not make excuses."
>"Remember the humans you have seen."
>"Accept human nature - the robe of the earth."

These commands, coupled with a healthy dose of Fuyuki Grail mud, resulted in Hercules abandoning his divinity, his morals and his name - calling himself Alcides from that point on - doubleclassing as Avenger and being SUPER FUCKING PISSED OFF at the gods for fucking him over. His wish is to brutally murder all the gods and save his family.

Then he goes and starts talking shit to Gilgamesh and no-sells the Gate of Babylon like a fucking boss.

They're not running the game for charity. It's a business and they have to keep making a profit.
Be thankful you can even play the JP version.


Where to read Strange fake?

Strange Fake is off the rails to be honest. True Archer isn't actually Herc but the Herc without divinity that was also mind raped by his master and became part Avenger.

Strange Fake is a fake grail war set in the US that broke all the rules and became a real war with the power levels going straight through the roof and summoning servants that shouldn't be able to be summoned.

Rider is literally the Pale Rider living in the dream of a comatose loli that was eugenics into being a superior mage.

Was there an announcement somewhere or is this speculation?

I'm very interested but it's a shame we'll never get a bro-tier Rider Herc

They stopped doing the scheduled events and updating their twitter and facebook. Seems pretty evident.

Mobius did the same thing before suddenly updating. Global releases of shit always get the short end.