Splatfest Night
First for mayo
More like Gayo.
>Gold Aerospray
>not even above 2000 power
I want to fucking play ranked, mayo and ketchup suck ass, turf war sucks ass
im getting really sick of doing ketchup vs ketchup
can you mayofags represent, like fuck
what exactly, that mayofags are inferior? Certainly
Do you get anything for getting to King/Queen? I won like 6 games in a row to begin with and got to 2032, but now I'm getting fucked and I don't want to play anymore.
Already Queen, time for bed. You rascals better not play too late!
So those egg council creeps got to you too?
This is more embarrassing than anything honestly
Salmon run is still up for about 9 hours
acts as a multilier for the amount of sea snails you
get at the end of the fest.
is there any incentive to play this splatfest outside of seeing the field covered in jizz and period blood?
>Ranks say a lot
It says who has a life and who's a NEET
shut up, mom.
No, you've got it all wrong, user. It's not like that. *gestures*
>Mayo retards keep getting cocky and spawn camping
>We lose
I made a mistake picking this team.
you get super sea snails, plus the chance of blowing the other team the fuck out.
Are furries gone?
Or who actually doesn't have to spend hours upon hours stuck in sub B rank hell, because of a little thing called skill.
>20 games in
>all vs ketchup
what the fuck is this shit, where are all the cum guzzlers hiding
How the fuck do you get 0 kills with the NZap?
Made it to queen.
Good luck mayobros.
>every team on Ketchup has at least 2 aerosprays
I kill them but with the speed that weapon inks, it hardly matters.
man some of these guys I'm fighting in mirror matches just plain suck
I hope they aren't the ones actually fighting against mayofurs
on what grounds?
>mfw mayofur
>mfw never had a mayofur vs mayofur match
Anyone trying the Sploosh-o-matic? I want to like it because it satisfies my ground coverage autism, but it feels a lot harder to deal with being outranged than in the first game.
>implying turf war is played any other way
Dead man spray no ink
A whole bunch of Super Sea Snails.
Post em
The range is worse than a point blank roller. Can't really test it since people are warping all over the place and BAKANA behind you.
How Are Aerosprays Even A Real Weapon. Like Nigga Just Walk Backwards And Outrange Them.
Ausfag here - so few mayofags that my last 10 or so game has been against ketchup bros.
Literally just a dogshit aerospray, probably the worst weapon in the game
>4 ketchupfags with aerospray
>constant curling bomb spam
How do you check this?
I love splatfest but they always make me feel like a shit player
I've lost most mirror matches to octobrushes I couldn't outrange with the N zap
>dumb kill hungry faggot teammate runs out into a turf war looking for glory
>complains he didn't win
I heard about some comment that apparently has the whole splatoon community sperging out?
>Yfw put the the team on your back but it doesn't matter
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Just hit Ketchup King. Was doing pretty well for awhile, but then hit 6 games in a row with either team DCs or bad players. Fortunately never DC'd during a match, but I must have disconnected like 10 times before and after, and my wi-fi is pretty good.
I might play some more tomorrow and level up, but eh. I feel like I got my fill.
>because one aerospray faggot cheesed middle in the last 10 seconds with his fifth curling bomb special of the game
>66% forced loss rate
Great matchmaking Nintendo.
Pretty obvious. Mayo is going to win in battles, sugar goop in popularity.
You all better be using festive meme names or you're dead to me
Will the rollerfag who never dies despite getting shot at point blank please fix your fucking internet
This, I don't think I've lost a single Mayo fight in the past hour
How does "With Friends" work during splatfest?
>see landing circle
>start shooting it
>don't even see them land
>suddenly standing to my right and shooting me
What lag sorcery be this? I've seen jump rolls, but this was just them instantly appearing next to me.
Won every Ketchup vs Mayo match of the night. I was totally carried the entire time holy shit I suck
Mayo Queen reporting in. Lets win this shit.
>Ketchup spawn camps Mayo
>Wins anyway
Seems like the late night Ketchupfags can actually play. I dread what the morning will bring, though.
Nice false flag.
>Ketchup think they have a chance once dawn breaks
80% of ketchup is children with no taste and the win/lose rate is going to plummet once the kiddies wake up. It'll be especially bad this time since it's during the summer too.
The game as a 16hz tick rate.
>false flag
When I was a newfag we just called them jokes
>mfw using splatfest for cheap rolls from the splatfest tee shirt
You guys better get it while its hot!
Drink some drinks from Crusty Sean and keep maxing out the t shirt and getting the chunks from it.
you're literally a week late
Paw-leese, mayo has the most furry drawings~! Finally the furry game we've been waiting furever for! ^*w*^
How do I change teams?
you fucking disgrace
We're all missing the real point of this Splatfest: Blondes vs Redheads
Does anyone freak when the team are on on one side of the map and you're watching enemy ink spread on the empty side
Why don't i have the splatfest? Is it NA only?
Team Menstruation is straight up fucking skubs. Managed to beat them in less than 2 hours to max out the event rank.
>doing that this late
Get a load of this guy.
The general rule of any game contest like this: pick the less popular one. The popular choice will be full of morons and the scum of the earth.
Not until I see my brainlet teammates super jumping in on to me and thus losing us the game
>Inkbrush's being dragged through the white ink looks like little lines of ketchup freshly squirted out of the bottle
Despite being on Mayo it's awfully cute.
Australia doesn't get Splatfests
Are you connected to the internet?
It's past their bedtimes :(
You gotta hook up to your kangaroo.
I decided to pop on and carry my team's asses as a Ketchad for 2 rounds against Mayogays and won them before going to sleep but it turns out you shitters are making my effort moot.
That worked out well for Team Cake.
>played so much Splatoon I have no drive to play during splatfest
>not even Salmon run can save me anymore
m8 you had a whole week to do this
thought they removed Murch for the splatfest, turns out he's just dancing in the audience.
And yet Cakefags got BTFO despite only veterans being on their team
>the one exception, in a splatfest that was significantly shorter than all others and only took place at night when all the kiddies were gone
Nigga didn't play splatoon one, someone post the pirates verses ninja results
Literally all the furry drawing in the plaza are from ketchup fags
Would have a higher ratio but the people on my discord weren't the best.
Europe, i'm connected to the internet and i can play the usual modes, just not splatfest
>just got the game a couple days ago
>level 8
>get pitted against guys in the fucking mid-20's and have access to the games' best guns
>my team mates are like level 16 at the highest
>get fucking demolished every game
Cake vs Ice Cream was rigged and you know it. Look at Nintendo's twitter during the Splatfest. The writing was on the wall.
You mean the initial Marina vs Pearl? Yeah, they were really on the ropes, huh?
It's literally the only Splatfest we have to go by. Splatoon 1 rules were different.
>That feel when the only picture on my walls and lobby is a pikachu holding a bottle of ketchup cause everything else was literal furry shit.
Marina has a better voice than the Squid Sisters. Pearl adds nothing though.