Newb in this thread just looking for some people to play overwatch on ps4 with

newb in this thread just looking for some people to play overwatch on ps4 with

overwatch more like overass

You'll be hard pressed to find people who play it on PS4 here

>"competitive" fps on console

Thats a cute pharah. Im taking it okay.

>playing Overwatch on a console

anyone wanna play

This is going nowhere. Its now a Pharah thread.

>fisher price shooter
>console faggot
>fucking frogposting

kill yourself painfully

ur an ass im just looking for players where should i go

it starts with an r

god u guys are so cringe fuck v im going back to b

you type like a retard
stop playing doodoo games and get a pc

You're a friendless loser, you deserve to what you get

this desu, best girl thread

hey just teasing no bully


Maybe you should post psn if you want people to add you?

or get raided by you weirdos no thanks

Yeah nevermind, keep complaining about being a friendless loser.

>this is your average overtrash retard

I bet you did not think it would turn out like this

>all those fucking (yous)
teach me op
