What's your favorite casual filter, Sup Forums?

What's your favorite casual filter, Sup Forums?

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Ornstein and smough in dark souls?


>All those people who just got someone to beat it for them instead of feeling the rush of beating it themselves.

Jolly Cooperation was a mistake.


XIV's Titan HM back when it was relevant, followed by Titan EX.

What kinda guy loses to these two?

The casual kind



I'm not that kinda guy!


Fuck off, cattle-loads.

Question time, sweet cheeks. What God Hand boss do you think would better qualify as a casual filter?

My Phazon Suit-wearing bounty hunter.
Came to the thread to post this.

>tfw mastered short hopping instead of learning about running

>First boss of the game has one of the most difficult pattern sets in the game, has no weaknesses, and is on a time limit
If you grinded on the turret towers until you got a rank 3 buster or rank 4 z-saber before fighting him, then you truly are a casual.


>tfw still havent made it past the turbo tunnel
That last part just fucks me up


>the ostrich is supposed to teach you how to run
>doesn't teach you how to hold the B button
bullshit all around I tell you.



I was blessed by playing through dark souls in 2011 on a college campus which didn't allow Xbox live on the network. So my roommates and I would huddle around the TV with no online and switch off every death. It was amazing, and I recommend anyone going through DaS for the first time do it without network at all. Network completely ruins things like mimics and illusory walls.

fucking kill yourself


Tank controls. It separates the men from the boys.

when someone says 1001 spikes is not skill-based


Recently replayed this the first time in 13 years, I didn't remember you could do that in the tube, but somehow I managed to find it out on my own again

The first level itself is one of the hardest parts of God Hand.

The fun thing is, you don't have to enter meridian through that tube. Just go through the ghost ship

Dwemer Puzzle Box


I think that was really good game design. Everyone is conditioned to think RPG items, especially quest items, are supposed to be in certain places and given emphasis. That quest tells you that it isn't true in Morrowind and that items are actually placed realistically. Most people don't follow the implicit advice it gives though so they miss out on a ton more items, mostly optional, later in the game because they never think to look in practical places like shelves and desks but instead they're looking for the big chests and big boss enemies for all their good loot.


Entering Maridia from the wrong way just funnels you back down there eventually. You must enter from the broken tube to actually progress.

Nah my dude, you can progress just fine from the back entrance. You just take the scenic route to the same place

You cannot. You end up dropped a screen to the right from the tube.
You can't actually do Maridia proper without coming in through breaking the tube.
Unless you're counting usage of the green gate glitch.

Take a look at a map since you're remembering so wrongly.

I played DS for the first time last year and didn't have that much trouble against them. Did people actually find that boss hard?

A lot of people have trouble managing multiple opponents, it make them stressed and they do a lot of mistake, + they usually can't control the camera and their movements to get proper vision of their ennemies so they get butt empaled by ornstein slide.



i liked this game but don't remember this. i must have been a PGM
