Alt history where the NSDAP won

>alt history where the NSDAP won

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

the game even as a nazi wackamole, still has witheys as the good guys, this is unnaceptable by today standards

a timeline where you can get strawberry milkshakes is not dystopic

>hyperbole in the title


>Lunar cities
>Supersonic airliners
>continental hiways.
>all by the 1980's

How is that a dystopia

Nah, it's straight-up strawmanning.

Virtue-signaling, racial stereotypes and even Communism are apparently objectively correct when Hydra's the badguys and anybody who disagrees is a racist murdering scumbag, no middle ground whatsoever.

because they wiped out genetic defects from the population
:'( :'(

more like utopia.

To be fair, even the white people in the trailer were terrified. Exaggerated or not, it sounds like they had some serious neck-breathing control policies at that point.

Which actually fits since, while facts around the Holocaust may have been stretched and hidden to keep blame solely on one side and this game is clearly signaling to Tumblrtards, Germany really did escalate what started as a Polish/Weimar conflict into something monstrously bigger than what potential alternatives Hitler could've taken.

I'm looking forward to wolfenstein 2 because I'm an edgelord and like playing as the bad guy.

>Which actually fits since..
stopped reading right there, stick to the in-game universe instead of trying to draw parralels to something you obviously don't know anything about.

They stole all that tech from Jews though.

The Wolfenstein universe isn't just a universe where the Nazis won. It's a universe where there was a secret Jewish sect who had technology hundreds of years ahead of anyone else. When the Nazis committed the Holocaust, they stumbled across some of this tech and used it to win the war.

Oy vey, redpills and kek's blessing.

BJ and the crew are good though, nothing wrong with killing Nazis.

>Exaggerated or not, it sounds like they had some serious neck-breathing control policies at that point
That's not really too dissimilar to what happened to the East German/Japanese civilian populations for a short time following WW2, or the German civilian population following WW1.
The raping and murdering committed in Germany by the Soviets following their victory was enormous, and they moved from there to totalitarian policies such as building the Berlin Wall to keep citizens from leaving to see their families, and patrolling everyone's houses with the SED, basically the Gestapo if they were commies.

Yes, there are negative elements to the world of Wolfenstein, but that still doesn't make it a dystopia. To be a dystopia, everything needs to be bad.

For example, in "1984", the genre-defining dystopia, all technology is locked in a permanent rut, the proles live in squalor, and even the upper classes controlling the show have a pretty shit deal and have a lower standard of life than you or I. It's a true dystopia because EVERYTHING is bad.

Wolfenstein's world doesn't portray a dystopia. It mirrors post-WW2 East Germany but with better technology and the other side of the horseshoe. It's got its upsides and downsides as a society.

the current trend of "you should buy this game, there's people that you don't like that HATE that this game exists" advertising is stupid

a bunch of le redpilled retards on the internet who have never had a white girlfriend dont understand you can be against forced multiculturalism and simultaneously not align yourself with a party that executed tons of people on the basis of race/religion/culture/sexuality/disabilities and encroached on other white people's land

we live in an extreme time when an attack on the nazi party is seen as an attack on white identity. In many ways, the nazis were niggers.

>a literal terrorist group

>They stole all that tech from Jews
Doesn't make it stop being a good thing that they have that technological advancement, though. Compared to our 1980s the Nazis are leaps and bounds ahead. Then in our IRL timeline that technology never gets/got used.

Our forefathers were a "literal terrorist group"

Trips of truth

Assuming you are referring to America, you are very wrong.

This pretty much sums it up.
Since a utopia is a world where everything (within reason) is good, a dystopia is a world where everything is bad.

You can't call a fictional world a dystopia if there's plenty of immediately noticeable good elements, such as supremely advanced technology well ahead of its time.

A brave new world is a dystopia despite being more or less post scarcity and everyone is happy. Dystopia's are more about state driven ideology from the perspective of someone struggling to deal with conflicting beliefs.

By your retarded definition, Brave New World is set in a utopia.

stop giving these fags clicks retard

What? the british saw the patriot freedom fighters as a terrorist group. An insolent group of guerrilla tactic disruptors who sought to destabilize their government. How is that anything but a terrorist group to the people in power?

Hate to be that guy but if you're nitpicking on the word dystopia you don't seem to have much of a case except buttblast for the sake of it.

This just sounds like a semantics issue. Would it be more accurate to say it has dystopian undertones rather than saying it's a dystopia?

Bad writers have to dumb everything down and present morality is totally black and white with no middle ground. This sort of infantile anti intellectual writing is a huge part of why video games will never be taken as seriously as books or film.
Even fucking Jews in Hollywood have made films where they dabble with the idea of Nazis being good or honorable.

It's a dystopia disguised as a utopia

>being a nazi dope

>A brave new world is a dystopia
No it's not. It's a "negative utopia".
It's a utopia in every way except that intelligent people sometimes feel unfulfilled, and even they have an island to go and live on where they can do what they like.
>Dystopia's are more about state driven ideology from the perspective of someone struggling to deal with conflicting beliefs.
That's just pulling a definition out of your ass.
A dystopia is an imaginary place where everything is bad. That's the actual definition.

>read shit SJW sites
>bring this shit to Sup Forums
T-thanks OP.

Jews have never invented or created anything.
Hell, even their food is just stuff they take from other countries.