Can handheld games win GOTY?

Can handheld games win GOTY?

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No, there are regulations that prevent them from winning. Learn how these things work before asking dumb questions next time.

they can but this year they won't. BotW for the Switch will win

but game also came out for Wii U and Wii U isn't an handheld.

Yes and it makes the internet fucking LIVID when it happens.

game came out on two system and none of those two are handhelds

It's on Wii U and PC though, so I wouldn't consider it a handheld game.

>That one time Link Between Worlds won gamespot's GOTY and people were PISSED

My pool has never had such quality tears to swim in since than.

>and PC

Ask gamespot

>muh edgy emulation

>dat dislike bar

As someone who bought a switch I am all for emulators, as long as they respect emulating regulations mind you, cause it allows us to play more good games and everyone will have a good time.

I think Sup Forums was the only place that wasn't salty that day.

>giving GOTY to ALBW over The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite

I don't disagree but they've got some balls.

For me they definitely can.

Though I dunno if BotW will take first or second for myself at the moment, mostly because of the padding and shit boss fights.


Funny enough I finished this game today on Cemu.

All things considered, the Switch is worth getting just for this game. Love it through and through.

>Horizon and Prey on the same tier as Yakuza 0.

why the fuck do yakuzatards overrated the hell out of their series?

Wow, for once some fucker posting his goty list is actually not a moron. Pretty solid tiers and placements there.

>Great gameplay
>Great story and character
>Shit tone of content
>Amazing OST

on the same tier as generic open world number 56298, with robodinasours.

How playable is it?
Does it crash a lot and/or random glitches that force you to fuck around with the configs constantly?

>How playable is it?

25/30fps in field (depending on what areas)
Solid 30fps in shrines.

I finished on Cemu version 1.8.1b, so I don't know how well it runs at the recent version (1.9.0, I believe). It did crash a bunch of times, especially in Hyrule Castle, but overall I really can't complain.