Decide to play Persona 1 because people won't shut the fuck about the first and second games

>decide to play Persona 1 because people won't shut the fuck about the first and second games
>that awkward positioning system
>cryptic as fuck process to get the optional party member
>all the preparation needed for the second, new route
So what is it about this game that I'm supposed to gleam other than it has one of the better designed protagonists?

Persona thread

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>decide to play Persona 1 because people won't shut the fuck about the first and second games

Even Personafags shit on the first 2 games. What the fuck are you even talking about?

P2 IS is my favourie and I started with P3.

But have you played and finished the first game?

Yes on PSP.

>Not playing the superior version


I unironically prefer the localized design to his original one.

Should I just drop this game? I'd thought I'd play through all the Persona games, but the first is so odd. The storytelling feels so fragmented and weak.

There are people who like Persona 2, and I can see where they're coming from

Persona 1 though? That's just bad. It's a bad game.

Play them in reverse. It helps...

Made perfect sense to me even when i was a teen. split it into 2 plotline halves -- JRPG plotline (big bad guido and the deva system) and part 2 (mary has mental problems). I'm sure there's a coherent narrative buried somewhere in the machine translation.

>Even Personafags shit on the first 2 games.
>first 2
I honestly don't know where you got that from, I've never heard a bad word about IS and EP from people that have played it.

Persona 1 is my favorite. The dungeoncrawling is dank and I like the characters/varying party options.

Muh tactical deep grid system that just means that sometimes a character can't attack unless you move them. Or use different attack. How deep and technical.

Persona 1 isnt hard to understand if you're not a brainlet. Best main character and persona designs in the whole series too.

I've played IS and about 50% of EP and fuck those games.
No amount of good characters can overcome the absolute pain of the gameplay.

>Best main character
Doesn't even imitate a motorcycle. Can't be that good.

Piercy looks pretty gay, even more than P5 Joker

His persona is cool though

Look at fucking reijis persona its baller as fuck

>persona thread

How about SMT

The game is not that good but the story and characters are worth the effort of going through it.
Or you could read the manga which is surprisingly very good

I dunno, walking around and talking to people was really comfy to me. The story makes sense and it's just Jungian stuff. The central theme is literally Persona.

I just started SQQ and it seems the most effort went into this route. It's balls hard though, but only if you're going for 100% completion - then you have to start from the hardest dungeon, which isn't really fun.

The only thing I really dislike is card system. And stacking ailments are a pain. Otherwise SEBEC route is really easy.

I assume his reasoning for being "the best main character" is that Boy with an Earring is the only main character that actually has Shadow Self.

>only main character that actually has Shadow Self.
'cuse me?

Isn't that Nyarly?

I don't remember, maybe on some weird bullshit level like Nyarl's plans were, but if it talks like Shadow, walks like Shadow and drops like a bitch, it's a Shadow.



Anyway, that only shows that Satomi's Persona was real human beans, while Hoshino only has Gary Stues.

Anyway what's the lore explanation for Wild Cards? Philemon being too weakened to provide endless possibilities to Persona users other than the Chosen one? Or simply retcon?

Honestly the dungeons were all bland except for a couple and having so many characters made the game extremely easy.
The autistic ambrosia run was the only time I struggled.

>what's the lore explanation for Wild Cards?
Gameplay > lore.
That's your explanation.

P2 is pretty fu king awesome though.
Bet you fags would call it the best game in the series if they made an IS+EP remake that included the time management and social link portions of the game.

>Bet you fags would call it the best game in the series if they made an IS+EP remake that included the time management and social link portions of the game.
Here's a better idea. IS+EP where the dungeon parts aren't fucking slow shit of pain and misery and endless fucking grind.

reminder that Persona 2 is a Tumblr favourite for his LGBT message

>Gameplay > lore.
>That's your explanation.
Then why not let party members change Personas as well?

wtf i hate Persona 2 now

Because then people would just use their first full party and change their personas depending on situational needs, instead of switching party members in and out for a balanced party composition.

But not all Arcanas are compatible.

I loved Persona 2 but I refused to suffer through 1 just for the Story and Characters.

I played the wonky PS1 version; It was neat in an off-kilter sort of way. Gameplay-wise it was slow as balls, but I enjoyed the weird alternate world and music enough to stick with it. SFX and shit made using personas seem much more mystical, like actually summoning some hidden power rather than just "use special attack". I guess I mainly like it for its weird 90s aesthetics, doubt I'd replay it though.

>IS+EP where the dungeon parts aren't fucking slow shit of pain and misery and endless fucking grind.
The game is called Eternal Punishment and you don't want endless pain and missery?
No, but for real, it'd be easy to remake the P2 dungeons in the fashion of P5 palaces. More so than it'd be doing the same with P3 honestly.
I know the gameplay is dated as fuck, but the writing is really good, which makes it a good contender for a remake.

>LGBT message
The fact you can wreck Jun's ass isn't an LGBT message or anything of the sort, its mere justice.
People make too much of a deal about Junbeing into the dick when he is a phenomenal character, which is what matters at the end.

P2 solved this issue giving you only four party members. It actually made for an interesting battle system taking into account affinities kept each of them flexible but distinct from one another.

Another way to 'fix' this would be just giving the whole party +backup full exp after battle. Then, even if they don't use all party members, they can always try some out because they won't be underleveled.

It also means that you only have 4 (+extras) party members.

I started P3 recently. its the first SMT game I've played, im 40+ hours in and addicted. Which SMT games are worth it? I plan on playing Nocturne, P4, and P5. Is Digital Devil Saga good?

P4 and P5 for sure. Just be advised that P5 takes much longer to beat than P4. Can't speak for digital devil or Nocturne. You could also try SMT IV if you want a challenge.

That's not an issue in a game where the narrative is so centered around those four characters. In fact, less party members allowed IS to give its main cast a degree of depth that would have been impossible otherwise in the pre-social link era.

Would a cast so small cut it in modern Persona games?, no, but it was perfect for P2.

When they remake the games, they can always mix IS and EP's parties to give us enough members too.

I've played most SMT / Persona games with the exception of the Raidou games and I can say that Digital Devil Saga is my favourite out of the lot.

It dumbs down the gameplay a bit in terms of no fusion or recruitement, but battles are actually more complex than in Nocturne with the array of new skills in the game, specially defensive ones. Also character customization is 10/10 because you can just asign any 8 skills you've unlocked to any character, rather than having to worry about loosing them forever like in Nocturne with the obtuse Magatama system. Very, very flexible, which lets you tailor your tactics to any encounter like no tomorrow.

But the biggest selling point is the story. Nocturne's was good and it was interesting how minimalist it was if you are into that sort of thing (and I 100% was), but in DDS its on the forefront and a lot of dedication went into crafting it and the characters, which you'll probably love since they feel very human.

DDS only has one ending though, whereas Nocturne has 6. It's ok though because the story and ending provided are some of the best I've seen in an RPG.

Some additional notes: the music is fucking amazing in BOTH games, the ambientation and worldbuilding are top-notch.

I really recommend you play them, specially if the fusion and negotiation starts getting repetitive as you play the other titles. It'll be a nice break from that.

Also this, play SMT IV and Apocalypse too. They aren't quite as good as Nocturne or DDS, but they are still really good, with lits of interesting themes and characters.

It is commendable how Atlus managed to present such a similar scenario to literally every SMT game ever and still make it feel new and fresh.

Don't disregard Strange Journey.

- Typical P2fag who thinks the only reason people don't want to play P2 is cause there's no waifu social link system.

People don't want to play games like P1&2 because of how outdated the game design choices are:
- Random encounters
- Shitty and bland corridor-style dungeon design
- Battle system isn't as engaging, and becomes tedious esp combined with the random encounter design choice

This is coming from someone that finished the sebec route of P1. While I enjoyed the story, the gameplay was painful af and made the experience so unsatisfying. I don't think I would look down on Persona fans or Megaten fans that skip P1&2.

All the PS2 ones and DS/3DS ones are a good start, There's not necessarily any that are hands down the best because they're generally quite different, some people love DDS, but I would say it's one of the worst MegaTen games, for example. You should just play them yourself and figure you what you do and don't like.

>Shitty and bland corridor-style dungeon design
>Battle system isn't engaging

Wait, are we talking about P1/2ISEP or P3/4?

Persona 1 is interesting but mechanically broken. IS has a great story but is EVEN MORE mechanically broken, EP is starting to get there. P3, for all the joking, is when the series really found its own identity even if its once again mechanically broken (also fuck generic shadows instead of your Pokemon enterouge, who thought this was a good idea?). 4 is getting there mechanically but it sucks from a story perspective. 5 is the complete package but SMT is still better

You are wrong there, I know exactly how outdated the battle system just as I know that the story is actually excellent (in P2 anyways).

That is why a remake would make it "the best game ever", because once it gets a facelift you have a really outstanding story backed by the really solid P5 dungeon / vn gameplay.

Also P3 and 4 still had horribly bland dungeons, moreso than P2 actually. You just don't see it because of the random, more boring battles.

Not looking to start an argument here, but I'm curious about what you dislike about DDS, if you don't mind telling.

Persona 1 was made in the era of guide books that came with the game explaining everything, that's why the game is so lacking of a tutorial or explanations.

It was still enjoyable and it's my second personal favorite

I adore DDS1's setting, but the story has some pretty bad pacing I would say. Oftentimes I felt like nothing was really happening, and I suppose that was mostly because there was an emphasis on the characters awakening to their humanity, but the only interesting character in the game was Gale, I thought, so I found myself bored by the story a lot of the time. I don't like the Mantra system, it's not bad, but it's so much less satisfying than being able to make a Demon to suit the situation instead, the combat suffers from that too because the really fun part of the combat in SMT is the Demon management aspect of it. Press Turn is fine, but it only really shines when it's combined with the customization that comes from Demon fusion. I also don't really like the structure of the story, it's a lot more reminiscent of something like Final Fantasy than it is of SMT, and while that's not necessarily a bad thing, it does make it feel more generic, and I feel like I can expect MegaTen games to be quite unique most of the time. The only really unique thing about DDS is the setting, and that goes out the window in the second game where you just get this fairly unremarkable dystopia. There were also some moments in the games that were so cheesy that I found it laughable, like when Argilla's teardrop lands on Jinana's Atma Brand, which isn't that big a deal,but I think it's worth mentioning that the story tries and fails to have emotional moments here and there. I don't think the games are bad, I love the music and I love the twist about why the Embryon behave the way they do, but I just find the games very underwhelming on the whole.

post youre favorite smt tracks

>P3, P4, and P5 fags jerk each other around over their story, music, and characters
>P1 does all of them better (sans the god awful PSP soundtrack)
>"B-but the combat is shit!"

Even all your waifus are cheap derivatives of best girl.

I, too, used to be a retarded 12 year-old that enjoyed bad gameplay designs such as a horrific encounter rate, sub-systems that require you to grind to get good at, and ham-fisted story elements that literally don't affect gameplay at all other than making you pay for the privilege of shopping. All packaged in with story pacing that only the Koreans and Chinese could love.

""""Great"""" game.

If I'm interested in Persona lore but don't want to be assfucked by playing Persona 1, can I just read its manga?

>No amount of good characters
They're not even honestly good characters. They're likable. That's about all they have going for them. And even then, certain characters like Maya push the limit on that really hard.

I really wouldn't have put it better. Its the Final Fantasy of SMT. Thing is, its a really good Final Fantasy, my favorite FF in fact and I've played seven of the things.

So, what happens when the much superior Atlus storytelling does is given this kind of angle?, great games that is what.

Sure, no negotiation or fusion means its no proper megaten, but after playing all of modern megaten (PS2 onwards) except for Raidou games and Persona (Except for P2:EP), I kind of had my filling of those.

Being able to completely cu

TL;DR, DDS is the best FF game and NOT having fusion was a refreshing change of pace.

This is my alarm.

>implying this isn't battle theme kino

>implying that can even compete with the original in composition or tone
>implying it even fit in with Persona's atmosphere
Meguro really needs to fuck off from shit he didn't originally compose

My alarm is this one.

Start on 3. S Links are fun. And it's just about playable by modern JRPG standards.