Is he Sup Forums approved?

Is he Sup Forums approved?



Fuck no.

Who is she?

he's on my approved list

Stupid nasal voice.

plebbit get out

I only watch his jimquisition from time to time to keep up with gaming news, but that's about it.

Too fat and ugly for my liking

Literally thinks he is the Dark Knight of gaming 'journalism'

why does /v hate borderlands 2?

Not vidya.

he is gonna summon his persona!

His video about Nintendo's DMCA shit was onpoint, but he's generally NeoGAF: The Person - Open Relationship Edition

I can't take anyone who dresses like that seriously. Also those twitter screenshots.

>Actively finds and wallows in shit and shitty discussions
>Wow you guys there's so much shit here. I wasn't expecting this!
Just another Youtube idiot that has about a million labels like 'entertainer' or 'personality' to hide behind whenever anyone tries calling him out on a single thing.

Pfft no

>open video while wearing headphones
>feels like cheeseburger spittle is hitting my ears


didnt this fatass jizz on his glasses and post it on twitter? what the fuck was even the context? probably desperate for attention

>fat slob
>literal cuck
>pointing out obvious shit

Daily reminder that this nigger got bodied by a 14 year old and just barely beat a tranny.


Like we need a reminder to know he is shit at fighting games


>barely beat a tranny
Which one?

>eats up any trash Sony shits out
Nah. But he is pretty good at giving Nintendo trash the rightful scores they deserve. 5/10 and 2/10.

He has posted pics with jizz on his face

>based Cuckold
>huge Sony fan
Jim "The Cuck" Sterling is literally /ourguy/

literal cuck, SJW, 'game journalist', likes to think his schtick is 'being above all the industry bullshit' except he does actually partake in it (free review copies, 7/10 average score), his ACTUAL schtick is punching down at the smallest of the small time one-man indie productions, deliberately trying to create the kind of feuds that have created and sustained his independent career by sicking his review-brigading fandom on them and personally insulting them (often when the games are NOT objectively shit shovelware/asset-flips, eg. FNAF which he initially tried giving this treatment).

>privilege goggles

no, it wasn't a joke. the entire video was about 'ableism'. he is a hard-line SJW. never forget this fact

>steam needs quality control

no, it doesn't, the entire thing is just his SJW self-righteousness wrapping for low-effort 'bad game reaction video' like literally every other tuber does.

all that said i am subscribed, and quite enjoy a lot of his content - for what it is, the same low-effort shit as any other gaming tuber. he'll never see a cent from me until he backs down his bullshit, though.

being ahead of the curve in calling out konami is basically his one credit.

He's been shitting on all the low quality trash showing up on PSN lately (Life of Black Tiger, etc).

No, fuck off

No go away


>no, it doesn't

t. unity asset flipper

Oh, gllty is actually decent.

>shitty indie devs
Wow, who fucking cares? He should shit on Naughty Dog or the Horizon devs.

>People still push this meme

She has a vagina you plebians

If he prepares his videos beforehand and edits them properly afterwards, the guy can pull off decent stuff every once in a while. If he just starts ranting randomly about some shit while frapsing, he's a pile of unlistenable bumbling garbage.


Who? Some fat faggot?

Then again so is Markiplier and Angry Joe so that doesn't say much.

It doesn't fucking matter, it has nothing to do with the fact that the online nigger beat someone who is traveling around for offline events.

he has good opinions and has done more for the industry than Sup Forumss cynical bullshit attitude

I'm not sure if he ever had his dick cutoff but he is 100% a MtF.

I hate his autistic fake persona and opinions are bad so no.

>he has good opinions

>ywn cummy inside her tight boipucci
why live

He's basically Sup Forums incarnate with his contrarian reviews and his raging hateboner for shitty indies and large developers.

Some of his content is pretty good (cringe skits aside) But he has made some highly questionable decisions outside of his work. The people he keeps company with, his caffeine addiction and his supposed "open relationship" with his wife. Shouldn't effect his work really but they just stand out and make you go "well shit"

Why care about this faggot when you can have Kayo?
Chocoblanka best FGC waifu by the way.


very few legit asset flips make it to the steam store. steam shovelware is the same as any other shovelware, shitty kid game mobile ports, hidden object game, classic puzzle game clones with softcore porn background images, etc., that you also see on literally all other platforms.

Valve attempting to quality or even content-control the store is an ethical and even potentially legal quagmire for them, and one with NO benefit to the end consumer. Despite jims constant assertions, there is no 'drowning' in shovelware. Steam has a very good search engine, and very good selection of what makes the frontpages of the many different categories, and community curator pages, and etc. The only place on the store that the presence of shovelware is really noticeable is searching by ascending price, and even then you can further refine by customer reviews.

the entire issue is pure bullshit he's made up to rationalize his low-effort 'bad vidya reaction videos' and to appeal to the valve-hate circlejerk (which is itself mostly born of astroturfing viral marketing campaigns from competitors).

>>fat slob
>>literal cuck
>>pointing out obvious shit
Sounds like Sup Forums to me.

To be cuckolded you need to be in a relationship. You can't get cucked by a 2d character on a screen.

>Queue the image of that OP getting his waifu cucked in that rape game by another user



He hates Nintendo so NeoGA/v/ loves him


Isn't he friends with Zoe Quinn? didn't he support doxxing? any how did watch him a lot until i grow up a little and realized how much a shilling twat he is

If you need anonymous approval to like something you really need to reevaluate your life choices

>CoD 27, despite not being very different from 26, is exactly what CoD fans want, 9.5/10!
>Splatoon 2? More like Splatoon 1.5! More like Splatoon 1.00000000000001! 2/10

>Fallout 4 9.5/10
haha no

He's not wrong.

radio silence, as always.

>Bethesda keeps releasing bugged as fuck games
>"it's part of le charm"

Will we ever get a good fucking reviewer who shits on big companies hard? Sterling only does it to Nintendo, but sucks Sony and Activision cock.

>does one video on mentally ill tranny running around DMCA striking accounts
>Does one video on it and gives "her" a free pass for being a tranny
>"She" hasn't actually stopped and has taken down games from steam and just recently has sent DMCA strikes to Giant Bomb and Cinemassacre
>Jim's quiet on the while thing

This alone shows you Jim had no backbone. The fat fucking cunt.

Thanks, I just got cancer due to you

where's hbomberguy? you're not a true Sup Forumsirgin unless you're subscribed to that genius.

he is a hard-line SJW. this is the thing that must never be forgotten about him. it informs all his opinions and everything he does, even if he's not always blatant about it - which he frequently is.

>privilege goggles

he should never be allowed to forget this, much less get away with passing it off as 'just a joke'. this is how he thinks.

how dare he not like a game as much as you?

seems kind of redundant making multiple videos telling someone to fuck off if they have mental issues, whether they're tranny or not

>Has dozens of digital homicide and asset flip videos on the same topic

Love him. Disagree with a lot of what he says but interesting nonetheless. 90% of hate from this board will be irrelevant shit from his personal life, ad hominem and buzzwords. Mostly all 3.
Usually an update though. He only made one video on the orignal digital homicide game until the dude when autistic back. Same as the Paul Ryan (no not that one sega) he had nee information between episodes. I suppose he could give a blurb at the end of a video to the mentally ill person still sending strikes but meh.

digital homicide is stupidity, not mental illness
shitting all over one of those turns the audience against you


He was watchable, but got more and more annoying.
Especially his whole edgy bi shtick. 'Oooooooh dildos" -fuck off.

His podcast was annoying, and I fucking hate that mentally ill tranny that would just take the thing over and make it even less fun.

The fact he even has links with that tranny was enough for me to stop giving a fuck about anything he did.

Insufferable little shit with a terrible Green Day-tier visual gimmick, an actual stuck-up cunt with rabid fanboys who insist that it's "just a character"

From one trans person that hates that bitch, thank you. She makes transpeople look fucking insane.

>He's not wrong.
Yes he is.


No, he isn't wrong. But they shouldn't be shoehorned in with the need for a truck load of Crisco. Transpeople should be designed in from the start, not a paper thin patch added on later to appease some shitheads that desperately want to see themselves in anything and everything.

>He loves Boglins so much he married one

good transcharacter in a videogame
>You never notice
>That girl in the booth at Lucky money may be trans, you'll never know

transcharacter in your average videogame
>yes im trans stop looking at me, you've got a problem with it?
>my daddy used to hurt me, so this is what Im now, it was my choice tho
>imma strong woman who need no man or penis, stop oppresing me
>we need to kill the local oppressing landlord and create a communistic settlement for the greater good of local community

np, they are completely self absorbed. Whole podcast just got sucked into her shit, and her voice is incredibly grating.

He's a fat fuck and should die but i like his approach to gameplay vids, I really like his writing style and he deserves a thumbs up for his weirdness.


Not vidya related
Sage and report

No. Despite all the shit we throw at him, he's the only /ourguy/


>Dude who wants attention but the only way he knows to get it is by being a contrarian loud cunt who dresses as a fedoralord

Yeah, he's pretty much Sup Forums

>has the shittiest opinions but talks as if their facts and uses them to talk down to anyone who doesn't agree
>knows a bit of the industry from the inside so he thinks he has the right to be an asshole to everyone
>sarcastic "I'm cooler than you" humor is the only reason why Sup Forums likes him, because that's what all edgy teenagers find funny

Fucking nazi.

I Suffer from two problems:

1. I have friends in real life and don't need YouTube celebs to fill that gap

2. I don't look to others to form my opinions on things

I don't think I'll ever fit in around here

I don't know him so no, If I don't approve then Sup Forums doesn't.

Why the fucking red shades. Dies he have autism?

why are you even here? run while you still can

His video game opinions are fine but I don't condone his lifestyle
