Sonic Mania


What do you guys think is going to be obtainable in the blue spheres special stage, since the special stage for the chaos emeralds is already present?

It will be related to the new power source item. They might also reset your ring count like S2 did.

Collect all the Chaos Emeralds to become Super Sonic
Collect all the Chaos Medallions to unlock a Sonic 3 and Knuckles remake.

There's only one right answer.

My money is on it unlocking "everything else" like concept art, music and other shit. like skins to look like the other earlier versions of the Sonic characters and Amy Rose as an alternate skin for Sonic, Mighty for Knuckles and Vector for Tails

Who would win?

>Amy Rose as an alternate skin for Sonic
That would be fucking lame. Make her play like Amy and then I'm interested.



Here's a new small map comparison I just made. We have barely seen Flying Battery Act.1 so this is barely anything but I got bored enough to do it.

>Sonic was never good

Only Amy has never been canonically playable in the genesis era, so "Play like Amy" doesn't exist unless she's legit in Mania.

God damn that's huge.

With stages this big, they better remove the time limit so that you can actually explore., OR at least make it so that there's no time limit, but your time bonus goes to 0 after 10 minutes.

I have no problems with the layout but I wish they had changed more to be honest.

Did Yuji Naka ever see a real airship in his entire life?

Like Sonic Advance Amy you dingus plus of course all the rom hacks that put her into Sonic 1-3 with her Sonic Advance gameplay (which by the way are all great).

Oh and a Mirage Saloon Act.2 another user made.

Sonic in a realistic situation. He's just too fast for Knuckles. Dex vs Str usually results in Str winning but not when the Dex is so fucking high that you can't even hit them.

Also, the Knuckles Boss in S&K was hilariously easy.

Is Knuckle's jump still lower than normal in Mania?

Sonic Advance isn't the genesis era and rom hacks aren't canon, silly.


Why are you so hung up on this Genesis era notion? There is precedent for 2D Amy and I'd like to see that in Mania. I honestly have no fucking idea what your point even is because "playing like Amy" definitely is a thing since she has an established 2D playstyle.
>rom hacks aren't canon
I never said they were you fucking retard. The point is that Amy's Sonic Advance playstyle works just fine for the classic games as rom hacks have proven.

Since Multiplayer is confirmed. What if we had three player multiplayer? Either three different players going through stages, or maybe three different players racing each other through the entire game? Or actual racing courses like the versus mode in Sonic 2 and related?

I don't remember the level being so tall

Because Sonic Advance is a tad different from what Genesis brought to the table, so the transition would be shaky at best. However you've already been reduced to the "retard" card so I really don't know why I'm replying to your rude ass. Here's your (You) I guess.

So what's your plan for the 16th, boys? I'm going to head out of work early, have Mania preloaded, head to the grocery store and pick up some dank foods, and kick back for the night on Mania.

Download the game, gets some snacks, play it till I finish it.

>so the transition would be shaky at best
Except she plays perfectly fine in Sonic 1-3 with only a few issues resulting from level layouts not being designed with her in mind rather than any issues with game mechanics.

Aww, you acted like a retard and got called out for it and now your feefees are hurt. Maybe a place like /r/sonicthehedgehog might be better for you.

Was originally working Monday on the 14th but my coworker wanted to switch. So on that day, I'm going to play every mainline classic Sonic game, plus a few side games, then I'll order some pizza then start playing Mania when my pre-load unlocks at 9pm.

I have all this shit planned out.

>Ten days until 6/10 review scores (2/10 from Sterling)
>Ten days until "Sonic was never good" shitposts are storming in
>Ten days until lame Metal Sonic playable fucking again
>Ten days until Sup Forums finds a glitch and memes up this game as garbage

Which one are you more hype for?

>Amy as skin for Sonic
Kill yourself.

It's fucking Sonic. There is no exploration. The point is to get to the end as fast as possible.

>there is no explanation
That's why you have the bonus and special stages, and hidden boxes, right?

I'm hype for you to just shut the fuck up already about all these hypothetical situations. You post them every single thread.

where's that? I was also less commenting on how my feefees were hurt and more on how quickly you had to revert to being child to argue with me.

I'll take option 5: enjoying a good fucking game

You explore for Special Stage rings, monitors for lives, shields, rings, speed shoes, invinicibility & now the combi ring and to find better paths to the end of the stage.

I wouldn't call you a retard if you didn't say retarded things, put words into my mouth just so you can try to sound like a smartass.

I haven't been putting words in your mouth, our argument has literally been
"you could use this iteration"
"nah senpai not really"

Notice how these threads went to shit the moment Blue Spheres were revealed.

What's the Steam GMT unlock time?

>three player blue spheres
just imagine

You implied that I thought rom hacks were somehow canon when I only brought them up as an example of how Amy's Sonic Advance gameplay translates perfectly well into classic Sonic games. Then you just go on to ignore the point that those rom hacks show how Amy can function in a classic Sonic game and instead focus on the part where I said a bad word. :( Either you're being deliberately obtuse or you're legitimately retarded.

I'm going to be pissed if this game doesn't have a legitimate character select like Sonic Advanced. There's no reason for them to use the old and limited "Sonic & Tails or go fuck yourself solo" option when they're creating their own Sonic game and Sonic engine from the ground up. It only makes sense to do that if you're severely autistic and want 100% parity over quality of life.

I didn't imply anything, I said they weren't canon therefore can't be used as examples since though this is being made by rom hackers it's an official title. Fucking chill.

Like usual with Taxman's remakes you'll be able to play as Sonic+Tails, Sonic alone, Tails alone and Knuckles.
From what I remember the character select screen that was once shown in a video was pretty aesthetic.

>However you've already been reduced to the "retard" card so I really don't know why I'm replying to your rude ass.
Jesus, how thin skinned can one person be?

refer to

Okay, maybe you are just retarded. Let me put it as simply as I can.

1. Amy Rose has a distinct playstyle as we can see from Sonic Advance which while not identical to the classic Sonic games is still very similar.
2. This playstyle translates very well to the megadrive Sonic titles as evidenced by rom hacks.
3. Thus, it would also work for Mania which replicates the physics and style of those games.

As for this shit
>can't be used as examples
They absolutely can be used as examples of how Amy would work in Mania since Mania is based on the same games where Amy's gameplay demonstrably functions perfectly fine, which runs contrary to your retarded assertion that
>the transition would be shaky at best
If one guy in his spare time can smoothly implement Amy's playstyle into the classic games there is no reason why the Mania team with Sega's financial backing could not do the same just as well or even better if they wanted to.

Literally fuck off.

>I said they weren't canon therefore can't be used as examples
That doesn't make any sense. user wants to see Amy playable, and outside of that found in Sonic Advance, the rom hacks provide further playable examples of what he'd like to see her gameplay be like. It doesn't matter if they're "canon" or not.

I'm guessing you've never played a Taxman sonic before?

If I could punch the guy that made those starfish, mantis and lobster badniks I would.

The badniks themselves are fine and appropriate for an endgame level. Whoever was in charge of the enemy placement needs to be shot though.

Really all I can say is I simply disagree. You can keep losing your shit over that. Especially since the Genesis version of Amy is still a blank slate and doesn't specifically need to be a hammer wielder.

Just because his previous games were basically the same outdated shit with a prettier menu, doesn't mean his NEW and ORIGINAL game has to. Totally stupid that we can't go something like Sonic & Knuckles now that this is the point where they're friends. Especially since they actually have an idea of how Sonic & Knuckles or Tails & Knuckles could interact from the hero games.

And if you can't articulate why you disagree you should shut your retarded mouth.

Getting pointlessly sidetracked because someone threw a shallow insult like "retard" at you (on Sup Forums of all places) is a prime example of having thin skin.

Toughen up.

...comfy thread indeed.

>muh childhood gamecube game did it, so classic should go out of their way to implement it

>Also, the Knuckles Boss in S&K was hilariously easy.
The only Knuckles fight that wasn't was Robo Knuckles in Advance and that was still easy as sin.

To be fair the reason for that in Sonic 3 was because Chuckles was actually a completely new story taking place after the main game.

Unless you mean in the other ports, which I've never played.

Will Master Emerald gets a mention in the game? I hope not even the Mania team have forgotten it.

>Ten days until 6/10 review scores (2/10 from Sterling)
Ten days until reviewers finally crash and burn? I'm in.

Main part is the middle, front end is just a dock for modules!

>doesn't specifically need to be a hammer wielder
Do you have some sort of mental block? Nobody said that Amy NEEDED to be a hammer wielder, that's just the type of gameplay that user wanted to see instead of her being a shallow Sonic skin.

>he's never gotten a perfect bonus


>reading comprehension
I said that it should have a legitimate character select and that Sonic Heroes provides a good example of how Knuckles would interact with whoever he's paired with if they're somehow dumbfounded by the concept of letting someone grab onto Knuckles while he's gliding.

How will they crash and burn? They can just force the meme of "Sonic was always shit" and get away it.

That's straight up impossible in many levels since there are rings literally inside walls.

>get away it.
It's funny that you think this.

>heard there was a romhack that put Amy in all the classic Sonic games or something
>wanted to see gameplay so I went on Youtube and typed in 'Amy in Sonic'
>first result

>Do you have some sort of mental block?
I think that's already been established.

And what purpose would a gimped Knuckles glide serve?

Is tails' flying gimped when he's holding someone?

>admitting to never getting a perfect bonus

His swimming is

You can't expect the hard mode character to behave like Miles "let your little brother/sister play the game, user" Prower.

When are you guys going on a media blackout

As soon as any hint of a leak happens.

Probably a couple days before release.

>Vector for Tails
How does Vector fly?

Sega PR already said they weren't doing any more major reveals until release, so there's no real point now.

Although I'll probably be more careful of what I click on when reviews start to come in during the next week or so.

I'm going to be getting the game in a couple of days anyway since my cousin works at Gamestop and will snag me a copy. I'll probably dump screenshots in this thread with my Switch.

Okay I get it. Amy with an unoriginal moveset will work perfectly fine, hallelujah, the word of user is gospel I'll buy it for $20. Pardon me for having the gall to even slightly feel opposed to the word of God, currently known as user. Suicide metaphor.


>There is no exploration. The point is to get to the end as fast as possible.
Have you even played the classic Sonic games?

wtf is that webm from?

>with an unoriginal moveset
But user, I thought Amy didn't have a playstyle. Wouldn't her moveset have to be completely original? :)

I don't think you're a retard because you disagree. I think you're retard because the closest thing to a counter argument you've managed to muster is "nu-uh, I disagree". Any opinion regardless of whose it is is fucking worthless if they can't back it up. On a side note, you really do sound like a massive fucking faggot.

my dick

>Ice Cap fags actually thought their boring ass stage would be in Mania


You now realise that Taxman has done his job, and made the game, but it isn't enough. You now realise the entire Mania game rests in the hands of one ganjin to build hype, not Tee, not Tax, not Aaron

Tyson Hesse

You best hope that animation that drops on the 14th is so god tier that it breaks the internet, because for whatever reason, this game is not being advertised, on -any- of the console shops front page, so that shit needs to be ascended godtier. Sega have fully embraced cringe and WOAH IRONIC WACKINESS XD and it is actually fucking working, now we need a genuine good cut scene, from the heart. The ONLY way you know if Mania is coming out on any console right now is if you manually search for it. No sales = No sequel. Hesse, you have the fucking floor. Save Sega from this game bombing, break the internet, save the cheerleader, save the world.

SEGA: Shall we just release a digital game with no physical, and NOT advertise it? AT ALL?


This is in no way shape or form me saying this game will be shit, however, it doesn't matter how good or bad it is, if nobody knows it isn't fucking coming out.

As much as I trust Hesse, he'll never beat the Sonic CD star shot. Godspeed. The 14th is D-DAY, mark the date. The animation, depending on how good it is, will be the last hurrah to market this game, because Sega for whatever reason don't want to market there digital only game.

Reminder you only know Mania is coming out if you SEARCH it on consoles, and Switch doesn't even have the damn game on its shop yet, shit best be everywhere come the 15th. FRONT page of EVERY console shop. In our little internet hype bubble it seems everybody is getting it, but the game has to hit normies and casuals

Get a room, faggots

I think it's mostly just a cult around the music being -supposedly- the best song in the game even though Hydrocity Act 2 exists.

We all know the secret playable character is Shadow.

Christ, this is an anonymous website. You don't have to keep posting in a poor attempt to save face.

Because not being a naturally argumentative person all I really got is "nuh uh, I disagree" especially on a subject as shallow as Amy having to hit a button to do damage or not. So while I concede to you being right forever, I still think in my retarded and wrong opinion it'd be more beneficial to just make her a Sonic clone unless she was the game's "hard mode."

You don't need to be an argumentative person to form a coherent argument. You just need to possess enough brain cells.