what's the worst thing you've ever done in online gaming?
What's the worst thing you've ever done in online gaming?
eva green is so fucking hot
Played Dark Souls. Shits bad yo.
I once honked at a streamer
Called somebody a poopnose
I broke a Reinhardt once when I was playing Overwatch.
Crashed a wedding in Star Wars Galaxies with my pet rancors.
Paid for it.
Ragehacked my way to LEM without getting banned :^)
sold an item overpriced.
left a raid just at the worst moment, because I was bored.
jewed people in TF2 trading
the fact that you can make money and buy games from your winnings make it addictive
Ninja'd dst in bc for my tanking druid. Was hated for awhile but I had the highest theat per second during bc.
Playing online games.
I told the other team that I was Chinese and I fuck a lot of white women. They ended up getting into a shitflinging contest and teamkilling each other.
stealing transfered items and welshing on forge trades in d2
Main reason I play multiplayer is to grief people, every time is a bad time, for them.
Yu gi oh online back in the 00s.
I was losing against a fellow kid as he had the better deck and i made him believe I hacked him by posting a fake IP.
I told him if he will give up. I will not do any harm.
He gave up and I won the unwinnable match.
Never give up son, believe in yourself.
crashing weddings is the best. i used to steal decorations and markers they use to show the way to the wedding ("hey i found all these markers outside, are they yours?" "wow")
what game
Some guy pissed me off by being a snobby faggot in TF2 once so I made a note of his profile URL and shitpost in Steam friends threads with it.
>Was in a WoW guild
>Pretty chill, good mix of people
>For a laugh write out an overblown satire style "I need to confess how much I love you" letter and mail it to a few people, complete with attachment of a single rose
>Everyone has a chuckle except one girl who /tells me as soon as I log on the next day asking if I was serious and how happy it made her
>Figure she's just joking too and go along with it
>She's not joking
>Wants me to come to a private vent to talk to her
>Tell her I was just fucking around and I have a girlfriend irl
>She gets really upset and guilts me into talking to her
>Starts fingering herself while I'm talking to her, being a horny teen I end up going along with it, she sends pics and shit
>Immediately regret it and try to tell her it was a one off
>She starts crying
>Fuck it I'll just string her along
>End up getting bored and just making her do more and more depraved shit just to see how far she'll go
>She starts telling me she's going to come visit
>Tell her the truth that I was just pushing her buttons for the last few months to see how she'd react because it was interesting
>She blows up, goes fucknuts rage publically
>Deny the whole thing, literally nobody in the guild believes her
>She ends up getting herself gkicked
>She never logged in again after that day
I know I should feel bad about it objectively, but the only thing I feel about it looking back is how interesting it was learning how far she'd go and what things to say to make her upset or happy, kind of like a virtual pet or something.
holy shit, story? what game? that sounds fucking hilarious
Not really my worst moment, more just memorable.
>Made a pro-lifer cry when I destroyed him in debate about abortion
Started a message by "you people..."
Apparently the guy was a real nigger and got butt flustered at me.
Eva Green is criminally underrated. All these fucking brain dead mongoloids jerking off to Hannah Montana, man face Scarlett Johansson, and Megan "Toe thumbs" Fox when the goddess Eva Green exists. 50% of all other women are useless to jerk off to in comparison to Eva. I don't understand why she isn't talked about more.
>Not jerking off to local news reporters
You make me sick user
Only reason I even came into this thread tbqh famalam
As for the question itself, one time I went on my brother's Runescape account, took all his valuable stuff out of the bank, walked to the wilderness, and dropped it on the fucking floor.
I didn't even drop-trade it with myself. I straight up discarded it. To this day I still don't know why I did it. Probably because I knew his password and I could.
If you're reading this Adam, I'm sorry.
Just stop.
Agreed user, agreed.
I think its funny and love all honkers
actually enjoyed myself
I b2b'd and tunnel beaconed in Renegade. I also bought the APC for every 5 minute engi rush.
Collapsed an entire government on a Minecraft server.
Storytime please.
I log immediately after I blow my load in ERP, I instantly lose interest the second my seed is spilled and I don't care if the other person gets off
You monster.
I killed a streamer
Made friends with a random gta 4 dude, decides to boot up minecraft and invite me. I invite friends.
Spend hours building a city complex, get a pm from mate to start a little fire in each corner. Do it quick, he hasn't saved, go underground and work on subway systems.
Come up half hour later, it looks like the last days of sodom. He is clearly distressed.
effectively killed an already dying dev studio, there was a indie mmo coming out, and it was super rough and the cancerous FOTM PVP mmoers tried to bandwagon
and like i argued why it would be bad for playerbase and argued against core UOfag bullshit from being the game
the devs went and made an entire different equipment system from my complaints, the fotm pvpfags abandoned ship, and then the studio slowly slipped into oblivion
and while all the nolife faggots who pretending to be high and mighty lording over the game's playerbase, i went and amassed an army and rushed to be the first person to make player buildings, we made a huge tower and claimed land and used the most bare bones shit imaginable to get it up and running, and like everyone just looked appalled and upset that i did it first , because they spent like a month grinding high end resources to do it, and i did it
that's hecked up
Wait, what do people actually do when they ERP? And how does it work? What game?
I did something similar in GW2. She bought me a PS4, and a lot of collectors editions of games. I always felt bad about that because she said she struggled with money. I was always afraid she would show up at my house. I do miss her reading h manga to me and watching her blast herself with dildos.
I crushed a can for jay owen
>be lvl 110 warlock
>realize playing dps is fucking shit in Legion since you gotta be ilvl 9082098 to be able to get into a fucking +2 dungeon
>decide to lvl a DH (even used a token)
>choose tank spec
>be drowning in invites for dungeons
>get summoned there
>as soon as the dude puts his key I alt+tab and do something else
i used to to this for hours before I quit, this and slaying alliance at that highmountain city, idk now but tank DH used to be unkillable
was she attractive tho
>be me, 2014
>getting bored with vanilla minecraft servers, decide to try out a political server
>server population basically using towny for countries instead of just towns
>3 main """countries"""
>decide to join the smallest, since it had the coolest looking town
>everything is fine, the 3 don't really do much to eachother
>about a month passes
>getting bored with the server
>towns don't have plugin protection
>decide to jihad the largest city and blame it on my town's leader
>farm shit loads of TNT, blow up a massive statue they had while nobody's online
>put a sign at the bottom blaming the leader of my country
>log off
>log back on about 2 days later, no longer part of a town
>thinking I was booted
>head back to old town, living in a shack in the woods at this time
>former country is literally a fucking crater
>was completely dismantled, leader ragequit
>nobody ever found out it was me
And I haven't played on a political autism server since.
Those fucking jugs though
She had great legs and ass. Her voice was super sexy, but her face was pretty plain. Like a 5 out of 10.
>tfw user with masculine, deep voice
>asian twink with a baby face
just fuck my shit up senpai
Instantly starting votekicks against children with microphones instead of just muting them.
but that's a good thing
You just play it out in text usually, it's like interactive smut fiction. Go on shamchat literally any time and you'll get an idea.
A few years ago on WoW I ganked a guy leveling like 12+ times in a row on my rogue, eventually he kept waiting a really long time to rez while I waited there stealth and everytime he rez'd I'd kill him again, sometimes he start eating and I'd let him sit there a few seconds so he'd think I'd left and he was safe only to ambush and start killing him again. I think this went on for over an hour and eventually he got someone in his guild to come and try and kill me but I just blinded him, vanished, and got away.
Back when I played Killing Floor 1 a lot, I would often be extremely happy when a low level player joined near the end of a game, especially if they were far away from the trader, as they would always beg for equipment and money. I'd often go support specialist, and I'd always have a bunch of cash. Instead of giving them money, I asked them what weapon they wanted, and I would buy it for them. I'd equip it on my character, making sure they could see that I had the weapon they asked for.
And then I would throw it into an out of bounds area, and watch as they either struggle to try and get it, or type "why?" into chat.
I lost my shit every single time.
I'd also often rage fleshpounds and scrakes and players who were under level 4 and playing on suicidal and stuff. Because fuck them for making everything 10 times harder before being a crutch and probably rage quitting.
I did something similar in counter strike where if I was the terrorist with the bomb, I'd throw it on top of a you couldn't get to, box, in plain view of my team mates, and while all of them run and jump trying to get it, I'd take screenshots and title them things like "Like flies to shit".
It was awesome.
I had a regular DayZ server on Arma2 I used to play back when it was quiet, then with it's explosion in popularity it saw a massive influx of 10-15 year olds who did nothing but shoot on sight, one time I got called 6 times because of this and I got so buttmad I downloaded a hacking tool and went into the server raping the shit out of all the people I knew weren't regulars on the server. I did all sorts to them, spawning them in the middle of zombies, spawning them in the sky when they'd collected high end gear, destroying vehicles they found. It was good fun and me and my brother were in tears listening to the ass-pain.
Unfortunately the admin found out about perma-banned me. I think that's the last time I've played a MP game on the regular, I've never really liked them much anyways, always enjoyed an organic SP campaign like in Total War or Mount & Blade.
I got killed*
Back in PC Cowadoody 4 I'd throw a grenade right at the start and quickly switch teams. I'd immediately get a lot of kills and either use a helo or just airstrike their spawn and get another shitload of kills. Fun times
I also remember getting an aimbot once but it was really underwhelming.
Well I took the runescape account of a guy who pissed me off. He didn't protect his personal information at all so I just sent in a support ticket saying I lost access to my account, and had moved with all the pertinent info, got into the account, and wiped all his shit. Deleted/dropped everything, sold what could be sold and gave it away, destroyed the rest. Never done anything like that before or since but he really got under my skin.
>be working at a school holiday program for kids to learn basic programming, visual design etc
>every PC has a couple of old games on it like Quake, Jetpack, Commander Keen
>there's a Quake DM server for the kids to play on during breaks
>feel like being a dick
>login as admin
>wipe the floor with the kiddies
>feel kinda bad
>kids starting whining over in the other room
>one of them starts making a scene because he's no longer the best kiddo on the server
>figure out they don't know about console commands or even SAY
>kick the kid making a scene
>continue to kick the kid making a scene every time he logs back in, just before he starts taking the lead again
>the kids start changing their names to hard to type ones so it's difficult to kick them
>open console one more time
>pause the game
>they figure out how to start a LAN server
>join that one and pause it too because apparently anyone can do that in a LAN match
I think I bullied a homosexual into committing suicide 15 years ago.
Ive completed Ass Cree 4.
What a waste of my useless life.
Now everytime a new ass creed or any ubisoft open world ass creed-like is announced, i start gagging cause it triggers me people consume this digital garbage.
fuck you
>cleaned out a kid's guild stash
>I was the only other member and he'd begged me for an hour to join
no ragrets
damn man, what did he do?
i love eva
Be an incessantly toxic faggot. Got permabanned from LoL twice. Deserved it
He was spamming up my ventrilo server with dumb shit even after I asked him nicely more than a few times to stop. Eventually I kicked him, then he kept coming back and doing it, so I banned him.
He came back again and did it, I muted him, left him in the server and just used the info he'd ramble on about to get into his account, he left after that.
>ywn have a threesome with Eva Green and younger Jennifer Connelly
At least Alison Brie's nudes leaked the other day.
>me and discord buddies decide to play some Gmod
>join an rp server
>meet a kid named J0hnny dikn0se
>must have been 6 years old
>keeps shouting about how he has so much drugs and guns at his base and how he and his friends are super badass and raid everyone on the server
>i hatch a plan with the bud squad and we go into action
>we grind out our jobs/mug people until we get enough cash to arm ourselves
>tell the kid we want to come into his base to give him a piece offering
>my friend well call H has a jihad bomb
>we wait in the apartment building across the street
>H:yo let me in i got you guys some cake
>kid: oh sweet dude is it my favorite flavor DICK CAKKEEEE?!
>H: haha sure
>as soon as the door opens he runs in and blows shit up
>we rush in and destroy all their money printers
>steal all their shipments
>steal all their meth
>tear down their keypad doors
>we use all the money we made from that raid and give it to a hobo
Thats the only interesting story i got
You must have been about 8 if you were ever playing gmod so I guess that's pretty bad yeah.
This is how false rape cases begin.
Nope, but this is a recent event.
>playing Ark with a friend
>membership in our two man tribe, the mighty "Brombeeren" is very sought after by people on the server, but we wanna stay alone
>new guy arrives on server and immediatly asks to join a tribe (that's a no no, you have to earn that)
>I tell him he should come to our coordinates, if he can survive our trial, he will be a one of us, a Brombeer
>he arrives, I give him a metal spear grab him with my pteradaktyl and fly him to another place on the isle
>if he can make it to us alive, with the spear in 20 min, he can join us
>we wait on our tower in our little fort
>he somehow manages to make it in 18 min
>he is about 150 meters away
>we open fire with our rifles
>he loses his shit and runs back in zick zack
>he was never seen on our server again
Not really that bad, we started doing shit like that regularly though, it's just so much fun
>Beats challenge
>Kill him after all that
nigga fuck you
but he didn't beat it, he almost did
I like you, youre a funny guy
>muh semantics
Back in the early days of NWN there was a fan project to set up a persistent server. Volunteers were responsible for building interesting zones. I convinced this guy I would work on his zone, got him to send me a legit copy of the game (couldn't afford that shit) irl, and ghosted him.
>mfw he sent hate mail to my house later and I easily convinced my parents I had no idea what he was talking about
Are you Jewish?
Threads of her pop up frequently on Sup Forums, I don't know what you're about user
I raped some kids in Splatoon 2. No regrets
>I'd also often rage fleshpounds and scrakes and players who were under level 4 and playing on suicidal and stuff
Are you me?
>played Support all day erryday
>buy off-perk weapons all the time
>partly just to try them out
>partly to piss people off
>carry the automatic shotty towards the last few waves
>people being shitheads
>people joining late to try get an easy win
>enrage FPs and Scrakes then keep the dickheads in front of me
>welded doars in front of their fleeing path if I had to
>as soon as they were killed by FP/Scrake I could just easily unload the auto shotty and finish them off
That's some fucked up Kaiba jumping off a castle shit there.
No, I was like 13 or 14
While playing my Tauren druid, I parked my kodo mount on top of the alliance flight master in Shattrath for a few hours.
stream sniped a streamer.
reach my level.
>Join guild
>Gained trust of the Leader
>Makes me an officer
>Kicked everyone when he was offline and left myself
Told a ingame friend I'll come back once my exams were over but I never came back and now I'm too scared to
In Diablo 2, my friend and I used to go into low-level games, say we wanted to help and ask for a town portal. We'd then go hostile, gank the lowbie and take his gold.
I don't know why we even bothered. Nobody seemed to get particularly upset and it was always a trivial amount of gold.
I called someone a faggot on SS13 and got permabanned.
Wow probably
That's pretty sad
I was playing CSGO matchmaking and I had a little kid and his friend on my team who thought it'd be funny to do prank calls and broadcast it over their mics. Except they were unfunny little shits. One kid got the other kid to prank call his dad's business phone, it went to voicemail and the dad said "XYZ business here, i'm unable to get to the phone right now bla bla bla...". I ended up finding his business on google and I emailed the dad telling him that his son was giving out personal information online and acting like a twat. I hope he got grounded 5ever.
Played the overwatch beta.
Was she hot?
There's a soviet russia joke to be made here, but I can't think of the wording for it.