Now that the dust has settled, why was Adachi such a superior villain compared to everyone in Persona 5?
Now that the dust has settled, why was Adachi such a superior villain compared to everyone in Persona 5?
For some reason that picture reminds me of Team Fortress 2?
Because he was right.
>comic relief loser goes full madman
>also the gas station attendant you met once is a villain(?) because science(?)
>also this new character nobody wanted is part of the god
Not what I would call particularly strong villains, let alone superior to any of the other Persona antagonists.
Kamoshida alone is a better villain than Adachi.
Scrooge > Adachi
>"waahhh being an adult is hard!"
>"what? you mean being a cop isn't like those tv shows and there's actual paperwork and rules involved? noooooo!"
>"i made a mistake and got punished for it and instead of working hard to redeem myself i'm just going to call the world unfair and blame everyone else for my problems!"
>"everyone should kiss my feet and bow down to me because i have an inflated sense of self-importance! you spoiled kids wouldn't understand!"
Why do people sympathize with this guy again?
Only Kamoshida, sadly. Others were pretty boring.
Cabbage more healthy than pancakes.
>he's a villain
Fucking hell I shouldn't have come to Sup Forums today
there are literally thousands of Adachi threads that have been posted since the release of Persona 4, how the fuck did you avoid seeing them for this long?
How have you NOT been spoiled until now?
I think he means something along the lines of "Adachi did nothing wrong"
Adachi is literally /ourboy/
I didn't give two shits about Persona until like a month ago so I didn't pay any attention to threads about it and eventually I just forgot.
He's a shitty villain and his motives are stupid so consider the spoiler a mercy
It's better you know before hand
Persona 4 had a better story overall
t. roastie whore
Don't worry. Adachi is the killer is a fake meme anyway.
Nepotism > Contacts > Raw natural talent > Hard Work
You can tell Adachi was a rushed villain with this portrait alone
>uhh we can make him look evil if we slap a frowny face on him
Like holy fuck they couldn't even take the time to give him a proper scowl, it looks so bad
I didn't gave two shits about persona until i learned about this guy
Just play the game, it's worth it
this is great though
Well he's not really evil
>some edgelord faggot who kills people because the world sucks
No wonder why Sup Forums connects with him.
Except he actually worked super hard until he was the protag's age, at which he was outclassed by a talented Chad. From there he was never first again no matter how hard he tried, and then went full sociopath
>until he was the protag's age
Isn't Yu only a second-year? He's like 16
Adachi is a fucking loser
Only beta virgins like OP think Adachi is a more superior villain than Kamoshida.
That's terrible fucking excuse considering:
>he worked himself so hard to not even bother making friends when people were opening out their hands for them
>was in the best postion possible despite making a mistake
>has the best shit available to him
>still complains about everyone else what they have done.
Adachi-Baby put himself in this shit situation and wanted to blame everyone else aside from himself.
Instead of using this to make himself better, he became a butthurt Sup Forumsirgin who you got schooled by a,bunch of teenagers and killed two women because he was fucking thirsty and delusional.
They fucked Akechi up so badly. He was seriously the shittiest villain in the series. It was blatantly obvious he was secretly evil from the start. His personality was grating. His whole "actually a prodigy detective at age 16" was absurd and stupid. His motivation and backstory was over the top edgy and tragic, and unnecessarily complicated. He was like a shitty generic JRPG villain from like 2007. If it weren't for the fact that the writers forget he exists for like 80% of the game, he could have potentially brought the game down a lot.
Well isn't the point of antagonists is that they're walked on the wrong road?
His motivation just doesn't work.
>"I'm going to help the guy I hate. What could go wrong?"
He literally created this huge situation in the first place.
Adachi went out like a bitch.
Shido took off his shirt and fought you hand to hand and when that didn't work he tried killing himself in the real to kill you rotten kids in his head.
Shido's fight was cool but his characterization sucked, especially considering he was the main villain outside of the obligatory deity at the end. He's just an asshole that wants power. There's no depth to him whatsoever.
Because P4 was actually well writen compared to the trainwreck that P5 was.
>buh buhhh Adachi was right
Right about WHAT?
>"You gotta be good at something to succeed..."
No shit retard!
>His whole "actually a prodigy detective at age 16" was absurd and stupid.
He has motives,
Shido has none- they never go into why he wants to be prime minister anyway.
On that note, what the fuck were Toranosuke and Shido's political ideals?
Tora's story focusing on a past incident and Shido's story of stealing Wakaba's research completely clouded whatever depth their characters were meant to have.
>buhh buhhh the Diet is corrupt and children are the future
>buhhh Japan needs to be respected again
>He's just an asshole that wants power.
Actually, without memeing, he believed himself to be messiah and the only one that can make Japan great again.
I disagree, I think Akechi was a great villain
Why does everyone forget (Adachi himself too) that he was incredibly successful in manipulating Namatame to do the works for him and successfully dodge the IT numerous times?
Stupid person can't pull all that off. Gotta give the man some props.
Akechi was good but his motivations were very poorly explained.
>He's my dad, and when I reveal that to him I'll...!!!
Bot every villain needs to be a morally gray sob story in every game. Shido just being an evil self-important piece of shit fits the story and works off the point Yaldy's trying to make about mankind. But he owns being a piece of shit, he's. A charismatic piece of shit. That's the important thing for this kind of villain.
He' wasn't stupid, just lazy and frustrated.