Was it REALLY THAT bad?

Was it REALLY THAT bad?

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Was it? I honestly really liked it.

I want paizuri from Lightning.

Where did you see it was bad exactly ?

It's the best FF in a decade.

The massive internet hate train is just for XIII-1
Nobody even cared about Lightning Returns. It was decent.

all final fantasy games are bad

It was okay. Could have had more to do. I like how XIII-2 had a giant catalogue of monsters since it's a monster collecting game while LR had maybe 50, and you ran out of things to kill because they go extinct after you kill like 20 of one.

13 was bad. BAAAD. Turned me off playing the fucking rest cause I didn't give a single shit about the world. Frankly I was pretty happy when we were 5 seconds from killing everyone on it.

>Lightning even more monotone and boring than usual
>most of the game is a collection of bland, unrelated short stories
>actual plot only happens literally in the first and final hour of the game
>ending is a repeat of the first game's ending, except on a bigger scale. totally required 3 games to get here.
>after 3 games they can't even give you proper closure and the game ends 30 seconds after the climax
>need to read a fucking novel to get closure on what happens after

>b-but muh time management

One of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever played.
XIII was an outright masterpiece in comparison and even XIII-2 had its moments.

the only thing bad about it is the Lightning-wank associated with the whole XIII trilogy due to her being the director's waifu. The combat was good and the story passable. I still prefer XIII-2

Gameplay was really fun but the story was SHIT.

It was a good game overall and did some neat shit. The story felt much more personal despite the bullshit high stakes and literally killing god than usual in FF games too, just something about only having one main character you follow all the way through I guess.

It was a hell of a lot better than XV at the very least.

FF 13-2 and LR are ok

Who the fuck is the main villain of FF13?

>time management game
>run out of things to do by day 6/13

There aren't really any villains, just antagonists. Everyone has their reasons for doing what they did and most of them are plenty valid. The 13 games aren't really black and white as far as motivations are concerned, it's all a ton of greys.

>FF 13-2 and LR are ok
I'm not going back. Infact after 13 I've had no interest in another FF game. Even going back to the old ones I can't be bothered.
It was so bad it's tuned me off a series I've put over a thousand hours into.

I thought it was pretty good. Right between XIII-2 and XIII for me.
You would think that 500 years later, Fang, Sazh and Noel would change clothes.

Dysley, probably.
>executing Code White
>killing his own sexy underling
>pretending to be your GF/sister
>the only one who legit wants to destroy everyone

literally God. Too bad 99% of the lore is in ultimanias/other shit

Basically Bhunivelze was born and he killed his mom, his mom became god of the unseen realm (the afterlife). However somehow fearing his mom was going to kill him he created 3 daughters. Pulse, Lindzei, and Etro. Etro looked like his mom so he said fuck you and gave her no powers. he then fucked off until Pulse or Lindzei found out how to reach the unseen realm.

That's the purpose of the Fal'cie in 13. The Fal'cie on pulse generally are there to explore hoping to find the gate by chance. Coccoon (Lindzei) Fal'cie found that human souls pass through a gate into the unseen realm when they die, so their intention was to cause a mass genocide of humans so the gate would have to open wide enough for Lindzei and Bhunivelze to access the realm. This is the whole plot of 13 and why it was so stupid.

>he actually has blonde hair
What the fuck?

It was boring, bad music, shit mess of a story

It was toriyama's fanfiction game

bhunivelze via dysley
then caius
then bhunivelze again

it was so bad that lightning had to return it....to store.

From a gameplay point of view?
13-2 and LR were pretty fun. 13-2 was a refined 13 with monsters that weren't so bad. LR played pretty good, but wish you could have free moved as well. Took me years to play 13-2 because of 13 being so bad. If it wasn't a JRPG and not a 13 sequel I felt it would have done much better

13-2 was OK, but I'm a sucker for time travel stuff. Did enjoy the fact you didn't really need to know a god damn thing about 13 before playing 13-2, it was that stand alone. I know because I didn't remember a damn thing when getting into it. LR was beyond awful and is a damn shame because of 13-2 being solid.

I would rebuy 13-2 in a heartbeat if it got upscaled to PS4, because the PC port was garbage,

3 has the best gameplay but the worst narrative.
1 has the best narrative but worst gameplay.
2 has a good balance of narrative and gameplay.

So much shit taste in Sup Forums

It's enjoyable but the console versions are technically fucked.
I remember one enemy type in the desert region fucking up the framerate beyond recognition.

It was SHIT. Game might as well have played itself

If this isn't a joke then oh my god

>bad music


This isn't my Slipknot. Reeeee!

XIII was polarizing -neck beards who masturbate over IX loved to shitpost about it non stop- but the game was really good with its battle system and unique story.

XIII-2 was the definition of mediocrity, dumbed down battle system, a shamelessly retoconning story to make it even more convoluted, even lamer charachers (except Yule and the indian guy)

LR was actually fine as a stand alone game, original battle system, more open ,fun game all around.

Unironically the best FF game to this day.

It isn't. You wouldn't know because it's all in japanese only supplementary books.

>but the game was really good with its battle system
It's an absolutely brainless system and the worst combat in the series

XIII's battle system was less about using the right skills (since lol auto battle) but more about switching to the right paradigms at the right moments.

still pretty gay though.

Nah, that's the actual background to the story. The actual game barely touches upon it and it's only really hinted at though, you have to read through all the encyclopedia entries to piece it together. Then later on the lore books just straight up told you what was going on. All three XIII games are pretty much just the Divine Comedy and about how the humans are only chess pieces and pawns in the eyes of the immortal and omnipotent. It's why Caius is so fucking pissed and views his situation as so hopeless he thinks it's best to just end everything for Yule's sake.

>LR was actually fine as a stand alone game
Can I play it without playing the others?

>absolutely brainless system

dude, this is why no one gives a fuck about all you spergs who are obsessed over FF. you are so overly negative you don't make any points. XIII had a god tier battle system against bosses and hunts.

Yeah. I mean plot wise you just have to know it takes place 500 years after XIII-2 and the world is going to end in 12 days.

I honestly have to think about that question.
The biggest issue are the returning characters and their relationships.

13* 14*

>Can I play it without playing the others?

yep. you won't understand a lot of things but it doesn matter, the main point is that the world is ending and you have to save souls. also kill god. simple

>in LR, people haven't aged for 500 years because of the thing that happened
>children are stuck as children for 500 years, and despite the age difference between a child and adult being minor by comparison, they're still treated like children

In fact wasn't there a quest about a girl who loved a guy, but couldn't do anything because she's stuck in that little girl body?

Even worse when I think about it, infants are stuck as infants for 500 years. Pregnant women were probably pregnant for 500 years

Snow is sad because his waifu is ded
Sazh is sad because his son is in a soul coma
Vanille is sad because she's the church's pope figurepiece and can hear the screams of the dead
Fang is... Actually I forgot what her deal is
Hope was de-aged for reasons that escape me.

>Fang is... Actually I forgot what her deal is
fang is sad because religious nutjobs hold her waifu hostage
hope was deaged to manipulate lightning into believing that he is real and not just a puppet without soul because she didnt see him when he was older

The young Hope wasn't actually Hope, it was Bhunivelze's avatar that he sent to manipulate you into destroy the other gods or some shit. Adult Hope shows up later on

>Was it REALLY THAT bad?

No. The story was horrific, but the gameplay was fucking great. It was the best game out of this shit trilogy.

>Pregnant women were probably pregnant for 500 years
I think anyone would just get an abortion before it comes to that.
Also, Sup Forums should be all over this game because of 500-years-old lolis.

And your whole post reminded me of one specific episode of this vampire show, "Moonlight I think?
Basically, teenager in the middle of puberty got turned into a vampire and was cursed to immortality as an acne-ridden, high-pitch voiced loser.

>Sazh is sad because his son is in a soul coma
I fucking forgot and now I'm laughing like stupid

It's the only game in the trilogy worth looking at. Even then it's still undermined by its low budget and general incompetence. Like how the game runs far worse than it should because Crystal Tools is a bad engine. Or the pointless, easily ignorable timer that feels like the devs played Dead Rising, Dragon Quarter, and Majora's Mask and didn't really understand any of them. Or the small monster pool and general dearth of content that's stretched out by grind quests and running across giant areas filled mostly with empty space.

I don't have the patience to finish XIII-2. Can I just skip to my goddess lightning returns?

if you wanted to skip anything then it was XIII,LR is a followup to XIII-2

I mean, it's more a plot than Bubsy has...

Honestly, my favorite part was what it did with standard encounters. It feels like 90% of previous FF normal enemies could be beaten by holding down the attack button. XII pushed this to the absurd extreme where you could pre-program your party so they kill everything automatically while you just wander around.
In XIII, it seemed like every encounter was unique and there were a large variety of enemy types and groups that you had to fit your strategies too. It was really the first FF where I didn't find the random encounters to be a total chore.