Is Angry Joe Sup Forums approved?

Is Angry Joe Sup Forums approved?
>honest with games
>disses greedy corporations
Is he not /ourguy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Are eceleb threads Sup Forums approved?
No. Kill yourself.

No eceleb is Sup Forums approved, but nu/v/ on the other hand, yeah anyone is welcome. The more manchildren the better.

>defends Anita
>crybaby when fans calls him out on lack of scheduled content (which he promised)
no, he's not /ourguy/

>lying fat cunt that doesn't know shit about games

Hello, Joe. No, we don't like you. Fuck off.

>Would rather be "reviewing" awful capeshit flicks
Sounds more like Sup Forums's guy.

Imagine being such a dickless sheep that you only consume content that is officially approved by your edgy, fat masters on an anime imageboard.

people still don't understand /ourguy/ meme

He has the most reddit opinions ever. If a game gets upvotes in the karma circlejerk on the front page of the internet, he will like it. Not a single unique opinion

I'm not a fan of AJ, but I don't hate him either. Up until recently he's been a productive, somewhat entertaining reviewer, and I have respect for him, as he's the only former channel awesome content creator who isn't on a huge decline or completely out of the business.

>angry beaner
>boring beaner

he needs to go back


I'll get this out of the way. What's his name again?

That's not really true.
He gave BotW a 9/10 which is much lower than most of reddit would give.
Though he gave GW2 a 10/10 which is IMO retarded.

Crawl back to Sup Forums you fat fuck and stay as far away from games as possible.

>skyrim 10/10
>rdr 10/10
>fallout 4 highly rated (before he knew of the backlash the game would get a month later ofc)

Also Zelda is as reddit as it gets so not surprised about botw either.

I only watch his stuff via hooktube now, replace with in the url and he gets no +viewcount and nothing else.

joey guacamole

He dissed persona 5 as a game for weebs

fuck him

He just checks others reviews and makes his off what they say.

No eceleb will ever have Sup Forums's approval as long as someone in their 20's is still here. Fuck I hate millenials, only this next shithead group of teens would rather watch a game than play it.

This sounds entirely accurate

>first console was a 360
>first gaming PC was a prebuilt Alienware
>thinks he's entitled to opinions on games

Nick Robinson is Sup Forums approved.

>shitskin eyes
>effeminate looking

Definitely not our guy.

But it is a game for weebs

>Anti-SJWs defending a Polygon writer because Anita's cronies called him a sexual predator
What a stupid turn of events.

Because he does vidya for a job, the only content popular enough to cover is the newest and biggest game(s) of the month - which I never play. So I actually prefer his movie/tv crap.


Only kilian is Sup Forums approved

Truly the essence of Sup Forums

>Shit taste
>Is a greedy corporation

Not vidya related
Sage and report

Sounds exactly like a Sup Forums kind of guy.

Defend Anita? I thought he just didn't like how nasty people were towards her?

He has a literal shit taste

>literally a redditor trying to imitate Fitz

Nah. I can't take him seriously at all because he never played classics. Imagine a movie critic who never saw The Godfather.

Sup Forums doesn't like it when someone says you shouldn't make death threats to a girl


Kilian? That fag is just trying to be fitz without being as funny

>disses greedy corporations

only because Twitch money is easy to make

I doubt someone who openly disregards the views of his fans and seemingly wants to give up reviewing games could be seen as Sup Forums-approved.

How did they allow you to use a computer with that much mental retardation? I am serious.

And you are talking about kilian experience right?

These damn threads don't get deleted fast enough.

Just took these



You're welcome!

>tfw 7 dollar value meal

can someone explain this dollar meme

Why don't you suck his dick if you're so fond of him?
If you want to discuss some youtuber then why not go to youtube?

This is such a contradictory post.
People in their late 20's and early 30's are millenials.

Seven dollar Sanchez
