Why do game developers always make us fight the most pragmatist characters in the game who unfortunately are also...

Why do game developers always make us fight the most pragmatist characters in the game who unfortunately are also considered the "villains"?

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Because deep down we know they're right and that makes for a compelling villain.

>compelling villain

is this really from the game?


very useful image

because good always beats evil

>its been 5 years since inaba incident
>suspect under investigation

They really should just have let Adachi go, when they began confronting him I really felt like just dropping the game so the self-righteous group would stop harassing him.

Its obviously a dramatization you moron. Like Underbelly or all those law and order episodes based on true stories.

He may be a pragmatist, but he still killed someone and manipulated Taro into trying to kill more just because he was bored.

>people unironically like adachi
This series really is for children

Adachi is a prick but he's a damn entertaining one. I enjoyed him in Arena.

There is no way they would do this, I'm blaming this entirely on the localization. Atlus has gone out of their way to make Adachi s tragic character of sorts, he got his own social link and he even has his own story mode in the fighting game. All there to further enforce he did nothing wrong, all that and just saying how the reason is
>World sucks lmao

Its a silly little joke on a tv that you can easily miss. Calm your autism.

Because the natural reaction to finding out a TV world exists is to start kidnapping people and throwing them in there.
He's a fucking idiot.


Come on you'd do it at least once to test it out. Wouldn't you?

Adachi was a messiah telling the truth people did not want to hear. The entire persona cast consists of archetypes, which naturally are all virgins and people want that. But in reality women are sluts that refuse to not fuck everything with a heartbeat. Adachi lost the ratrace, and in his defeat realised this truth. When god gifted him, he knew what he had to do, throw women in the TV and let them be consumed by the slutty shadows like they always wanted to.

How do you prove the existence of the TV world though.

I dunno, i mean, isn't the legal process fucked on account of zero evidence against him and only a confession?

The villain is just the hero forced to deal with shortcomings, lack of plot armour and reality.

So when they say they are not so different, there is actually some truth.

Children are more likely to relate with IT though.

Prove him wrong


Guys, what if Adachi had just found Chie sitting by the park bench instead of all those other bitches and whores? Could all of this have been avoided if he had just bumped into her instead? We all know she would have done it, it's Chie.

right, forgot about town bicycle chie. But still, he got naoto, yukiko and rise

>But still, he got naoto, yukiko and rise

No really, what did he mean by this?

put your hand inside TV?

Does it really proves anything
Even adachi himself barely knew how this world worked

what would it feel like if you stuck your dick in the TV?

>chiefag is just as retarded as his waifu

Adachi is so damn cool tho

No nigga, Adachi was just bitchmade.

What did batman mean by this?

Allow me to translate into Chie speak

He's not really that pragmatic. His life philosophy didn't get him anywhere and just served to depress and fuck himself up.

A pragmatic philosophy would actually work.

He's got a sort of negative idealism going on that absolves himself of responsibility for his life.

You forgot

What, is this a thinly veiled arousing thread? I want to contribute too by giving you the best and most arousing artwork.

Haru is super cute

Adachi was right that the world suck, however, using that as an excuse to commit murder was wrong. Plus, Atlus would rather blame all of Japanese society's problems on gods than admit that they has only themselves to blame.

Adachi is a douche-y!

Thats not how Gods work in persona user. They're responding to and are created by the desires of humanity, and only a handful of people manage to stand up in time to save humanity from itself.

First, learn the meaning of the word pragmatist. Adachi is certainly not one.

He IS however relatable to the majority of this games playerbase, IE lonely people who feel life has treated them unfairly. While it's fun to self-insert as the protagonist, deep down most players will find it easier to empathize with Adachi's frustrations, without necessarily condoning his actions.

>Atlus would rather blame all of Japanese society's problems on gods than admit that they has only themselves to blame.
But gods what to wipe out humanity precisely because humanity sucks and can't fix their own problems.


Adachi just wanted a quiet life but the bitches and whores keep ruining everything

sounds to me like he's just sick of the questioning and not taking it seriously. I don't know how thats inconsistent with his character

His motives would only make sense to children.....

"I was bored"
"A girl was sleeping with someone so I killed the bitch"
"My life is shit so I want to destroy life"

>Wah the world sucks, and my and I can't catch a break
>guess I'll kill a bunch or random people lol

Had he been 10 years younger and in a America we'd have ourselves a guaranteed school shooter. At his core he was more juvenile that the dorks who were trying to stop him.

>"I killed people because the world is shit"


Really changes your cognition.

Children wouldn't understand his motives. Adachi's rant only makes sense to the adult who grew up in Japan during economic decline.

Adachi never hung the bodies, they just came back to the real world like that. He accepted responsibility for the deaths of the two women and is just coming up with a half-assed excuse as to why they were found up there.

>the voice of a lost generation in a story rooted in jungian theory molded in a shonen story
truly the thinking man's RPG

To piss of edgy babbies like you.

No I think your completely right actually
This, Adachi always has, and will always be /ourguy/

He was struggling because of the economy and being assigned to a police station in the middle of no where where nothing happens. He was bored, but he was also jealous of people who didnt have to work hard to make a living, while people who do work their asses off don't get anything out of it.

And he just wanted to get his dick wet.

so much pure ideology in this thread

Nope, Mitsuo Kubo would be the school shooter in America. I can see Adachi not committing a murder and instead vent his rage thru youtube rants.

I know isn't it great when your villain is well written and has a good motive? When they don't you get the shit show that was Persona 5, I am still baffled about how Atlus fucked up this hard

How did Atlus failed to create a villain as good as Adachi?

Akechi is a joke.

Kubo will try to schoolshoot but end up getting pushed to the floor while crying like a little bitch.
Adachi will beat the top score and not commit suicide to tell the police he did it for the lulz


Akechi had to be sabotaged because his plan would've created a political scandal so epic that nips become disillusioned and rebelling.

Akechi is more like a side bitch than an actual villain. The real villain was fake Igor all along.

Because Adachi is still a raving lunatic whose first thought upon getting that power was to toss girls into TV land if they didn't want to sleep with him. Every now and then he comes across as coherent and sympathetic, but then he launches into another autism fueled rant about bitches these days complete with looking like he's having a stroke. He comes across like a bottom feeding purity obsessed otaku when he tracks down Yamano at the start asking her about whether she actually slept with someone, and then hypocritically tried to abuse his authority to fuck her. He's just an idiot who acts like an entirely different and competent person for 90% of the game because of bad writing, and his entire motivation is getting laid.


Did nothing wrong? He threw a high school girl into the TV world and killed her because she wouldn't fuck him

The women in Persona 4 are so manipulate and standoffish that you can honestly see where Adachi's coming from. The only exceptions are Nanako and the Sun S.Link in Band class.

Funny how almost ten years after people still debate if Adachi was right or not, meanwhile people only talk about Akechi to make jokes about pancakes.

>He threw a high school girl into the TV world and killed her because she wouldn't fuck him

>fucks up on the job
>gets reassigned instead of outright dismissed
>instead of trying to do a good job and redeem himself just whines all day and is still a fuck up for the most part
>wasn't even serious about being a cop in the first place and just wanted to carry a gun

Literally how is he sympathetic? It wasn't like he started off as a good person then became jaded because of shit outside of his control. His shitty situation was created entirely by his own hands and he admitted that he was an immature manchild even before he got sent out to the sticks.

Is it because most people on Sup Forums have a similar victim complex to justify their shortcomings so they can relate to him easily?

Adachi was a bitch made beta who couldn't make his dreams come true so he used that as a crutch to hurt people. The only reason you identify with him is because you suck dick too

>autism fueled rant about bitches these days
>bottom feeding purity obsessed otaku

And you're wondering why /v9k/ sympathizes with him?

He's sympathetic because the protagonists in P4 are all highly annoying.

People making jokes on how retarded the character is for giving himself away in such a stupid way? Thats insane. We should talk about him seriously, like his daddy issues being the only real motivation he had and expecting not to get manipulated by him after working under him.

Thats because Nanako is pure and will always remain so.

While I agree to some degree about P4's party, that doesn't make Adachi any more sympathetic.

He does try to good a job, in fact he was having fun. Until Chad shows up and basically takes away the only friend he had and basically leaves him to the dirt. Really can't blame him for this one Yu is the ultimate chad

Adachi is relatable. Most people have been there once, or maybe they still are, which is why its so easy to empathize with him.

He was a sympathetic character until he obtained power he couldn't handle. His nihilism and sense of entitlement are what made him lose it, and after he did what he did he was too far gone to return, which is why he spiraled down further and further. Ironically enough all of this never would have happened if he had friends and family to support him, which is why he hates Yu so much and why that dynamic is so interesting. He was granted the power to do what many depressed and angsty teenagers daydream about, only now he also had to suffer the consequences of it.

>Want to play P4AU for the story
>Just found out its actually a sequel and not an expansion of sorts

You can buy the story mode of Arena as DLC.

I understand how many people, especially ones with jobs and responsibilities can relate to Adachi but behind this the only good things he had were New World Fool music, not too predictable twist and great VA work in English. That aside he's a pretty shit villain but admittedly also dragged down by IT not even confronting his ideology - yeah, it was retarded and you really don't need to but would have added more to an already decent final battle.

Izanami was a shit final boss

It's pretty awesome indeed

Dojima's mix of anger/defeat/heartbreak here hurts.

I wonder if they also used MBTI types to take inspiration for characters since those are based on Jungian functions.