How many years has it been already? Did anything change?
How many years has it been already? Did anything change?
Sup Forums is filled with tumblr and reddit SJWs now.
I guess that's a change.
Yea it fucked up gaming forever.
Sometimes i wonder if things would have gone differently if Zoe's boyfriend didn't suddenly feel like he had to bring justice to the world and give her and Anita occasion to create the biggest drama of the internet.
Maybe some games wouldn't be filled with shitty politics so much now.
virgins lashing out on women just because they are women ruined any kind of credibility this whole thing could have ever had
>Did anything change?
some twitter feminists got a solid source of constant income, that's it
while it was somewhat fun back then, the results was not worth it
the board is now infested with people who try to push their political agenda, from both sides
politics aren't video games
Obtuse political messages have never ruined an otherwise good game. It's always in garbage like Dreamfall Chapters or Mafia III.
We elected Trump. Think about how much power that is.
Political/social commentary are very good in games if they are not biased but ask real questions instead of being shitty agenda pushing.
3 years. I don't think anything's changed. If anything, the situation is worse now that places like Polygon can use this movement as a boogeyman whenever anything bad happens to them.
A damn shame too, I was entirely supprtive of GG's initial sentiment.
thank reddit and mainstream media for that
>was entirely supprtive of GG's initial sentiment
I am too. The movement is dead and done. It made the journalists scared shitless. It made them fear everyone around them as everyone is a boogeyman which alienated more and more people. We may have not killed the beast but it is bleeding a slow death. Intersectional Feminism is dying due to it fucking with regular people. Now that they can't win the hearts and minds, they're going for full authoritarianism.
Yeah, I said obtuse so you wouldn't think of MGS.
Dreamfall Chapters literally tells the player Europe was never full of white people at any time in history.
>If anything, the situation is worse now that places like Polygon can use this movement as a boogeyman whenever anything bad happens to them.
This. The fags like to claim it's our fault for "ignoring" them and "letting it take over" but they constantly cite the actions, not the lack of actions, taken against them as causes for concern. It's always "GG did this" or "GG said that" that they use as evidence to support their agendas. They're like one of my coworkers who tries to help but he does stupid shit that only makes things work and I keep having to tell him to fuck off. Useless.
*makes things WORSE
Goddamn morning.
>virgins lashing out on women just because they are women
this is false and you know it
what the fuck happened to these people? did they even make any games
Quite literally all it did was both bring people here and send them off to their infinite chan or whatever the fuck it was.
Any normal person just ignored it and of course as we all predicted, it went away.
The group/message was hijacked and was presented to gullible normies as something to hate or mock. Happens to any group that challenges the marxist narrative or can be useful to them. It's called jewish subversion.
No, dumbass, it's filled with trolls pretending to be SJWs to rile up morons like you.
>implying that's not the exact reason why it crashed and burned as hard as it did
rising popularity of the action brought in retards who should not be ever involved in anything beyond flipping burgers in mac
>random fat chick with purple hair decides to be a whore
>this results in Donald Trump being elected President of the United States
Places like Polygon helped GG more than anything else. They aren't shifting public opinion in their favour, they're just galvanizing opposition every day with trash journalism even at a glance.
Yes and its pretty bad.
I think it brought some good changes
Everyone now is much more critical of the gaming press (even more normie-oriented youtubers like dunkey are shitting on them nowadays), pre-orders in general have been lower (look at the deus ex fiasco) and niche websites and youtubers are growing
Not the best outcome but still decent
Honestly I don't know who to blame, if there is even someone to blame.
In retrospect the movement couldn't have lived longer than it did. It was disorganized and didn't have a goal in mind aside from "we're pissed about journos", and since each pocket of people claiming to be part of GG had their own idea of what to do about that sentiment, the movement lost its identity fast and got repurposed most of the time.
But you know what they say about hindsight.
I think the most unfortunate part about this whole situation is that the "we're pissed about journos" part will never be remembered by anyone except those who were there at ground zero. Those that saw Quinn's ex's journal, and those that saw the "gamers are dead" article cropping up simultaneously.
Now, if you try and look into the history of GG, the only thing that comes out is "it was a moment that really hated women". Because that's how journos, who were the primary target, decided to spin the event as a cover up.
correct me if i am wrong
i never followed the gamergate movement since i think internet movements in general are pretty stupid
but wasn't the point of gamergate to keep gaming journalism unbiased regarding politics
gamergate 'won', but it was a pyrrhic victory
i came here when GG started because i was curious to see it in person
and let me tell you, this place fucking suck, it's filled with nothing but morons that do nothing but post shitty bait threads about cancerous people and dumb overdone jokes, seriously fuck you Sup Forums
Which is why it was better to ignore them or just laugh at their complete self-destruction. As the saying goes, pop will eat itself.
Three years on and I still haven't managed to figure out if this image was meant to be ironic or not.
it's on steam after look for afterlife empire
This isn't the Bizarro Sup Forums thread...
>virgins lashing out on women just because they are women ruined any kind of credibility this whole thing could have ever had
I'm still upset about this and trying to figure out the sociology of the whole thing.
>journos paint GG as a misogynist and/or anti-feminist hate group
>edgy trollfags think that's what it was and "join" GG to steadily whine about sjws
>the actual pro-truth people get burnt out after all the internal sabotage and move on after the Law & Order episode makes a big fat joke out of the opposing narrative
>"Gamergate" keeps zombieing on without them because the attention whore feminists keep proclaiming "Gamergate is dead" and the trolls left over see the opportunity to go "NUH UH UR MAD UR MAD UR MAD LOOOOOL"
>Gamergate is slowly forgotten and the dumb trolls turn into the kekistani r/The_Donald Trumpfag movement because "LOL MAKIN DA LIBRULZ MAD MAGA"
>this is false and you know it
It was false at first and mostly false for a long while. Eventually there were too many idiots who wanted to be a part of something they "learned about" from Facebook.
The initial point was to keep corruption and bias away from journalism, since the straw that broke the camel's back was an indie "dev" fucking guys for coverage.
>tfw newfags still think it was GG and not The Fappening that brought in the newest batch of their like-minded brethren
Yes, theres no way a lugenpresse would ever make up stories like literally who did about gg threats against her that mysteriously never made it to the police.
When im afraid for my life and actually think people are trying to kill me, i just take a day off from work and everythings fine.
AAAs lost millions of dollars pandering to SJWs when they found out SJWs don't even play games.
Ended Anita's scamming and "career".
Killed Kotaku for the most part and Polygon.
It made anyone with a brain aware of how unprofessional game "journalism" is.
Who here donated the $10 dollard or whatever it was?
>mfw convinced some guy in one of those threads who was on the fence about it to donate
There is much more distrust to big gaming press websites and people are more vocal about them being shit than ever before. A few new good smaller sites popped up.
The big tragedy of GG that the straw that broke the camels back was the largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things zoe shit. The shitstorm was brewing for a long time and it would have happened sooner or later but it would have been better if it exploded because of something like the Mass Effect thing, where IGN faggot was calling people entitled with ME promotional material right behind him and ME ads plastered all over the site.
that picture makes me so angry
there's so much shit there that has nothing to do with gamergate or is placed at the wrong side.
that being said, the entire thing was pretty fucking stupid
>TB a good guy
>Notch a bad guy
But that's wrong
Yes it made video games worse. The type of people and organisations gamer gate targeted thrive off any and all attention and can manipulate even the most negative attention into being beneficial.
They're all very wealthy, influential and important people now because you idiots wouldn't shut up and leave their little fad die. You somewhat justified them to their own beta followers.
We live in an era where any and all publicity is good. Ignorance is bliss, never forget that.
You honestly believe that anything anyone did would make the SJWs stop being so fucking stupid?
GG didn't make it worse. It didn't make it better, either. It just kept things the same. Doing nothing would have had the same effect.
These people are PEOPLE. They have personalities, likes, dislikes, wants, and needs. The core misconception in our modern society is that anything can be accomplished simply by talking. Words do not change people. Controversy does not change people. If it wasn't GG, it would have been something else.
Debate is meaningless. Nobody will ever change their mind based on a stupid internet post like this one. They will simply use the posts as tools to validate their own preconceived notions.
Only actions can change the world. If GG had a fatal flaw, it was the moment it became a reasoned movement with words and debates. You can argue against words. You cannot argue against actions. GG's greatest blows were when it got advertisers to pull funding from news sites. Because then, in that simple action, people saw not the "moral value" of their words and opinions, but the actual, cold, real value. The money. The consequences of their views.
GG died when it became a debate. Argument solves nothing. When an advertiser stops advertising on your site, they aren't arguing with you. They simply stop giving you money, and you are left to pick up the pieces.
>The big tragedy of GG that the straw that broke the camels back was the largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things zoe shit. The shitstorm was brewing for a long time and it would have happened sooner or later but it would have been better if it exploded because of something like the Mass Effect thing, where IGN faggot was calling people entitled with ME promotional material right behind him and ME ads plastered all over the site.
Amen to that. Having the spark being a single woman was a death sentence to the movement.
It wasn't at the time. Notch and TB flipflop every six months.
At the time it was correct
Was GG the prelude to fake news?
That's Sup Forums
how naive
as if the political decisions such as gender politics are designed elsewhere, instead of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
Why is boxxy on the left, twice?
>Fake news
>Leftist retards
>Alt-right retards
Can you faggots just stop pushing your stupid political agenda? I just wanna play video games.
I was on board with the whole election thing, thinking people would stop, but it's twice as bad now.
I think one of them is shoe
Yeah, it made the site way fucking worse.
modern days, modern times user.
It doesn't stop until we curbstomp progressives into the gutters of history. Trump was only the beginning.
Thanks for that captain sunshine.
Just what I needed to start my day.
This place turned into a shit show and 4+4 chan is embittered because of us dropping it
I like how Steam is on there, like Steam had a stance.
In spite of your wall of text, I can't even fucking figure out what your ultimate point is. I'm not even sure if you're trying to refute anything I said. My point is the actions cultivated a far worse result than doing nothing would have accomplished. It's that simple.
There are still faggots today who insist they were watching the Gamergate event from "Day 1" and that it was ALWAYS about virgins being pissed at women in their "exclusive club".
Kinda going off a tangent but does anyone even like her videos?
Its mostly talking about irrelevant shit or going "look at this dumb Salon article".
Also, im kinda salty that she can pop up a 3 minute video of her doing stupid shit and gets 1k freedom bucks for it.
In 200 years experts will be discussing Sup Forums's Sup Forums as a prelude to events which elected the president of the United States, because regardless of the truth, people believe it.
It was meant to be an inspiring "rouse to action" sort of thing. Don't talk. Talk is cheap. Act.
My point is that your point is incorrect. GG didn't change anything, ultimately. Only superficial issues. GG became the boogeyman, but if it wasn't GG, it would be something else.
GG was debate. It was ineffective because debate never changes anyone's mind, not in our day and age.
full of whites yeah thats right
Gamergate achieved EXACTLY what they set-out to achieve: Forcing "gaming journalists" to openly admit at the end of their articles if they have any sort of connection with what they are covering.
Double chan is fucking shit, I used it after moot banned the threads and stayed there for a year and a half and it was seriously abysmal, its all shitposting all the time and they actively seek not to talk about vidya on a higher degree than in here, the only good thing it was having IPs.
serious question
does Sup Forums even support trump anymore?
It won't stop for as long as the left dominates the cultural zeitgeist. Unlike the right, who stop their screeching after a while (remember Jack Thompson?), the left never stops.
Even if alt-right disappeared tomorrow, the left would still push their narrative everywhere they can weasel their way into.
For the most part yes, but a lot of them have soured on him somewhat due tohim not being nearly as ridiculous and OTT while in-power as he was while campaigning. Though a lot of them have been spazzing out over how this thing with Russia's been playing out over the past few months, with the recent Congress sanctions being pretty unpopular.
Why do Sup Forums pretend to like Russians, anyway?
Yes and no. That's why you cannot figure it out.
Go ask them
Of course, aslong as he keeps btfoing SJWs.
I don't know, I voted for him but stopped caring about politics after he was inaugurated. It was to make a statement more than anything, to give a symbolic mdle finger to the left. Been far too busy completing college to really care anymore.
>GG didn't change anything, ultimately. Only superficial issues. GG became the boogeyman, but if it wasn't GG, it would be something else.
Then unfortunately for you I'm going to have to disagree. GG became a scapegoat, but that's the thing. It became a clear cohesive target to associate the rest of us with. If it simply was just opinions dissolved into the crowd of random people, the most they could do was blame men, and it would just come off as sexist and we could let the normies remark about it instead of a bunch of nerds who are already ostracized by society and thus could possibly have a visible agenda.
Gaming wise no.
Ever since Gamergate I've noticed that the term 'SJW' is thrown around a lot more in other forums and now even in real life. Those "SJW BTFO" videos are much more popular today than they were in 2013 when they were posted on Sup Forums and Sup Forums all the time.
But now the people actually in control of companies and other important things have fully embraced the SJW pill.
it really makes me think
is BTFOing sjws all that matters today, is that what people care about?
Gamergate accomplishment's as it were:
>Disclosures: Game journo websites disclose when they are giving or receiving money from anyone they're writing about.
>Updated Ethics Policies: Many websites updated their ethics policies..
>FTC: Websites can no longer make news story's that are disguised as advertisements.
>Gawker: GG caused Gawker millions in advertisement money. They no longer exist.
>Deepfreeze: Ranks journalists based on their unethical actions.
>Charities: During its prime, Gamergate supporters donated to the following charities;TFYC, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, PACER Center National Bullying Prevention, Child's Play, and many more.
>victim blaming
bruh, the group/message was "fuck zoe," expanded into "fuck all women in games," and then ballooned further into "fuck anything that even looks like it might disagree." it was never about integrity in journalism or whatever their stupid cover story was.
Pretty much. Even if it came down to cutting off your nose to spite a face, they would do it as long as it "BTFOs the SJWs". Like that's the entire core of their philosophy. If an SJW had an agreeable and reasonable opinion once in a blue moon, they'd still hate on that opinion and hope that it gets BTFO just because it came from an SJW. You can actually see it happen with e-celebs like TB, Maddox, etc. It's either SJW or cu ck, really.
In all honesty the drama with TheZoePost would've probably blown over after a few days if Moot and other websites didn't decide to delete fucking everything.
That's some nasty revisionism. It's pretty clear you weren't there during the events.
all of this is good and all
but what really makes me sad is that people used gamergate for their own agendas, specifically right leaning ones while it was all for political neutrality.
it's a big mess right now and no one wants to touch it with a 10 foot pole
>the group/message was "fuck zoe,"
That message was felt across at least five guys.
Yeah, I know. I've had arguments with those idiots.
You missed the part where any game not made by or about straight white dudes gets buried in autistic screeching about SJWs. Because that's their legacy. Just fucking things up for everyone.
Gawker's demise was solely due to their own gigantic fuckups
Before GG, hearing that somebody played videogames was usually a positive. These days it's a tossup on whether or not they are chill/dorky enough for me to want to be around.
It also pushed sincere grill gamers farther back into their holes. The two I know no longer attempt to talk about vidya IRL unless they already know the person they're talking to.
I won't believe in meme magic until Sup Forums somehow tricks the rest of the world into disregarding ciswomen for boipucci.
I use Sup Forums. I don't like Trump much. He's a real blowhard. I'd vote for him again though. I want Ron Paul.
I used to be friends with Zoe Quinn on steam, pre gamer-gate
>I was entirely supprtive of GG's initial sentiment.
sooo attacking women because of there gender???? get the fuck out of my V you mysogynist shitmaster
nah, I watched the whole fiasco unfold. it was bullshit drama right from the start. the fact it got even more bullshit later doesn't change that.
People are generally more dismissive of Gaming Websites, and Gaming Websites have stepped up their game, not by much, but its something.
The nobodies have their reputation stained somewhat and.
who cares
I can smell sarcasm miles away
>>FTC: Websites can no longer make news story's that are disguised as advertisements.
That's been in the works for ages, GG had little to do with it. There were already existing regulations for all the other media, FTC has been wanting to extend that to the internet for a while.
>>Gawker: GG caused Gawker millions in advertisement money. They no longer exist.
Endless lawsuits culminating in the big Hogan one is what killed Gawker. GG's campaign was a minor hiccup.
It caused the field to close ranks and it made Youtubers like DSP more popular.
It's also Sup Forums
That's all I care about. Politicians always screw you over, but atleast this one triggers the "people" I hate so much.
I'm not even american and Trump makes even the leftists here mad and I love it.
Ah yes, the autistic screechings from people pretending to represent the "movement" who are now seen as the only part of the movement because that gets sympathy and attention.