What's the better source material for a video game?

What's the better source material for a video game?

The books.

I take it you don't like Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor?

I love Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor GOLD Edition.


>10 years down the line we'll get amazing GoT games


I don't know what the image on the right is of. A man, I think but from what I can't say.



Depends what kind of game you want to make. The former for action RPGs, the latter for grand strategy (although they would both work for the genre).

Wheres my Circle of the World and Black Company videogame already

fucking hell what a joke, so glad this shit is over so that scumfuck normies can stop bleating about this drivel every fucking day

>female representing STR

What's this pic?

HAHAHAHA this is fucking laughable.


Why do neither have a game with character creation? Not counting Mountain Blade mods, like the devs who make games based off LotR or GoT think I want to play as Aragorn or Jon Snow when I really want my character in their worlds.


Well the new Middle Earth game turned the literal spawn of pure evil Shelob into a hot milf so it's not like anybody actually pays attention to Tolkien's writings anymore

Tbf, this kind of thing wouldn't happen in the books. Makes no sense that Arya is suddenly an expert fighter


but she trained with master assassin and practiced before how to control her body movements

It ain't happening Razorcuck

A game wouldn't catch the magic of lotr.

Master assassins aren't fighters retard. The only sword training she got was from Syrio

>Master assassins aren't fighters retard
They obviously were. If anything they needed to be when they had to pretend to be fighters.

yah you want to cry about something arya is like the most developed and complex character whos been trained the most and prepared the most out of all other characters

go cry about fucking useless ass sansa or that fucking midget child bossing around 50 year old war experts or fucking danny and her invulnerable deus ex machina shit dragons

Batman tier button mashing spam execute attacks arrow time repeat the same mission for the whole game garbage.

People who like ME:SoM are retarded

Not sure why everyone's flipping their shit about that, I mean shapeshifters are a thing in fiction.

and Brienne has been training with a sword for as long as Arya has been alive. This is before accounting for the fact that no one that small with a sword that small can stop a full bodied attack from someone that big with a sword that big with such easy, weightless, and one-handed movements. The books aren't great by any means, but they don't shit hammer suspension of disbelief into the mud by having actual little girls casually punching a dozen times above their weightclass.

the entire show and the books it is based are garbage you piece of shit

yes no one will disagree that that part is stupid

You're kidding right? She's blessed by a fucking god to be someone else and your worried about the realism of a sword fight? kek.

Adventure game.
Grand Strategy game.

she did blind fights with the waif as part of her training in the show. i'm sure the books probably go more in depth.

they're doing a training fight so obviously they're holding back a little and Brienne learned to fight one way that best advantaged her and Arya being a smaller person learned to fight as a smaller person in ways to counter against bigger people. I'm not 100% excusing it but the proper training leads to proper results

Game of thrones is too centered on the people, the world is just there to facilitate them. Lord of the rings is centered on the people, but they feel like they have a place in the world, if that makes sense. Like, you read about battles and events happening without major characters, but in got nothing happens unless a main character gets to stare slightly to the side of the camera for several seconds.

1. rts
2. rpg
3. mmo

1. rpg
2. rts
3. mmo
4. action-adventure

No, they weren't. They use subterfuge to kill their targets, nothing ever indicated they were particularly skilled fighters.


>What's the better source material for a video game?

Both are limiting in their own way.
LotR in terms of the limited world and ASoIaF for it being low-fantasy.

I feel that you could do more with say the Malazan series.

If that's a training fight Arya is going to end up dead later, because those flimsy limp-wristed one-handed blocks would not stop a grown ass man from breaking her in two.

>anything other than complete shit

>Malazan series.

Worth getting into? Got the first book around here somewhere.

SHe wiped the floor and then was wiped the floor with and BAM! already good assassin enough to poison off all them Freys (nearly) off screen.

Wasn't that kid supposed to be fat?

>blind fights
The point was to train her senses, not her fighting skills

How would an MMO in GoT universe work? It's all low fantasy and high politics there isn't anything for a player character to do.

Jaime Lannister, the "King Slayer" from A Song of Fire and Ice/ Game of Thrones.

Ironic that you posted some weeb shit as a responce.

Arya won't fight people straight up, it'll be behind the scenes or some shit.

>tfw no Total War:GoT where you can play Stannis and conquer land

lotr is overdone at this point, and whatever game you can create from lotr, you can do it with GoT as well.

>rapier used by a smaller person deflecting a two handed sword used by a bigger person
I'm fucking triggered

probably set during the war of the five kings or some similar political setting, most enemies would be human soldiers from other faction with the odd supernatural creature like faceless assassins, white walkers maybe drowned people, exotic mercenaries

it was both. what kind of assassin doesn't know how to fight.

Arya isn't going to fight in any wars like Jon. She's a coldblooded killer first and a fighter second. her skills are a total of all her experiences. she's seen Brienne fight before and learned some stuff about fighting from people she's encountered including the Hound. Arya's size is her most obvious weakness so for her it isn't hard to predict how people would try to use that to their advantage and flip the script on them.

Both are perfectly good settings for video games to take place but neither of the stories themselves would make very good video games, so if adherence to the source material is what you're looking for then look elsewhere. Everyone flips a tit over Shadow of Mordor but by the end of his life Tolkien was so pissed off at every fan asking about stupid shit like whether the blue wizards were circumcised or not I'm sure he would have found an instance of someone just doing what they wanted and trying their best to tiptoe around the actual plot relevant stuff refreshing.

As for Game of Thrones the books are poorly written pieces of shit anyway. The show is objectively better in almost every way.

>Worth getting into? Got the first book around here somewhere.

Yeah they're good. Heavier focus on the overall story and world over a handful of characters. The setting is pretty different from most fantasy novels.

I might start watching this again solely for Sophie Turner

When's Westeros: Shadow of Fire and Ice?

Game of Thrones would be absolutely amazing.

But I also love Tolkien so it's a tough choice.

viggo mortensen was such a fucking awkward actor in lord of the rings and nobody ever seemed to notice

At least she's moving around most of the time, using her size to her advantage. I've seen worse bouts in my life.

No one needs another GoT game besides this

That all sounds good and well but at the end of the day you can be as clever as you want and not actually make up for the massive difference in reach and muscle mass against anything but the most bumbling and foolish of opponents. There are reasons we have weight classes in sports-fighting, and while weapons mitigate a lot of those reasons they don't mitigate them to the tune of little girls beating up grown men if the man knows even half of what he is doing.

>what kind of assasin doesn't know how to fight
Not saying she doesn't, but taking Brienne on like that is ridiculously bad writing

Kill Frodo

I was too busy swooning.

>its all shit!
youre a shitter and your opinion is shit, whats the point nigger? to shitpost liek a cancerous cuck from reddit because your insecure and have no friends and will spend another night alone infront of the computer spamming low quality posts on Sup Forums?

she trained with most skilled sword fighter who instructed kings and queens, brienne is just a brute

>what is fencing
youre an idiot
fencing is literally high skill swordplay,

>limp wristed
you dont need to cut a man in half to kill them, 1 cut is all you need , fencing can take down 100 men with low energy and effort esp when they are low skill no training plebs with swords

you seem like an idiot who watches too much MMA

>pseudo-medieval perriod

then they fail the very thing they claim to worship: become someone else.

>As for Game of Thrones the books are poorly written pieces of shit anyway

Neither are particularly good. The series does shit like sacrifice characters for exposition and make try and make characters like Cersei "nicer" and more justifiable.
Stopped reading the books and following the series a while ago, but if what I heard that Jaime supported Cersei after he started hanging out with that executioner the series is 100% legit shit.

Makes sense within the story, her training was more intense than the training monks get in temples, it was 24/7.

It's been YEARS too (more than she has actually aged in real life), by this part of the story, she's already an adult.

It's a TV show, people.

>Worth getting into? Got the first book around here somewhere.
Not that user, but definitely - it's my favourite fantasy series. Prepare to be dropped into the middle of a narrative with little explanation, but the important parts are all easily comprehensible, you just don't have the context yet, which rewards rereading it later. The second book onwards are more straightforward.

>that absolute asspain over someone not liking his fantasy tripe
>that spacing

you HAVE to go back

Is this bait or are you literally retarded? Parts of this read like the katanapasta but with euroshit.

lotr setting includes shapeshifters already, Sauron for example was the most skilled one in that kind of magic. The problem is Shelob was never described as being a magical shapeshifter but just an evil spider made of evil.

he was dedicated as fuck, though

What was the name of that horrible ASOIAF mod for Mount and Blade that featured things like tripping over, losing a fuckton of stats for no reason from random events and general shit for balance?

You mean become no one

asoiaf doesn't go far beyond being a mildly historically based setting with some fantasy strewn in. The stories in the setting are entertaining schlock but the setting itself has little appeal, at least for me. Actual history offers a more interesting setting.

LOTR is far more fantastical and interesting as its own setting.

Wasn't she trained to not do stupid shit while fighting?
I remember a clip of something like that

>lotr setting includes shapeshifters already, Sauron for example was the most skilled one in that kind of magic. The problem is Shelob was never described as being a magical shapeshifter but just an evil spider made of evil.

Considering what Shelob actually is it's not a stretch that she could shapeshift or create an illusion.

In any case, it's fanfiction so who cares.

It's a TV show with shit fight scenes because they didn't hire a fucking fight instructor to make things look moderately feasible

>tripping over
you've gotta be shitting me
what is this, smash?

Oberyn was easily beating Gregor in their trial fight, though. The only reason Gregor won was because Oberyn was stalling in order to make him admit a past crime for all to hear. Which Gregor did, but no one could hear him over the sound of him crushing Oberyn's skull with his bare hands.

Oberyn is a far bettet fighter than Arya, and Gregor is all about strength, no finesse, but he'd probably get Brienne in a fight.

Glad I dropped this shit in season 2

GoT/ASOIF Would make an awesome Total War/Rance-like Turn Based Strategy game.

like if you were walking backwards you would trip and fall and the mod author was hella insistent on defending this

>missing out on battle of the barstards

I feel sorry for you.

That's different. Parrying attacks and dodging them is different.

>In any case, it's fanfiction so who cares.
That's kinda the point. Fanfiction is "good"/acceptable when it's believable within the setting. When it starts going full retard and ignoring established facts within the very setting it becomes shitty trash that is both low quality by itself and also disrespects the original world. So you can see why people are bothered by Shelob being turned into widowmaker

You can always keep not watching it

As i said, Shelob being able to shapeshift/use illusions is not a stretch if you actually know your lore, as is her motivation for wanting to help Talion.

There is a world of difference in that fight (an agile spear fighter who fully utilizes the outer limits of his weapon's reach and a slow-acting poison that requires only a tiny scratch to deliver it's payload against a giant of a man who has been able to rely on intimidation and brute force and is wearing double-thick full plate and swinging around a double-wide great sword) and the one in the webm- they aren't even remotely the same situation. That said the size difference between the two is similar, but you don't ever see Oberyn casually deflecing Gregor's attacks, because it's simply not feasible and whoever choreographed the fight wasn't a dumbass- he stayed the fuck away instead and picked at openings.

There was a random event that /vg/ loved to bring up where basically you found some berries in the field and if you ate them, you would lose stats due to food poisoning, but if you didn't eat them you would trip down because you were focusing on the berries and lose stats anyway.

>muh epic battles dude bro lmao
Normies need to leave Sup Forums forever.

A) this was a just some sparring
B) it's bullshit claiming arya just sucks as a fighter because she had trained earlier, than with the faceless men, and was travelling quite a lot with the hound.

>doesn't enjoy a good army clashing, ew they're scary i wanna watch my anime girls kiss mummy

Normies need to leave Sup Forums forever.

so they can become someone else from then

it wasn't even a good battle, tell him to fuck off

Name a better one