Only nu-male redditors will disagree with this

Only nu-male redditors will disagree with this.


I've never seen something so right

How new does a game need to be to be declared modern?
Some of those are now 10 years old

>4 Bethesda games
underage b8

This is a really solid list honestly.

>The Last of Us
other than that I agree

Replace skyrim with Nier Automata and MGSV with persona 5 and you win

Is this ironic? Because this is exactly what a redditor would like

What's wrong with GTA IV and Bloodborne?

tfw you don't even know if this is ironic shitposting or not at this point

I just finished Wolfenstein New Order. I fucking hated it. What's the appeal?

>GTA 4
>Witcher 3
>MGS 5
>The Last of Us
>Yakuza 0
remove those and you've got a solid list

>some games in that image doesn't have drop shadow like the rest

That concerned me more.

I made it slightly more accurate for most of the population (outside of Sup Forums)

>Yakuza 0
>Witcher 3
nothing wrong with these

it's the game that was literally designed for nu-male redditors

Take away Skyrim and then I will agree

Why exactly do people like the new wolfenstein so much? Its like the new doom, but boring

Doom and dishonored shouldn't be on this list. Good games, but not memorable or classic.

New Doom and new Wolfenstein are fun games.

You forgot something

>if reddit likes it, it's bad
Le reddit boogeyman haha xD

That's a really nice list t b h

For me the list would be better without skyrim and TLOU, but is a pretty good list overall.

>Manchild wii shit
>nu-males will disagree

nice try

bloodborne also looks like shit with that forced CA and 30fps and skyrim is barely saved by mods

I am glad to see nobody disagrees with Mario Galaxy being on that list.

What about new vegas? I thought its fairly popular among people, not just hardcore gaymers.

ninten-drones should be fucking gassed

I also recently got W:NO and holy fucking shit the game is horrible. Sure is fun pressing E all the god damned time and the stealth sections.

any better?

Literally this. Doom has fun gameplay, wolfenstein is literally just a totally average shooter which pauses the action every 50 seconds for brooding dialogue

This game actually any good?
Also why is Skyrim here, and MGS V and not MGS IV?


Holy fuck, nice catch

i disagree, all mario shit is garbage.

i havent played dishonoured 2 yet but the first is a really good stealth game for people who hate stealth

thats actually a good thing

If you wanna list an RPG, at least list a good one, like New Vegas

there are no forced stealth sections apart from in the dlc

Except for Skyrim and TLOU I'd say the list is mostly correct. I'm not sure if those two were put on there as b8, TLOU isn't really a game and Skyrim is mediocre all-round despite the commercial success.

>crossing out blooodborne
>leaves GTA IV in
Let me guess, PC kuk?

how so?

>TLOU isn't really a game
But it is

Im not a fan of it because gameplay is always king for me but i can definitely understand why some people would like it

On that list only Skyrim is made by Bethesda

Where's undertale?

Add Red Dead Redemption and New Vegas, remove Skyrim and MGSV.

+Persona 5

The gameplay is atrocious, it's more like a fucking visual novel. That's why I said it wasn't really a game.

Wolfenstein was a shit game. Why do you fags like it?

How are games that came out less than a year ago "classics"?

Do you even fucking know what classic means?

weebshit visual novels aren't games redditor

Delete the following from the list:
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Yakuza 0
No Moe Heroes

I liked it before I played the new doom. Now i fucking hate it

>Deletes galaxy 2 and not 1
>deletes no more heroes

Replace MGSV with this masterpiece

>all these underaged redditors shitting on tno while praising nu-doom



pic related should be considered a modern classic by any definition

i mean if it came out 15 years ago it literally would be a classic

Wolfenstein should have just been Doom with Nazis

I haven't played any of those but I'll take your word for it.

Wolfenstein is slow as shit with run-of-the-mill gameplay and cutscenes with some health overcharge and hipfire added to it

How the fuck can you say liking DOOM makes you a redditor but liking TNO doesnt

DOOM is almost a perfect return to form in the current year

nu-wolfenstein was the best game of 2014 and easily the best of the 2010s. gas yourself weebs

geez dude, what the fuck do you play


>Calling people nu-male Redditors when you like nuDoom, The Last of Cucks, *Tips*borne, Skyrim, Super Mario Galaxy 1, Yakuza 0 Nuance to Any of the Combat, No More Jank, Xenoblade MMO Combat, The Bitcher 3: More Lame-ass Bam Ham Combat with Detective Vision, GTA: All the Cars are Boats, the World is Shit, and Niko is so SAD You Guys :*((((, and finally MGS: Great Controlling Character Stuck in the Worst Game of All Time

Fucking hell just go home

the problem with it is that although it's a pretty good game it doesn't do anything new or innovative.

>responds with reddit spacing

good job

Add New Vegas in the list

>Classic game in modern times

Game play is shit( especially compared to Doom)
Story is shit
Cutscenes everywhere
Levels are linear

Why try to fix what's not broken?

>reddit spacing
what hyper autism is this

Put RDR on that and I agree

Why? It was boring in my opinion with a lame forced story. If you want a good shooter to play around that time, pick up the rise of the triad remake.


do you have to do something new or innovative to be considered a classic? why meddle with something that clearly works when there arent many games of that type in the market

>Galaxy 1 & 2
Plenty of other great Nintendo games you could've chosen.

I disagree.

Only Doom, Wolfenstein, and Bioshock deserve to be there of the western games.

>ctrl+f prey
>0 results

Shouldn't Sup Forums be sucking this game's dick?

Spore with darkinjection and platinumspore
Neverwinter nights 1
Dorf fort
Deus Ex/GMDX
I'm clinically diagnosed with Asperger's.

>Plenty of other great Nintendo games you could've chosen.
I'll indulge you, what other Nintendo games could OP have chosen instead of those two?

After 2000 I'd guess, going off that pic.


Get Doom and Wolfenstein off the list and it will be somewhat reasonable.

t. nu-male

why do you hate fps

>The gameplay is atrocious, it's more like a fucking visual novel. That's why I said it wasn't really a game.
Can't tell if baiting or retarded

Remove Last of Us and BotW.
BotW is a tech demo that completely lacks variety in assets and content and Naughty Dog's gameplay don't hold up for even the short length of their games.

It's the fact that I like FPS that makes me not want to see such shitty examples of the genre being held up as "classics".

so you like 2000s games?

Classics are remembered for years to come. I doubt Prey will be one of them.

>can identify what "reddit spacing" even is.
really fires my jimmy neutrons

List your reasons against D44M.

A Link Between Worlds, and, although I'm not a fan of the series, Fire Emblem Awakening is more deserving than Galaxy 2.

but doom 2016 is literally what an old classic fps would look like if it was made today

not even close. it failed on the basics what makes fps good; shooting... it was bland as hell.

Get that shit out of there and I agree.

I'd be inclined to agree with you if the debate was Galaxy 1 vs ALBW but you're delusional if you think Fire Emblem Awakening is more deserving of a spot on OP's image than Galaxy 2.

I had the impression that people really, really liked the new Prey unless they were autistic fans of the old one.

>List your reasons against D44M.
Melee executions are a travesty and completely destroy the gameplay. That should be enough.

Not him. But the biggest thing that bugged me are the runes, weapon/armor upgrades and rune challenges