>the top 3 GOTY contenders are all early access PC exclusives
how does this make you feel?
>the top 3 GOTY contenders are all early access PC exclusives
how does this make you feel?
Indifferent, I don't play shit games.
You forgot pic related user
>how does this make you feel?
Want to vomit.
Is Escape from Tarkov the game the S.T.A.L.K.E.R people were making?
> the S.T.A.L.K.E.R people were making?
If you consider janitors who once worked at GSC "stalker people" then yes.
Titanfall 2, pubgs, doom, I've been having a fantastic year so far.
get fucked
Makes me feel like you have irredeemable shit taste in video games
>implying tarkov isn't a broken piece of shit right now
lmao, PC gaming is a fucking joke
Only one single guy who ever worked on STALKER is part of the Tarkov team, and he's just a basic dude, not some key member of the team.
It is heavily inspired by STALKER though. Almost feels like the same game at times
Second and third games are COMPLETELY irrelevant though
tarkov is the closest thing we'll get to BLYAT 2 so i love it
Thanks for the heads up on Foxhole though shitposter.
Foxhole is objectively fun and a unique game.
What the fuck Escape From Tarkov is out? How is it? Is there a demo?
jesus christ, fuck off. Tarkov is a massive, steaming pile of shit.
stay far, far away from it. i repeat: do NOT waste your money on that gross game
No, but you'll love it if
>you hated S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'S gunplay
>you are looking for something with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s feeling and asthetic
>you liked S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s looting and exploration
>you are indifferent about S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s paranormal side
Really like the game myself. Can't wait to see what the devs do with the game in the future.
>muh strong woman on the cover
Battlegrounds is easily the most popular game this year that's for sure
I guarantee TLOU2 & RDR's delays are due to them revamping the MP to be more like PUBG
>the top 3 GOTY contenders are all early access stream-bait garbage
Foxhole ain't streambait, though.
What is Foxhole anyway? Is it just another shitty indie?
>The state of pc gaming
What went wrong.
Those are all good.
>turn based
>he likes rtwp
you aren't worth talking to
No, it's good