Is Overwatch worth getting? Does Blizzard have sales on it? Is it fun? What hero do you recommend?
Is Overwatch worth getting? Does Blizzard have sales on it? Is it fun? What hero do you recommend?
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no, no, no, no
You don't have to buy this trash to enjoy the porn, user
this is a shitty meme game made by a shitty meme company who will fuck balancing to extremes and ignore everything the community says while trying to push their forced, artificial ''''''competitive'''''' scene for a game that has hit boxes the size of freight trains.
and the retards who think any of that is okay are going to be the people you play with. so yeah, the community is shit too.
your choice whether you wanna waste your money on it or not.
Overwatch is truly fun, I love that game. Sup Forums is filled with autistic shitskins that hate everything that went mainstream or doesn't fit in their limited views. Trust me, I had a blast with this game.
Some one who's clocked in 450+ hours, no. Don't get it, it isn't fun anymore and balancing is super slow and a joke
I'd advise you not to
It is pretty fun, I recommend it. Everyone telling you no is just engaging in the standard "Sup Forums hates every video game except Fallout New Vegas" meme.
I like it.
>it's IMPOSSIBLE someone doesn't enjoy a weak ass FPS, they HAVE TO be memeing
it's a fps for moba trash niggers who can't aim. press X to win
It's fun for about 5 hours then you realize that blizzard has no idea how to balance characters. I'd say genji is the most fun if you take time to learn him.
>addicted shit-eating drones wanting another victim to turn into a drug addict like them
Do Blizzdrones have no shame?
>Is Overwatch worth getting?
Depends on if you like FPSs and team based games.
>Does Blizzard have sales on it?
Not sure what you mean. If you're talking about the playerbase, I've never had much trouble finding games.
>Is it fun?
Subjective. Again, if you enjoy FPSs and team-based games, you'll probably enjoy it.
>What hero do you recommend?
Soldier: 76 is good for beginners. Lucio is a character that all new players should learn, just for his usefulness. Tracer is fun, but has a deceptively high skill ceiling. Each character's difficulty is rated on a scale of 1-3 stars, which you can check in game.
>Waaaa stop having fun!!!!!
>Only games that I LIKE ARE VALID
Wondering as well.
Mercy looks like a fun hero.
Except it is a pretty universally acclaimed game. It has won a ton of awards, is that usually something reserved for bad games? Perhaps you're the one in the wrong here.
perhaps there is no wrong or right, I think it's a piece of shit and you obviously like it so what's the deal here faggot
its really fun the only reason everyone hates it because their mains are getting nerfed or because of all the SJW controversy. the game is best played when the events are online
>Waaaa stop having fun!!!!!
But that's what the user will get when he joins a fucking quick match and gets screamed at for not playing his character well or picking a non-meta character.
I wish I could break your fucking neck irl, Blizzdrone.
No. It's gameplay isn't good enough to make up for it's shitty balancing, update schedule, and community. The most enjoyment you can get from this game is from the porn, and you don't need to spend 40 bucks for that. Your money will be better spent somewhere else.
Kill yourself you autist, raging over what kind of games someone likes, pathetic piece of shit.
>everyone that likes it feels the need to pretend to know why others say they don't like it
If you have friends. If youre just going to be playing solo, grouping with random people. Prepare for a really bad time. Most people are very negative. And will literally yell at you if you dont pick who they think is the best.
Blizzard seems to kinda treat this like the black sheep of their game family. They dont seem to spend much time on it. Releasing heros few and far between for a game like this.
Soldier is the most classic gameplay mechanics. Easy to start and understand the workings of the game with. Most tanks have a basic premise. Stay away from snipers and sombra until you have a mastery of the game. People will cry endlessly when you pick one. But if youre a beast they will succ
But you don't enjoy games, Blizzdrone. You enjoy eating shit.
Sales like like the Summer sale Steam has.
its only worth when on sale
it's extremely shallow
this post has to be a joke, anyone with an FPS history will laugh at how easy it is to fuck up people with snipers
I couldn't say. Having bought the game close to release, I've never really had a reason to monitor the sales.
>universally acclaimed game
what if i told you all game awards are company circlejerks?
>fallout 3 got an award for best VA
THIS should be enough for people to realize what a clusterfuck awards are
>Is Overwatch worth getting?
Yes, at least I really like it.
>Does Blizzard have sales on it?
Yeah, every three months or so.
>Is it fun?
Dunno. Sometimes I think it's the best game ever and sometimes I think it's the worst game ever. It's easy to come back and play some more so I guess it's fun. Having friends playing will help, though.
>What hero do you recommend?
LĂșcio. Good healer and good DPS if you can put effort into learning wall riding. Check dspstanky if you want to git gud as LĂșcio.
It's a nice casual game where you can just unwind. Though it does have some shitty maps which are not fun at all.
>nu-male sky got like half dozen awards
Laughing every lol
I had fun with it when it first came out, but in its current state it is not even close to worth it. Balance issues, rapidly dwindling community that more and more consists of children, gets worse every month.
>Sup Forums is filled with autistic shitskins
opinion disregarded
If you're not complete garbage at it, on top of having retards left and right weighing you down, you'll get insane 5-10+ minute queue times because Blizz has to protect WoW babbys from getting a slap. Oh, and you have to requeue after almost every game. More time in queues than playing.
>All mobile heroes are really good because Blizz don't want defense heroes to be good at their job
>playing overwatch even though it has a ton of balance issues
>game doesn't give you a how-to on countering heroes when you start, leaving lower ranks to suffer and guess how to kill torb's turret
>you have to google outside of the game for answers
>devs refuse to directly comment on issues like pharmercy, roadhog, scatter, throwers. many things the community wants to discuss are constantly ignored
>only comments made are on stupid posts to show they are "paying attention" to players on the forums/reddit
>patches for hero fixes take months
>a whole class has low winrates
>nerfed 2/6 tanks and 1/4 healers so bad that they aren't fun anymore causing an inflation of only dps teams
>can't play competitive because of the amount of throwers in matches, showing we need a kick system, but devs wont allow it because "it'll be abused" (somehow csgo does fine though)
>no scoreboard in game, letting the blame game begin by that shitty genji who can't hit a thing when things aren't going well
>entire reasoning of devs on balance is covering up their bad design
>hero favoritism
>only shift meta when twitch streamers quit even though a dev personally believed the game was balanced in it's current state
>so balanced, that, only 9/24 heroes were played at their own esports tourney (OWL)
>fix loot boxes because no one is buying their trash rng cosmetic drops anymore, just before summer games so people buy them for the cool skins
>game revolves around cosmetics, leveling up for a box, playing arcade for a box, playing competitive for a gold gun
>no real fun in just playing hard for a win because certain heroes with the least skill are the strongest
Someones gonna argue with my points but you really cant argue that for lower ranks its hard as fuck and bad design/balance
Play nice, play Pharah.
not fun
If you enjoy life get it, if you are a salty grump then maybe not. This game would take out the best of you, or the worst of you
You know how the game would be truly balanced? All heroes are Soldier 76.
So if you care about that, go play CSGO o Call of Duty or something. A hero base game is always gonna "feel" unbalanced. Even though the game does a fair job in making each hero shine.
The reason you think is bad desing in the lower ranks is because you are in the lower ranks, wich means anyone who has skill can wreck with any hero.
Don't listen to the haters they're fucking retarded Contrarians. It's they either can't climb or don't know how to play this casual masterpiece. Enjoy it friend.
Worth getting.
Fun as fuck.
Whoever you want to play senpai
They had a sale once
Pharah is tite
yes it's worth getting
sales on it how? all the updates they have on it are free. the only thing you have the option to buy are lootboxes, which comes with cosmetics and that's it
yes it's fun, but yes the community gets toxic as you rank higher
I personally love Zenyatta. you can fuck dudes up and keep your team alive.
Nope. Unless you enjoy paying for MOBA-tier experiences (get paired with retards and trolls but you can't speak up and say anything because Blizzard bans you for being toxic). It's fun for a few hours, then you realize it's shit.
sorry you never got gud
Game isn't worth playing anymore since the Roadhog nerf. It's like Blizzard hates fun.
>That one "hardcore gamer" who tries to play a casual FPS like Overwatch and he plays bad and gets cucked by literal children for sucking so bad so he get so buttmad he blaims an entire community but his shitty playstyle only worsened his reputation as a player
Fuck man I love Overwatch. Normies BTFO nerds is so much fucking fun.
RIP to my nigga Hog
to all the people saying it's shit, you have to play in custom games, making it way more fast paced. the game is just too slow as it is. super fast is fun though
>i'm a little faggot who hates things that are popular: the post
>being such a stupid, clueless moron that you play the most brain dead, worthless character in the first place
PEBKAC, faggot.
>game doesn't give you a how-to on countering heroes when you start
opinion fucking discarded
how can you be this casual holy shit
what is the game supposed to do for you too
fucking aim or shoot for you?
what the fuck is with neo Sup Forums when did everyone become so lazy
Does blizzard shadow ban people? In other words, if the game thinks you are cheating, does it queue you up with only other cheaters?
Every competitive game I play (in just high plat, too) is filled with people cheating. People on my team, people on the opposing team.
It's just bizarre.
Take it from an user that just uninstalled the game yesterday. I'm sick of all the fucking nerfs and buffs being changed around. Done with it.
no. they make the game worse every update. blizzard has no idea of how to balance their own game
No, Blizzard is still incompetent when it comes to balancing. If something is fun in the game then it will be nerfed or removed sooner or later
What a complete trash falseflag bait thread, you know exactly what the Sup Forums edgelords think about this game
"Awards" are always a popularity contests, it has nothing to do with a game being good or bad
don't do it, don't fall into the same trap I did
>get a loot box
>open it
>it's shit
>"Oh well, next time I'll get something good"
>get a loot box
>open it
>it's shit
>"Oh well, next time I'll get something good"
>repeat ad infinitum
Game was fun for a month or so but Blizzard fucked it.
>he plays for the cosmetics
If you want to play a casual team class based shooter, it's ok. Just don't get mad when you lose because you're shit And blame your team. And just play all the classes, there's literally no reason to "Main" a single hero. Play whoever you find fun.
>not buying 50 lootboxes
No it isn't. But if you really want it you can buy accounts for $22 on playerauctions.
>new character rumored
>hyped like crazy, going to change the dynamic
>nobody knows what it is yet
>here it is, the announcement is finally here
>poc with annoying voice
every single time.
actually the voices of all the characters are annoying.
overwatch is gay and I played it for hundreds of hours before uninstalling it after they added negrobot. it was much better when it first came out. now you get banned for calling someone a faggot, or playing one character for too long. it really is babbys first fps.
>worth getting?
There are, prepare to see it at half price frequently. Although it's well worth the $60 price tag
Most I've ever had. Overwatch single handedly stopped me from offing myself
>recommended hero?
Hanzo is usually welcome on most teams. People will like you for that long range support and game winning ultimate ability
>he plays for the fun of it
Kek user you're too pure for this world
It's like TF2's casual retard cousin, which was already TF and TFC's casual retard cousin.
Get overwatch pls. I don't want this game to die, it's basically my life at this point
Except that listening to the community is the exact reason for shit balancing.
>The widow nerf came from bitching on reddit
>The mcree nerf came from bitching on reddit
>The genji nerf came from bitching on reddit
>The hog nerf came from bitching on reddit
Good, I hope dva, tracer, sombra, and Winston are next.
Its close to death, dont bother. But if you do play, learn an offence, tank and support. Zarya is fun. Ana is fun, Lucio is fun, soldier is always viable. But find a style you liked and play that. But everyone and their grandmothers play dps, good healers and tanks are the best.
fun game
you seem to think the community is the problem and not the game's trash core design
No, its popular right now. Buy it in like 3 years when it becomes obscure
Hanzo, especially on attack
i bought it and regret it hard, it's pure trash
Game is far too reliant on team comp and there are too many 1-hit kills for it to be fun
>"Sup Forums hates every video game except literally all Japanese ones"
So was The Last of Us.
So was Bioshock Infinite.
So was Fallout 4.
So was Gone Home.
So was Call of Duty.
So was Dragon Age: Inquisition.
So was Undertale.
What is your fucking point?
They're all shitty gimmick games tho. And you don't even get XP.
Very fun if you have friends to play with that don't mind fucking around. Lots of unique characters (plus a ton ripped straight out of TF2 but most are done better here), the only downsides are the shit maps
Somebody's mad they suck at Overwatch, keke
not an argument
Yes it was like 40% off after the free weekend. It does occasionally go on sale.
would alternate kits save this shit? something like Tracer gets five blinks and no recall? Or Rein's shield gets 1000 more hp but no fire strike?
it is legit just easymode tf2, complete with codguy 76 to get bros into the game.
every class is either a simplified tf2 character, a simplified tf2 subclass, or a simplified character from another game.
i'd rather have random crits than win buttons any day.
not to mention the story is predictable trendy shit.
almost every character is a poorly written token minority that only exists for SJW bux.
tf2 takes generic archetypes and twists/exaggerates them,
this game is just straight up generic archetypes.
>Sup Forums claims Overwatch is easy as hell
>none of them are Grandmaster/Top 500
Oh I am laffin
One is just going to end up objectively better and the other may as well not exist.
You can buy it cheap at a retailer too, you know. It's not like you need to wait for Blizzard to find a sale.
>getting to top 500 in a game that you don't enjoy
i'm laffin